Landing Allied Planes in Russian Territory

  • I was watching a video on YT by Panzer J, entitled HBG Global War 1939 Game 3-A Complete Review. It’s from April, 2020. Panzer J makes mention of plans to fly British planes to aid in the defense of Russian territory.

    I recently learned that there are significant differences in the rules from 1936 v3 and 1939. My question is, in 1936 v3, can Allied units (USA/CW/France) enter Russian territory and vice versa? I suspect this is not allowed. Hypothetically, if the Allies liberated Russian territory from the Germans, then per 9.21, the Russians can request the return of the territory. But there is no provision allowing the mixing of Comintern and Allied forces, correct?

  • '18 '17 '16

    The Allies and the Comintern need to help each other in order to have a chance to win the game. However, they are not on the same team and can’t move into each other’s territory or occupy the same land zone. If they do liberate the other’s territory then Rule 9.1 applies.

  • Super helpful, once again, GHG. I was confused by Panzer J’s comment about flying British fighters to Moscow to help in the defense. Perhaps that is a house rule they play with. But according to the official rules, that wouldn’t be allowed. If the Allies want to help Russia’s defense of Moscow, they really need to do it via lend-lease, correct? Thanks so much!

  • '18 '17 '16

    Yes that’s correct. It’s possible he may have assumed incorrectly and used an A&A strategy to play GW. I have made similar mistakes in confusing the rules of the 2 games in the past. Players will eventually find that none of the A&A strategies work in this game.

  • @generalhandgrenade I have a question building off the allies in Russia question… So, how SOON can the Brits begin landing troops in France?? Do they have to wait until war breaks out?? Or can they start moving infantry/militia into France as soon as turn 1 of GW 36? Since Germany begins by taking Austria they are already indicating aggressive moves on the continent. So wouldn’t it stand to reason that Britain would begin building up forces there sooner than later? They could dump a lot of militia in france and some quality units to help bolster and slow the German attack but if they can’t do anything until France is getting attacked they are going to get toasted and probably not take too many Germans with them? I can’t find a rule that states Britain is prohibited from sending troops as soon as turn 1?


  • @vondox You can only land british units in france once both nations are at war with the same enemy.

    You also can’t land british militia in france as militia can not move outside of the home country.

  • @insanehoshi It hit me 5 minutes after I posted that about the militia rule. As to the ‘at war with a common enemy’ point, does that also cover lend-lease as well? Could the US, UK send an extra 6 IPC’s each turn so France can build 3 militia so they can use their IPC’s to build artillery and planes? The US sent lend-lease to the UK without being at war against Germany? That could add up as much 30 IPC’s of lend lease and 15 militia would make a huge difference against a german invasion. On page 6 the rule states (v3) “A system by which major powers may lend IPP’s to, and produce units for, other nations without the lender necessarily being at war themselves.” The US has some restrictions on their ability to lend-lease and I think they need to meet. If I read the chart correctly they wouldn’t be able to give any aid to France until France is at war with Germany AND they have reached 15IPPs but I can find no restrictions on the UK which would mean instead of 15 they might only get 8 perhaps??

  • @vondox On the National Reference Sheet for Great Britain, you will find that GB can only lend-lease after it is at war with a major power. There are many rules in this game that are only found on the National Reference Sheets.

    There are two good things about lend-leasing to France, though. The first is that France goes immediately after GB, so there is no chance the IPP’s GB sent can be captured by Germany when France falls. The second is as you were suggesting, GB can essentially purchase and teleport militia for France through lend-lease. Note that GB can send up to half of France’s current income (not counting bonus income) via lend-lease. This incentivizes Germany to use their Blitzkrieg special ability to take out France swiftly. If Germany takes out France the same turn it declares war, GB will never have the opportunity to lend-lease.

  • @hbg-gw-enthusiast Hmm… Yep, I went back to the sheet and your right… So, what can be done to help France then?? ( sorry to deviate from the topic at hand ) but what are some strategies that work? If you can’t send lend-lease until France is at war and no troops, it’s really up the French to hold out at least 1 turn I guess. Maybe you get lucky and you can land troops along the western coast if your the brits to prevent encirclement but that’s about it that I can see. Even the 39 set-up doesn’t help the French much… I guess I need to do some more research on this…

  • @vondox There are some strategies out there that allow for France and UK to declare war first on Germany, therefore allowing allied units to be sent to France before Germany attacks. France most likely will not hold out one turn once Germany attacks pre declaration of war by the allies and if France does hold out, Germany is in trouble.

  • @vondox I think the biggest takeaway is that there isn’t a whole lot that the UK can do to help France.

    As is pointed out, the UK and France are technically not considered on the same side until they are at war/wartime income. So no, they can’t lend-lease to each other before that point, and can’t move units into each others’ land either.

    The only way to help France would be if both reach wartime income and assuming Germany as attacked another nation to that point, which they should have done by then haha.

    To me, if it gets to the point where the UK is reinforcing France, Germany has done a bad job opening the game. France should be dealt with before they reach their wartime economy to stop this very thing from happening (plus, the longer you wait, the more France can strengthen itself against an attack).

  • @chris_henry in my current game as Germany I took Belgium in one turn, the next turn I declared war on France and moved my slow moving force to take Picardy. I threatened the surrounding of Paris (with lightning war) and a direct assault on Paris. The UK landed in Aquitaine and France did not have to divide their troops much between two territories (they were able to focus more units in Paris) this helped their defense in Paris when the next round I didn’t use lightning war and instead attacked Paris. The few extra units didn’t matter as I still had overwhelming force including many arty and I took out the French with ease sending the British back on their transports ! This was accomplished because I used all of Germany’s starting income to build 💯 for units to attack France with (except for upgrading my medium factory to a major). This makes a big deal considering the Stsrtung German economy is 4x that of France!

  • @bretters Dang, that’s great that worked for you! Sounds like you had a pretty substantial force to be able to pound Paris pretty well!

  • @chris_henry
    July 36 purchase $20
    $1 Romania
    1 inf
    4 arty
    Annex $2 territory
    Consolidate in Berlin

    Jan 37 $22
    $1 Romania
    3 arty
    1 inf
    Upgrade factory to major
    Annex $1 territory
    Consolidate in Berlin

    July 37 $23
    $1 Romania
    $1 Hungary
    $1 Bulgaria
    5 arty
    Annex $1 Sudetenland
    Position troops to West Germany(ready to hit Belgium )

    Jan 38 $24
    $1 Romania
    $1 Hungary
    $1 Bulgaria
    4 inf
    3 militia
    1 paratrooper
    Attack Belgium

    These troops I purchased plus basically everything Germany starts with hit Belgium and then b Picardy and Paris.

    The $1 towards Romania /Bulgaria / Hungary are my influence rolls to attempt to align the countries with the diplomacy expansion
    The infantry and militia purchased in July 38 are to defend west Germany from British amphibious assault

  • @bretters

    These troops I purchased plus basically everything Germany starts with hit Belgium and then b Picardy and Paris.

    So you take two turns to take paris?

  • @insanehoshi

    This game I did yes

  • @bretters What about Poland?

  • @adalwolf

    I attacked Poland (and warsaw) in July ‘39, the turn After I attacked Paris

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