@ army man
you could try some of the altrenate set ups. Also triplea has a game called napoleonic empires that is a FFA. It seems pretty popular
Here’s a link to a video I made of my custom overlay’s for HBGs global 1936 map.
I’d love to see if anyone else made their own overlays for axis and allies like games.
Here are a few more examples of my work.
Greater Germania
British Isles 2040
Romanian Redo
The Disunited States of America 2040
Man In The High Castle America 1962
Cold War Central Europe
More of my work
New Sweden
Modern Eastern Europe
New Turkey
Modern Middle east
Modern Central Asia
Modern India
Modern China
New Japan
Modern Southeast Asia
New Italy
Modern Central Europe
New United Kingdom
Iberia 2040
New Brazil
Modern West Africa
Modern East Africa
Modern South Africa
US Civil War 1861 #1
Us Civil War 1861 #2
Modern Axis and Allies arsenal
Custom 1750 Board Game
@buttersurge Do you have rules for this game? it looks really cool.
Hello spitfire, thank you for your comment. Right now I’m play testing the game and am still in the process of writing the rules since I created the game less than a week ago. Although my idea for the game is to essentially design a slightly more complex version of the diplomacy game, set in the 1750s.
@buttersurge Cool, I’ve never played Diplomacy before (cant find enough people), but I have heard its very fun. Let me know about any updates, because I would love to try this game.
American Civil War board game 1861 (stage 1)
@buttersurge Video about civil war map https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZaqAWBbo-U
Video about Global 2040 scenario https://youtu.be/-UXMsK7dzkY
@buttersurge These all look really cool, cant wait till they are more developed. :+1:
Nice work. Any info on the scenario set up or homebrew rules?