are is it all just TALK among Geeks
Open for lots of AA42 games at TripleA or anyother format
Come on, come on!!
@Makalakalane hm I’ve been away a long time but I might be interested…
@Deiganator great - send me your email; and I will set up the game and we will figure out who’s who
@WindowWasher email me
My friend and I would like to play an online A&A G40 game. Everybody is welcome!
@Basile_01 would each player control one power?
@WindowWasher We are more used to playing together with one of the two sides (Axis or Allies as a whole), dividing the countries between us. We would like to play against one or more people wanting to play the other side.
@Basile_01 are you looking to do this via YouTube? And would you be doing OOB rules or do you have some house rules?
@The-Chaplain :
Hey, I’m Basile’s friend.
What do you mean by via Youtube? We use TripleA to play by forum or email.
I think the rules are OOB. We’ve played two games with Allied Bids and many games without bids. As long as both party are comfortable, anything goes!
@Robert id be willing to play a minor power for what ever side just for fun
@Robert you record your turn and post it on YouTube. There are some safeguards in place so that people don’t take 15 takes of a video to better their rolls…
@Basile_01 as I said - I’m ready to play you both, while Maxi is taking a break.
@The-Chaplain just play by forum - it’s much easier. You can’t cheat, cos everyone gets an email with dice-rolls. It’s a hassle to check up on, but so far I haven’t experienced anyone cheating yet.
@Robert I’ve never played that way but I’m willing to learn!
@The-Chaplain if you like I can setup a game and we can try. All I need is your email.
Robert and I would be happy to play as whatever side. Do you guys want to play together? If you don’t know each other IRL, it could be simpler to play againt Makalakalane (with whom we’ve been pleasantly duelling for a few weeks now!).
@Basile_01 we don’t know each other at all :) I think it would be an uneven match, knowing what I know about your skills. I don’t know how Chap plays, he might be crazy good, but in 2v2 there has to be some kind understanding/common ground before it’s enjoyable, I think.
@Makalakalane Therefore, we would rather keep playing with you. Let’s bring this discussion to the page of our earlier games!
Sorry @The-Chaplain maybe next time.
Looking for a game of Global OOB. Countdown bid for allies.
No one interested?