@RisingSun I had similar experience, I was big into the naval miniatures but couldn’t afford both. I bought a lot on ebay a year or so ago and have played a few games. It is not difficult to learn especially if you are familiar with the navy side, it’s pretty similar but includes facing. I think it’s a great game and wish I had collected it some when it was active.
British Engineers
I don’t actually have any engineers but while playing the Dieppe Raid scenario I used some Australians for the role. I got the stats from this site and decided that the engineers should be able to blow up obstacles and clear routes through mine fields. The issue is this.
If a churchill AVRE rolls over an obstacle it destroys it. In otherwords it must enter the hex to destroy an obstacle.
An engineer can blow up a bridge on a 4-6 roll. So I let him blow up an obstacle on the same roll. Should I be able to move these guys into a minefield hex to try and roll the 4-6 or should I try to do this from the adjacent hex. If I enter the hex am I subject to the same disruption roll that others are hindered by.
Any ideas.
WotC has already done this:
(Engineer Errata). Royal Engineers now have the special ability - Demolitions: At the end of your movement phase or assault phase, if this unit is in a hex that contains an Obstacle or in a hex with an Obstacle along one of its hex edges, you may roll a die. On a 4 or higher, destroy that Obstacle.
So yes, they have to enter the minefield hex.
So the Engineer enters a tank obstacle hex. He ends his turn there and rolls a D6. If he rolls a 1-3 nothing happens. Rolling a 4-6 means the obstacle is destroyed.
Then the engineer crosses a barb wire fence. Does he have to roll 4-6 to even enter the hex behind the wire? Does this roll also destroy the wire or does it mean that he alone has successfully managed the obstacle and he now needs to make a roll for destruction?
Then the engineer has a mine field placed to his front. Accepting the challenge he enters it. He rolls a 4-6 and the minefield is destroyed. However if he rolls a 1-3 the mine field breach is not completed. Is he then subjected to Disruption or is he okay picking his own way around a mine field by virtue of his training (and high cost).
“At the end of your movement phase or assault phase” not at the end of the Engineers movement.
Unlike the AVRE the Engineer doesn’t take obstacles out as he’s moving, but waits until the end of the phase. This means he still has to roll to get by Barbed Wire or risk disruption when entering a minefield.
Yes, he’s still overpriced - Personally I put him at 6 points so he might see play - but at least they’re trying.