• OK, now it’s time to be slightly goofy…  :-P

    Do you prefer Pepsi or Coke?
    How about Ford or Chevrolet?

    Does anyone else face these kinds of mundane little things that segregate people?

    That last part was a joke by the way…  I don’t think any of my friends hate each other based on their soda or vehicle preferences…  :-)

  • You don;t know that many NASCAR fanatics do you?  That Ford/Chevy thing can lead to a fight on race day in a bar :-P

    Speaking only for myself… the divisions that I deal with the most seem to be:
    with/without kids

    Those pretty much are the core divisions that we deal with…
    Our circle of close friends are basically married working people w/o kids… the same as us.
    The rest tends to be a bit more variable…

    Oh, and just FYI:  Coke over Pepsi, and Diet Coke big time over Diet Pepsi (I know, I can be lynched in North Carolina for saying that since Pepsi was born in New Bern, NC… a place I go to for work about once a week :-)

  • Actually, two buddies of mine that I work with are Nascar fans.  They prefer Ford, and I just bought a Chevy recently.  They also prefer Pepsi, while I would take Coke.  We’re still cool with each other, but I just wanted to ask the question.  :-D

  • Toyoda pwns both

  • 2007 AAR League

    Coke! Pepsi Tastes way to sweet.

  • I prefer Coke because it has more caramal flavour, while Pepsi tastes a bit peppery in my opinion. Pepsi is good for slurpies.

    As for the car thing, I like Dodge, but a BMW or Honda will probably outlast all three.

  • Coke products over pepsi products although I love A&W Root Beer both regular and diet and I think that is a pepsi product.


    And I have to agree with Switch. The married/unmaried, retired/working, kids/no kids is the biggest divider. I have being single and working more friends who are single and working. And no kids most of the way around.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Diet Coke, but better yet, Lo Carb Monster!  (I’m not on a low carb diet, I just don’t see the point in drinking 200 calories in the normal formula when I can drink 20 in the low carb one…)

    FORD over Chevy.  Especially early model Mustangs!  {purr}  (But I drive a Toyota…the Escort was too clunky and the Matrix was nice…go fig…)

    Dungeons and Dragons over Axis and Allies

    Dance/Pop over Metal/Industrial music

    Mozart over Bethoven

    And, for the record, none of my friends are married…then again, they’re all kinda loose and party happy, so they don’t want to be married.  One of them even questions the need of a husband, she says that once she gets the guys genetic seed he serves no purpose any longer…I tend to agree - some days.

  • OK…  a few questions Jen…

    Why low carb?  Just do Diet Coke and have zero instead of 20?  Also, jsut FYI, you do know the damage that Adkins can do to both brain and liver right?

    OK, my Ford Aspire was not a bad car, but neither was my Olds Omega, or my Plymouth Duster.  As for old 'Stangs, I will agree, nice classic American Heavy Metal.

    Dungeons and Dragons, I will assume you mean Advanced Dungeons and Dragons, and that you also mean First Edition (the one that has TSR, Inc and E. Gary Gygax’s name on it… otherwise, it is a poor shadow of hte original)

    Mozart over Bethoven?  Are you on crack???

    As for non-married partying friends… you just need to meet partying married folks :-P

  • 2007 AAR League

    And now I see what you guys do BETWEEN A&A moves …

    Low carb? Zero cals? … live a little (from a southern boy) – an RC and moon pie is tough to beat in the dog days of August.
    Cars? … let’s go back a few years … AMC Rambler, 3-speed on the column … it was fun to drive (mainly because the whole thing didn’t weigh 500 lbs)
    D&D … now that brings back memories of college days – oh, the fights I had with dopplegangers. But the DM always made me drop my gold coins to pick up my broadsword …  :x
    The Mozarts I like are chocolate and come in a can … you can get 'em in about any shop in Salzburg… otherwise, put on some Steely Dan.
    And mercy, I don’t even remember what it was like not to be married (23 yrs) or not to have kids (19,18,16) … and personally, wouldn’t want to go back there. Life is TOOOO good …
    Enjoy y’alls company on these boards … and playing A&A… amazing how small the world has gotten in the last decade.


  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    Why low carb?  Just do Diet Coke and have zero instead of 20?  Also, jsut FYI, you do know the damage that Adkins can do to both brain and liver right?

    OK, my Ford Aspire was not a bad car, but neither was my Olds Omega, or my Plymouth Duster.  As for old 'Stangs, I will agree, nice classic American Heavy Metal.

    Dungeons and Dragons, I will assume you mean Advanced Dungeons and Dragons, and that you also mean First Edition (the one that has TSR, Inc and E. Gary Gygax’s name on it… otherwise, it is a poor shadow of hte original)

    1)  Because Monster Energy Drinks only come in Lo Carb and Regular.  Regular is 200 calories, Lo-Carb is 20 Calories.  It’s not an Atkins thing, like I said. :)

    2)  Most assuredely.  Nothing like a 50’s/60’s Mustang, black with leather interior and a nice hunk of man-flesh for that needed accessory!

    3)  What, you mean we’re actually going to give 2nd and 3rd edition credit???  Why would we do that?  I mean, 3rd edition is fun, but it’s not as fun.

  • If we are going to talk Heavy Metal, let’s not forget the Olds 442, or even the Novo with a V-8…
    Personally, I liked my old 75 Duster… slant 6 250…  was enough to toast a Jag in the PA mountains (of course it was some indiot with an SJ6, not an XJS V-12…)

    Energy drinks… just give me COFFEE!  That will perk you up in the AM and keep you going all day, until the time come sfor Newcastle as a downer before bed :-D

    Second Ed had 1 redeeming trait:  non-weapon proficiencies (introduced to first Ed via optional rule books like Dungeoneers Survival Guide).  I have a 2nd Ed Players Handbnook just for the non-wepon proficiencies, and a 4rd Ed Monster Manual just for color prints :-)

  • 2007 AAR League

    I’ve barely remember what regular pop tastes like - I’m a diabetic and so drink good ol’ sugar free diet coke.

    And I’ve never played D&D  :cry: It sounds like fun though. Something to remember when I’m in university.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    If we are going to talk Heavy Metal, let’s not forget the Olds 442, or even the Novo with a V-8…
    Personally, I liked my old 75 Duster… slant 6 250…  was enough to toast a Jag in the PA mountains (of course it was some indiot with an SJ6, not an XJS V-12…)

    Energy drinks… just give me COFFEE!  That will perk you up in the AM and keep you going all day, until the time come sfor Newcastle as a downer before bed :-D

    Second Ed had 1 redeeming trait:  non-weapon proficiencies (introduced to first Ed via optional rule books like Dungeoneers Survival Guide).  I have a 2nd Ed Players Handbnook just for the non-wepon proficiencies, and a 4rd Ed Monster Manual just for color prints :-)

    I drink coffee and mochas (not real coffee, IMHO) and Monsters.

    I have all the 1st and 2nd edition books and I have the PHB for 3rd edition.

  • @Jennifer:

    One of them even questions the need of a husband, she says that once she gets the guys genetic seed he serves no purpose any longer….I tend to agree - some days.

    Ahh yes, “A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle.”

  • I like pop rocks and soda……at the sametime!

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Tube of mentos and a 2 liter bottle of pepsi!

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