OK, so you do an AC and 2 TRN. 8 IPC to land units on G1.
And we’ll go with a TRN instead of a DST, though I do believe I said that there were at least 3 blocks, and the AC/TRN/2 INF was one of them.
And the only thing you are sending to SZ6 is 2 SUBs, 1 DST, 4 FIGs (1 dead in Ukraine, 1 being used in SZ12), 1 BOM. The AC and TRNs will NCM to SZ7 after the battle.
Am I reading that right?
67% chance to win
72% to be able to sail through the Baltic TRNs and AC to SZ7
German AF lost 2 FIGs in the process.
As for London being at risk if the US goes to SZ12, I ask again, using what AF and what land units? Throwing everything at the SZ6 fleet leaves you with no AF for a London strike. holding back AF risks loss of the battle completely. And that is with taking TRNs as fodder.
And UK has 4 INF, 1 ART, 1 ARM, 1 FIG, 1 BOM, 1 AA… starting units, plus 2 INF from UK1 build, and the EUS FIG and BOM. You need a pretty good force to crack that… a force you are not going to have after fighting through SZ6. At least on G2. If you wait until G3 to invade using your unified fleet, you won;t take London. Not with UK getting to spend another $28+ IPC’s first…
And let me make sure I am completely understanding you here…
You spend only $8 on land forces as Germany on G1, the rest on Baltic Fleet.
The Luftwaffe is completely tied up on G1 and G2 attacking navy and Egypt, and is positioned in Western to maintain the Sea Lion threat.
You manage to merge a BB, AC, 3 TRN in SZ7, and you land 2 of your 3 surviving FIGs on it.
Do I have that correct?
Now what has Russia been doing during this endeavor?
And how much fleet and AF is the US about to hit the German fleet with?
My whole issue with this fleet link is that it takes a LOT of force to attempt, pretty much every bit of force you can get to the effort. Anything less, and you fail.
Using that much force, leaves Germany vulnerable on the back side.
And once linked, the fleet and remaining AF is not strong enough to take London, and can’t get past the new US ships heading into the Atlantic.
All you can do is retreat back to the Med, if the US does not catch you with their US1 build first…
Wouldn’t it be cheaper to just build the AC and TRNs in the Med in the first place?