@witt Hi Leo. Actually 3 Axis and 1 Allied victory - in the second of the 2 games of Anniversary.
Grasshopper’s 3G40 Invitational - (Toronto, August 2022)
@young-grasshopper that is correct.
Hey I found it! I can’t seem to access the rules it says denied but I’m still interested in playing. What should I do now?
@mjdg What do you mean denied?.. click this link…
@young-grasshopper I should have taken a screenshot for you. I’ll check your link.
How can I go about registering for your tournament? -
@young-grasshopper also sorry to bother. Your link works perfect now and I have found this rule set before online.
I also noticed at Harris game designs there are some new NO’s for the British eu and pacific with extra income to be gained by them. Is this not part of the tournament rules? I only ask because they seem to give an even larger financial aid to the UK on both sides of the map. I am currently playing thru using both sets of rules and it seems a little tough for the axis at this point (turn 2). -
@mjdg Any threads posted by me on Harris Game Designs are outdated, please use this site for updated event details and tournament rules.
@young-grasshopper hey YG just saw your Video on YouTube about your own ruleset. Is there already a triplea file available for your Version?
@robson unfortunately no, and I’m not sure if there will ever be one unless someone does it for me… I don’t have the time to learn how.
@young-grasshopper If it’s for the Global 40 map and just rules changes, I can see if triplea can do what you have. If I remember right, there were some things it couldn’t. Might be able to come close though.
Link to your current rule setup if you want me to give it a shot :)
@young-grasshopper Same for me. But I will definately try it out on my board.
@barnee Hey Barnee, thanks for the offer, really appreciate it… I’ll send you a private message
@Contango well i had to rename it so get rid of the txt and put properties in then throw it in the map folder and you’ll need to change the name at the top of the xml to Young Grasshoppers Tournament Edition
@barnee YGmod.tsvg
I have changed the ANZAC nation. Only thing I could not change was the order of play. -
@robson Sweet ! Good action : )
Hey Contango has this thing pretty much ready for a test drive. Could use more testers. You should pm him for the file. Be up soon regardless :)Rock On !
@barnee did someone say test drive???
@mjdg heh heh guess it’s not quite there yet. we’ll give ya a heads up when it is : )
What map are you using for the tournament?
@mjdg It’s available now :)
@barnee awesome!! So what’s next?
@young-grasshopper hello I would like to be added to the roster for the tournament. I have a partner as well. Just trying to figure out the next step