Yakima Valley here. Not Seattle but just making myself known for future reference.
Any players in Sacramento?
The group of us play either on Saturday’s or on Sunday’s. It’s usually nothing crazy planned out in advanced. Usually one of us puts out the interested via group text and we go from there.
We normally play at someone’s home as well…and it’s mainly been global 1940. The whole lot of us, have other versions as well.
I have only played spring 1942 second edition
But I just love the game so much
And have not found anyone to play with
I’m interested in participating sometime -
I got ya! Well, private message me and we can exchange contact info and I can let the group know and try to plan a game day soon to include you.
How do I private message you -
I sent you some private messages.
Your going to have to walk me thru this
If you have the patience -
On the top right of the page you should see a circular chat looking icon, click on that and you should see messages/chats and that’s where you should see what I sent you.
Any other players?
come down to the bay area gathering January 18-19-20 2020
will post in the events section -
Our local Sacramento group has grown quite a bit, are there any other folks interested in joining us?
Im Really interested in playing axis and allies
Again I’ve only played "spring 1942 version "
And I live in Tahoe
Let me know when your next game is -
We have a game planned for the 8th of March.
Time and place
And what should I bring ? Food , drink ?
What’s the game ?
And how many people , how does this work out?
Thanks -
I’ll try to call you friday -
Okay. Talk to you tomorrow.
Send me info on location and time your playing this weekend
@purple Check your “chat” log. We can discuss further through those means.
Any players in the Bay area? San Jose?
I do lol
You are in Tahoe? -
Yes south shore