each team puts down a set amount of money. lets say $100 each. thats $200 for the game. the winning team gets the $200. Lets say the axis won. Germany, japan, and italy(if playing global1940) count out the total number of allied territories captured add the ipc’s they are worth and divide 200 by that number. say germany captured 20, italy 10, and japan 15. so 200/45= 4.44. germany gets 20x4.4= $88.88 italy gets 10x4.44=$44.44 and japan will get 15x4.44=$66.6. if each player put in $33 or some sort of equivilant to thier starting ipc’s id say they did pretty well. OR they could just split the winnings 3 ways each player gets $66.6.
Plus you could use the money during the game if you wanted.