New rules and units for A&A Europe (1999 version)

  • Hello…

    Background:  I only own and have only played Axis & Allies Europe.  I did think about puchasing the board from the more recent edition for the extra territories in Russia and the Atlantic.  However with half the board taken up by Africa and South America I’ve been put off.

    I’ve only played against my family members and a couple of friends so my player base is relatively small.  I realise that the general view is that this version of A&A is broken and not worth playing, however by buying new units from HBG I’ve hopfully been able to breath some new life into the game.

    My main issues are:
    Germany drives to Moscow with a large stack of tanks and infantry, ignores everything else.
    Russia just builds infantry and hopes to hold out
    Britain is just a small extension of the U.S.
    U.S. builds bombers and enough of a navy to support a Normandy Invasion

    You can tell who is going to win after 1-2 turns.

    Pretty much all games are played the same with the same units being purchased.

    I’ve made some new rules up along with new units.  I do not claim that all of these ideas are my own as I have read a lot of the posts by many of the enthusiasts that post in this forum.  They all have a better understanding of A&A as a game and WW2 history in general.
    I have simply added to my own thoughts onto the game I’ve played against the people I play against, with some ideas borrowed from those with a lot more insight than myself.

    I realise that these rules will most likely not work for A&A Global which I’m fine with as its not likely that I will purchase that version of the game.

    However if you have time please have a look and let me know what you think.  Are some rules/units broken and if so what changes do you suggest.

    I’ve only had a couple of games with most of the new rules/units and nothing too major has jumped out yet.  However that is with not all of the units being purchased or having them interact with all of the other units.

    In saying that the game now does lean towards being more even with victory going either way and with all parts of the board being used.  As well as the limited use of large stacks of units as players now fight on many fronts with mixed armies of an assortment of units.

    Not all players get access to all of the units (ie heavy tanks: German and Russian only, while British get a heavy infantry tank). US did not have heavy tanks so I’m happy historically that that they don’t get one in the game. They will have to do with what they had on hand in history as well as in the game, Sherman’s.

    I’ve also not implemented a tech aspect to the game but I’ve gone with units being unlocked on certain turns depending when historically they were developed.

    Thanks in advance for the feedback, sorry about the wall of text.


    Ground Units: Infantry

    A1 D1 M1       Cost 3

    A1(2) D2 M1   Cost 3  (Wheat:1)
    Special: Receives +1 attack if paired 1:1 with an artillery unit.

    Motorised Infantry
    A1(2) D2 M2   Cost 3  (Oil:1)
    Special: Receives +1 attack if paied 1:1 with an armoured unit.
    Special: Can Blitz when paired 1:1 with an armoured unit.

    Mechanized Infantry
    A1(2) D2 M2   Cost 4  (Oil:1)
    Special: Receives +1 attack if paired 1:1 with an armoured unit.
    Special: Can Blitz when paired 1:1 with an armoured unit.
    Special: Can replace an armoured unit as a casualty.

    Panzerfaust Infantry
    A1 D3 M1       Cost 4  (Wheat:2)
    Special: When defending on a roll of 1 or 2, destroy an enemy armoured unit.
    Special: Can only be built after turn 4.

    A2 D2 M1      Cost 4   (Wheat:2)

    A1 D2 M2      Cost 4   (Wheat: 2)
    Special: Can cross over one sea zone when moving unless the sea zone is occupied by enemy surface ships (excludes Transports).
    Special: After the first round of ground combat if any commandos survive the defending player looses IPC’s equal to the value of the territory (only happens if territory is not conquered).
    Special: After the first round of combat, surviving commando units may withdraw to their starting territory.

    Ground Units: Artillery

    A2 D2 M1      Cost 4   (Wheat:1)
    Special: Gives +1 attack to an Infantry or Motorised Infantry unit when paired 1:1.

    Mechanised Artillery
    A2 D2 M2      Cost 4   (Oil: 1)
    Special: Gives +1 attack to an Infantry or Motorised Infantry unit when paired 1:1.
    Special: Can Blitz when paired 1:1 with an armoured unit.

    Heavy Artillery
    A3 D2 M1       Cost 5   (Wheat:1)
    Special: Gives +1 attack to an Infantry or Motorised Infantry unit when paired 1:1.
    Special: Limited Production (only two units available at any one time).

    Ground Units: Armour
    Special: Can Blitz.

    Light Tank
    A2(3) D2 M2   Cost 5   (Oil:1)
    Special: Receives +1 attack if paired 1:1 with a Tactical Fighter Bomber or a Tactical Dive Bomber unit during the first round of ground combat.

    Medium Infantry Tank
    A2 D2 M1       Cost 5   (Oil:1)
    Special: Gives two infantry units +1 attack if matched 2:1.

    Medium Tank
    A3 D2 M2       Cost 6   (Oil:1)
    Special: US/British unit can only be build after turn 2.
    Special: Italian unit can only be built after turn 4.

    Late War Medium Tank
    A3 D3 M2      Cost 6    (Oil:2)
    German an Russian unit can only be built after turn 4.

    Heavy Infantry Tank
    A3 D3 M1      Cost 7    (Oil:2)
    Special: Long Range Strike: during the first round of combat enemy must remove an armoured unit first for a successful hit.
    Special: Gives two infantry units +1 attack if matched 2:1.

    Heavy Tank
    A4 D4 M1      Cost 7    (Oil:2)
    Special: Long Range Strike: during the first round of combat enemy must remove an armoured unit first for a successful hit.
    Special: German unit can only be built after turn 3.

    Tank Destroyer
    A2 D3 M2      Cost 5    (Oil:1)
    Special: When defending on a roll of 1 or 2, destroy an enemy armoured unit.
    Special: Italian/Soviet Union units can only be built after turn 2.
    Special: US/British units can only be built after turn 4.

    Air Units

    Air A3 D3    Surface A1 D1    M4     Cost 5 (Oil:1)
    Special: Can attack (1) /defend (1) during a SBR.
    Special: Cannot detect or attack Submarines.

    Long Range Fighter
    Air A3 D3    Surface A1 D1    M6     Cost 6 (Oil:1)
    Special: Can attack (1) / defend (1) during a SBR.
    Special: Cannot detect or attack Submarines.
    Special: Can only be built after turn 3.

    Jet Fighter
    Air A4 D4     Surface A0 D0   M2     Cost 7 (Oil:1)
    Special: Can attack (2) / defend (2) during a SBR.
    Special: Cannot detect or attack Submarines.
    Special: Can only be built after turn 6.
    Special: Limited Production (only two units available at any one time).

    Early War Tactical Dive Bomber
    Air A2 D2    Surface A2 D2    M4     Cost 5 (Oil:1)
    Special: Cannot detect or attack Submarines.

    Early War Torpedo Bomber
    Air A1 D1    Surface A2 D2    M2     Cost 4 (Oil:1)
    Special: Can only attack naval surface ships.
    Special: Can detect Submarines.
    Special: Only counts a 1/2 a unit when placed on an Aircraft Carrier.

    Mid War Torpedo Bomber
    Air A2 D0    Surface A2 D2    M4     Cost 4 (Oil:1)
    Special: Can only attack naval units (includes Submarines).
    Special: Can detect Submarines.
    Special: Can only be built after turn 4.

    Tactical Fighter Bomber
    Air A2 D2    Surface A2(3) D2  M4   Cost 6 (Oil:1)
    Special: Cannot detect but can attack Submarines.
    Special: +1 attack if paired 1:1 with an armoured unit or any combat surface ship (excludes Transport).

    Tactical Dive Bomber
    Air A1 D1    Surface A4 D1      M4    Cost 9 (Oil:1)
    Special: Can detect but not attack Submarines.

    Medium Bomber
    Air A1 D1    Surface A3 D1     M4     Cost 8 (Oil:1)
    Special: Can conduct a SBR on an enemy Industrial Complex or homeland territory.
    Special: Can detect but not attack Submarines.

    Heavy Bomber
    Air A1 D1    Surface A4 D1     M6     Cost 10 (Oil:2)
    Special: Can conduct a SBR on an enemy Industrial Complex or homeland territory (+1 to result).
    Special: Can detect but not attack Submarines.

    Light Transport Plane
    Air A0 D0    Surface A0 D0    M4     Cost 6 (Oil:1)
    Special: Can transport 1 Infantry during non-combat movement.
    Special: Can transport 1 Paratrooper during combat movement.
    Special: Subject to AAA fire and air combat.  If eliminated any troop carried is also eliminated.

    Heavy Transport Plane
    Air A0 D0   Surface A0 D0   M4      Cost 7 (Oil: 1)
    Special: Can transport 1 infantry unit, Artillary or Light Tank during non-combat movement.
    Special: Subject to AAA fire and air combat.  If eliminated any unit carried is also eliminated.
    Special: Can only be built after turn 2.

    Naval Units

    A2 D2 M2    Cost 8 (Oil:1)
    Special: Cancels Submarines First Strike capability on a 1:1 basis.
    Special: Can detect Submarines.
    Special: Can shore bombard for an attack of 2 during the first round of an amphibious assault when paired with a Transport that unloaded units (1:1 basis).

    A3 D3 M2   Cost 9 (Oil:1)
    Special: Inbuilt AAA with a defence of 1. Receives 1 defensive roll during each round of combat with air units in addition to its normal defence.
    Special: Can shore bombard for an attack of 3 during the first round of an amphibious assault when paired with a Transport that unloaded units (1:1 basis).

    A4 D4 M2   Cost 20 (Oil:4)
    Special: Takes 2 hits to sink ( repairs automatically at the end of combat if not destroyed.
    Special: Inbuilt AAA with a defence of 1. Receives 1 defensive roll during each round of combat with air units in addition to its normal defence.
    Special: Can shore bombard for an attack of 4 during the first round of an amphibious assault when paired with a Transport that unloaded units (1:1 basis).
    Special: Produces 4 IPC every turn (propaganda value). Maximum of 8 IPC produced from battleships per turn for each nation.
    Special: Torpedo Nrt can be. Ui,t when next to a friendly held territory, cost 4 IPC which can cancel one damage during an attack when defending. Torpedo Net destroyed if the Battleship moves or is destroyed.

    Aircraft Carrier
    A0 D1 M2   Cost 12 (Oil:2)
    Special: Inbuilt AAA with a defence of 1. Receives one defensive roll during each air combat round with air units in addition to its normal defence.

    A0 D1 M2   Cost 8 (Oil:1)
    Special: Can transport 1 armoured unit or 2 infantry/artillary units.

    Cost 6 (Oil:1)
                                         Surfaced.        Periscope Depth.       Submerged.       Silent Running
    Attack.                            2.                   3.                            0.                      0          
    Defence.                         1.                   1.                            1.                       0
    Move.                             2.                   1.                            1.                       0
    Block Convoy.                 Yes.                Yes.                         No.                     No
    Detected Convoy Zone.    Auto.              =<3.                        =<2.                  =1
    Detected Sea Zone.         =<4.              =<2.                        =1.                     =1

    Special: Movement/attack/defence/ detection determined by the status of the Submarine. A submarines depth is determined before combat movement.
    Special: Can dive during combat rather than attacking/defending. Submarine cannot attack/defend and only faces one round of combat.
    Special: Have first strike capability when attacking ( casualty is removed before enemy returning fire, cancelled I’d enemy Destroyer is present on a 1:1 basis).
    Special: Cannot attack another Submarine unless it is surfaced.
    Special: Canot attack air units but can defend if surfaced.

    Each unit attempting to search for enemy submarines must first be moved I to the Sea Zone containing the submarine during the combat movement phase.  During the combat phase each unit searching for submarines would receive a Detection Roll. On each successful Detection Roll a Submarine in that Sea Zone is located (1:1 basis), and is subject to an attack. If any submarine is not located is unable to be attacked however the defending player may elect to surface a submarine so that it can participate in combat.  Units participating in searching for submarines are allowed to participate in combat that turn.


    Sea Mines
    Cost 2
    Special: May be deployed in any sea zone adjacent to a territory controlled by the purchasing nation.
    Special: when a surface sea unit moves into or through a sea zone contains a mine roll one die for each mine present.  On a roll of 1, remove one surface unit and one Sea Mine.

    Mine Field
    Cost 1
    Special: a May be deployed in any land territory controlled by the purchasing nation.
    Special: When a territory is invaded that has a Mine Field, roll one die for each mine present. On a roll of 1, remove one Mine Field and an attacking unit before combat starts. If the territory is conquered remove all Mine Field tokens.

    Rocket Units

    V1 Rocket Site
    Cost 3
    Special: V1 Rocket Site destroyed if territory conquered. Can be built in any territory and the site is placed onto the board at the start of the turn. Each V1 Site allows one V1 Rocket to be built in the territory per turn ( limit one V1 Rocket Site per territory).
    Special: Can only be built after turn 6.

    V2 Rocket Site
    Cost 5
    Special: v2 Rocket Site destroyed if territory conquered. Can be built in any territory an the site is placed onto the board at the start of the turn.  Each V2 Rocket Site allows one V2 Rocket to be built in the territory per turn (limit one V2 Rocket Site per territory).
    Special: Can upgrade a V1 Rocket Site to a V2 Rocket Site for 2 IPC.
    Special: Can only be built after turn 7.

    V1 Rocket
    Cost 2
    Move 2
    Special: Can only attack an Industrial Complex. Rolls one die (-1) and reduce enemy IPC.
    Special: V1 Rocket destroyed if territory is conquered. Cannot be taken as a casualty.

    V2 Rocket
    Cost 2
    Move 2
    Special: Can only attack an Industrial Complex. Rolls one die and reduce enemy IPC.
    Special: V2 Rocket destroyed if territory is conquered. Cannot be taken as a casualty.

    Ground Installations

    Coastal Gun
    Cost 6
    Special: Can be built in any territory. When attacked by an amphibious assault roll one pre-emptive die before the combat round starts.  A roll of 3 or less hits one enemy surface ship.
    Special: Infantry in the territory defend at +1 for the first two rounds of combat.
    Special: Coastal Gun destroyed if territory conquered.

    Cost 6
    Special: Can be built in any territory.
    Special: Infantry units in the territory defend at +1.  +1 bonus cancelled for every attacking artillery or Bomber unit (medium or heavy) on a 1:1 basis.
    Special: Bunker destroyed if territory conquered.

    Submarine Pen
    Cost 12
    Special: Can be built in any territory.  
    Special: Produces one submarine unit per turn at a cost of 1 Oil in the Submarine Pen. Cannot produce Submarines if there is already two Submarines present. Can hold two Submarines that cannot be attacked while stationed in the Submarine Pen.  Submarines stationed in the Submarine Pen are considered to be surfaced.
    Special: Submarine Pen destroyed if territory conquered.

    Anti Aircraft Artillary
    Special: AAA may only involved defensively in land combat against air units. Receives one defensive roll during each round with air units ( maximum number of dice rolled equals total attacking aircraft).
    Special: AAA can be taken as casualties.
    Special: AAA are considered regular units, and do maintain control in regards to Blitzing
    Special: First Strike: can only target air units ( with the exception of Rockets and Jet Fighters).

    Cost 6
    Special: Allows fighters stationed in the territory with Radar to defend in an adjacent region. Fighters return to the territory that they originated from after the battle is completed if able too these they land in an ajacent friendly territory.
    Special: Fighter units defending with a Radar have +1 defence during air combat (includes during a SBR).

  • Other Rules

    Special: Each Oil Derek in a territory and each Convoy Zone that has not been disrupted produces 1 Oil per turn during the Collect Income Action Sequence.
    Special: Oil Derek’s can be the target of a SBR, for every 6 damage caused, 1 Oil Derek is damaged (placed on its side, is righted at the end of the next turn).  Results in the loss of Oil Production from that Oil Derek for the next turn.

    Starting Oil Reserves.                      Starting Territories with Oil Derek’s/Convoy Zones
    Germany. 12.                                  Germany, Hungary, Romania x2
    Italy. 4.                                           Northern Italy
    Soviet Union. 3.                               Caucasus x2 (Soviet Convoy Zone +1)
    Britain. 3.                                        (British Convoy Zones +5 / US Convoy Zones +2)
    US. 10.                                            US x4 (US Convoy Zones +2)
    Middle East.                                 Iran, Iraq (only produces Oil if controlled by an Axis Nation)

    Special: Each nation produces Wheat during the Collect Income Phase. (Wheat represents the population increase, capacity to train/equip troops and the ability to sustain those troops in the field).
    Special: Wheat Production: Total IPC Production divided by 10 (rounded down with a minimum of 1), plus one Wheat for every undisputed Convoy Zone.  The maximum reserve of Wheat per nation is 12.
    Special: Starting Wheat Reserves:
    Germany 10
    Italy 6
    Soviet Union 10
    US 10
    Britain 6

    Special:  Any territory affected by partian activity rolls one die at the start of the German Players turn. On a roll of 1 or 2, place one square Partisan token into the territory. Every Partisan token requires one ground unit present (1:1 basis) otherwise the territory does not produce IPC at the end of the German/Italian Nations turn.  After determining the number of partisans in the territory the German/Italian player rolls five equal to the number of ground units in the territory. On a roll of a 1, remove only one Partisan token from the territory (down to a minimum of 1 token in a territory).  If the territory is liberated by the allies, the Partisan tokens are converted into Infantry units of the liberating nation.  A maximum of 5 Partisan tokens can be placed into any territory.

    Territories that can be affected by Partisan activity: France, Eastern France, Nethelands/Belgium, Norway, Greece, Yugoslavia, Soviet Home Land Territories conquered by Axis forces.  Place one round Partisan token in the non Soviet territories at the start of the game. These initial tokens signify Partisan activity and can affect IPC production but cannot be converted into Infantry if the territory is conquered by an allied nation.  Only subsequent square Partisan tokens can be converted to Infantry by an Allies nation.  These starting Partisan tokens are returned to the territory if it is reconquered by an Axis nation.

    Italian Player
    Special: Represented by brown prices. If Northern or Southern Italy is captured by the Allies and held for one turn(until the end of the Axis players next turn), all remaining Italian pieces are removed from the game.  are an ing territories retain Italian control markers until another countries unit invades that territory. German pieces can move into (conquer, attack from and defend Italian controlled territories.
    Starting Territories: Northern Italy, Southrrn Italy, Morocco, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Tyrrhenian Sea.

    United States
    Special: United States cannot enter the war until turn two unless it’s units/convoys are attacked. United States only collects income from convoys until it enters the war.
    Special: it’s units can move I to Ava t or friendly Sea Zones or territories.

    Moscow/ Leningrad/ Stalingrad/ Egypt
    Special: Germany must conquer and hold any three of these four territories or conquer Britain to win the game (as well as holding Germany).

    Eqyptian Industrial Complex
    Special: Allies start with one Industrial Complex in Egypt where one ANZAC unit or British (+1 IPC) unit can be produced per turn.
    Special: if Egypt is conquered by an Axis nation, one unit can be produced at +1 IPC per round by one of the Acis nations.

    Middle East Territories
    Special: Income (IPC and Oil) from Middle East Territories are collected at the end of the Italian turn and can be shared between Germany and Italy regardless of which nation controls the territories.

    Special: Soviet Union player rolls one die at the start of their turn.  On a roll of 1, during the next turn all Axis units in a Soviet Union Home Land Territory have -1 attack/defence value that turn. (can only happen once).

    Combat Order
    1. AAA Fire (First Strike)
    2. Remove casualties
    3. Air vs Air Combat
    4. Remove casualties
    5. Air vs Ground/Sea Combat (Ground/Sea units do not get to fire except for ships with AAA Fire)
    6. Remove casualties
    7. Air/Ground/Sea vs Air/Ground/Sea Combat
    8. Remove casualties
    9. Air units disengage (attacking units return to orginal al territory, defending units remain but do not take part in remaining battle.  If territory lost air units may retreat to a territory not being invaded if able.
    10. Ground/Sea vs Ground/Sea Combat
    11. Remove casualties
    12. Repeat 10-11

    Attacker may withdraw into an adjacent friendly territory/ or vacant sea zone after any remove casualties phase.
    Defender may retreat into any adjacent territory/or vacant sea zone after phase 11.

    Special: SBR can be conducted again an Industrial Complex or any enemy territory.  If conducted against an enemy territory the lost IPC’s is up to the IPC value for that territory.

    Thanks for reading this far…

  • Extremely well thought out, I wouldn’t play it to be honest, but I admire your creativity.

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Axis & Allies Boardgaming Custom Painted Miniatures







