• '21 '20 '18 '17

    A fine point, sir. It seems that we could “finish the sentence for them” based on our knowledge of the original 42 setup and some guesswork…and I haven’t opened that pack of cards for fear of mixing some of them in accidentally with the base deck. Are the cards distinct? I didn’t look. It seems like a pretty simple request since they presumably already decided on what it should have been…

  • @RogerCooper Ok, sorry for such a long delay but here are the answers to your questions.

    1. First you must understand what Blitzing is. Blitzing is when you, pass through an unoccupied enemy controlled territory on your way to a second combat as part of your 2nd combat move as a tank. So in short, no. If it is zombie controlled, no you have to stop and fight. If it is friendly units with zombies in the territory, then you can move through but it is not a Blitz.

    2. Yes, what a bonus!

    3. No, because the rule states that if you attack a zombie territory with only planes is for only 1 round.

  • @smo63 said in Axis & Allies and Zombies Q+A:

    @RogerCooper Ok, sorry for such a long delay but here are the answers to your questions.

    1. First you must understand what Blitzing is. Blitzing is when you, pass through an unoccupied enemy controlled territory on your way to a second combat as part of your 2nd combat move as a tank. So in short, no. If it is zombie controlled, no you have to stop and fight. If it is friendly units with zombies in the territory, then you can move through but it is not a Blitz.

    But what if this area is ‘Z-controlled without any Zs present’? So the area you want to blitz through has a Z control marker on it but there are no Zs in the very area.
    I would say one then could blitz through this area…

  • Yes, then that is considered Blitzing! There must be no units, enemy or zombies present in an enemy or zombie controlled terrritory for you to blitz through.

  • I guess to answer your original question, Do Zombies stop blitz moves, the answer is yes but only if there are not friendly units present. Then it is not a blitz and a move through a friendly territory on your way to enemy territory.

  • Here is my take on the rules for Zombies. It is not complete just yet but I have most of them down after numerous games played, conversations with SVE and dozens of demos.

    **Hostile Territories = Enemy Controlled, Zombie Controlled or if both Enemy & Zombies are present in the same territory.

    Zombie Occupied = There are Zombie units in a territory you control. Zombies will never control a territory with any Allied or Axis unit(s) present in the same territory.

      Zombie Control of a territory takes place when ONLY Zombies are present in any territory in Phase 3 of the “8 phases of a Turn” during the next countries turn.  Place a Zombie marker        on the country and adjust the IPC chart accordingly.



      ▪ Zombie(s) attack ONLY in territories you control.
      ▪ Each Zombie unit rolls a Zombie Dice and hits on a
      ▪ Add a new Zombie to the territory for each infantry unit destroyed this way.
      ▪ There is no “Return Fire” from any non-Zombie units remaining during this phase.

      ▪ Each Territory that contains ONLY Zombies becomes “Zombie Controlled.” Place a Zombie stain
      in that territory and adjust the IPC chart accordingly.

      ▪ You may move your units out of “Zombie Occupied” territories into hostile territories/sea zones.
      ▪ You may move some or ALL of your units into hostile territories containing Enemy units, Zombies
      units and or both.
      ▪ You may move units that are attacking zombies in a friendly territory during this phase.
      ▪ If you move all of your units out of a “Zombie Occupied” territory, it does not become “Zombie
      Controlled” until Phase 3 of the next countries turn.
      ▪ You may wish to attack Zombies in the territory you are currently in without moving units. Mark the
      territory with a combat marker to remind you of combat in that territory for this round.
      ▪ For all combat moves, all moves must be legal.
      ▪ Tanks may move through friendly territories that are Zombie Occupied on their way to a Hostile
      Enemy territory during combat phase.


    6. Place Units on the Battle Board

    7. Submarine Surprise Strike or Submerge

    8. Zombies Bite

    9. Attacking Units Fire (during normal combat dice rolling, any roll of instantly kills a zombie unit present. That unit is removed from the board since it already bit this turn.)

    10. Defending Units Fire

    11. Generate Zombies (any infantry units that have been killed as part of the combat become zombies at this time and may attack in the next round of combat if the attacker chooses to continue the attack.)

    12. Remove Non-Infantry Casualties

    13. Press/Cease the Attack or Retreat (at this time, if only zombies remain in the territory in which you still have attacking units, you may press the attack or stop. If you stop, the remaining attacking units may NEVER retreat from zombies alone.)

    14. Conclude Combat and Capture Territory (this is with land units only)
      ▪ In this phase you may only Capture Territories with your units and after all enemy units in that given territory have been eliminated.-
      ▪ You will still capture the territory even if you choose to not press the attack and Zombies
      are present after combat.
      ▪ During combat when you have eliminated all enemy units but zombie units still remain,
      you may choose to “Press the Attack.” All left over hits carry over to zombies and all
      “press the attack” rolls are made at each units attack value + the Zombie Head (6).
      ▪ During the Attack Phase all Zombies Hit the Attacker on a roll of on the zombie dice
      and the Defenders on a
      ▪ Enemy Control of a territory takes place in this Phase of the General Combat Sequence.

      ▪ At this time, you may move all units that did not move during the combat move of your turn.
      ▪ This applies to all land and naval units. Land units may move into and through friendly zombie-occupied territories in noncombat movement, even if there are no friendly units remaining in that territory because the Zombies do NOT capture the territory until the next Zombie Phase (3).
      ▪ Air units must return to a friendly territory at this time and to a territory, island or friendly carrier that was owned by your or your ally at the start of your turn.**

  • '21 '20 '18 '17

    @smo63 said in Axis & Allies and Zombies Q+A:

    Tanks may move through friendly territories that are Zombie Occupied on their way to a Hostile
    Enemy territory during combat phase.

    Thanks Greg for narrating out the long version. As to #2, bullet 2, dont forget to add “…hits on a D”!

    “Tanks may move through friendly territories that are Zombie Occupied on their way to a Hostile
    Enemy territory during combat phase.”

    This one is crucial–a single zombie in enemy controlled territory or zombie controlled territory blocks a blitz or 2 space move. However, no amount of zombies stop the combat or noncombat move of a tank THROUGH a FRIENDLY controlled territory–these are treated as in other games.

    One thing players may need a reminder on is that the zombies that currently exist are all susceptible to destruction before the rolling is complete–and all the zombies that are about to be formed are immune to those attacks. This means that players usually stop rolling after all the enemy are dead–now they must complete the full set of rolls, looking for any “hits” or “zombie hits” (with certain tech–this can be quite confusing because only 3,4 is a miss of everything). Even if they get 63 hits–there may still be zombies AFTER the round of combat.

    This also requires some planning/study because too many excess hits may leave a smaller zombie wall than anticipated.

    All the best. Taamvan/MacArthur

  • Thanks, yeah, my document has the A and the D for the zombie dice but it did not copy into the post. Also, the numbers got screwed up with my copy.

    And again, unless I am incorrect in my understanding the term Blitz, Blitz can only happen if there are no units in the enemy controlled territory moving into the second territory which has enemy units or zombies. You are correct on the latter. Since you have friendly units, it is to be understood as to the allies are controlling the zombies to some aspect in part of the territory…hence the ability to move through the territory without having to attack the zombies.

  • See attached document

    Zombie Combat.pdf

    Hope this helps a bit…much easier to read than my cut and paste version.

  • @smo63

    Thanks for PDF.

    Zombie Occupied = There are Zombie units in a territory you control.
    Zombies will never control a territory with any Allied or Axis unit(s) present in the same territory.

    But an area can be Z-controlled while not being any Zs present there.

    Personally I would prefer the word ‘Z presence’ instead of ‘Z occupied’ as occupied has the connotation - at least for me - of controlling the territory.

  • @smo63 said in Axis & Allies and Zombies Q+A:

    Each Territory that contains ONLY Zombies becomes “Zombie Controlled.” Place a Zombie stain
    in that territory and adjust the IPC chart accordingly.

    So just to be clear: the opposite is NOT true.
    So it is not the case that during this phase a check if made if the Z-controlled areas actually contain Zs now. And if that would not be the case: removing the control marker.

  • General remark: thanks for sorting this out. But then again: let someone from the official AAZ team please tell what is exactly meant by these terms. And if our interpretations are right. As far as I can see know your interpretation is fully correct and based on what is actually written down in the manual. But is this all what was actually meant by the designers?

    But again: thanks for sorting this out and thanks for PDF.

  • @taamvan said in Axis & Allies and Zombies Q+A:

    This one is crucial–a single zombie in enemy controlled territory or zombie controlled territory blocks a blitz or 2 space move. However, no amount of zombies stop the combat or noncombat move of a tank THROUGH a FRIENDLY controlled territory–these are treated as in other games.

    Thematically this makes sense (I think).

    If you move through a friendly territory you can ignore the Zs there. You simply to not attack them. These Z are contained by your friendly units.
    Even if the territory is friendly but does contain Zs you can say that there are some smaller garrisons of you of your Allies that contain these Zs - so you can ignore them with you tanks and just move through this area.

    If you enter an enemy controlled area that does not contain any enemy units but does contain Zs you can say that your tanks are actually entering enemy ‘controlled’ territory. Again think of a small garrison present there. So this ‘confrontation’ triggers the Zs present in this territory. And there will be combat. And thus no ‘blitzing through’.
    But I must say this latter situation is open for interpretation.

  • @thrasher1

    I am getting this info straight from the game designer SVE himself. So, forever what it is worth. I run these games for WotC, I have met Scott personally on several occasions and he guides me through these questions with the correct answers, hence the reason I put together the Combat Sheet. It is to help clear these items up. After you go through them a few times, it gets easier…

  • @thrasher1 said in Axis & Allies and Zombies Q+A:


    Thanks for PDF.

    Zombie Occupied = There are Zombie units in a territory you control.
    Zombies will never control a territory with any Allied or Axis unit(s) present in the same territory.

    But an area can be Z-controlled while not being any Zs present there. Yeah, just like the enemy can control a territory without units. That is what the blitz is for. In AAZ same goes with the planes straf…

    Personally I would prefer the word ‘Z presence’ instead of ‘Z occupied’ as occupied has the connotation - at least for me - of controlling the territory.

  • @smo63 Should we give you an official answers badge like @Krieghund and @Panther?

  • @thrasher1 said in Axis & Allies and Zombies Q+A:

    @smo63 said in Axis & Allies and Zombies Q+A:

    Each Territory that contains ONLY Zombies becomes “Zombie Controlled.” Place a Zombie stain
    in that territory and adjust the IPC chart accordingly.

    So just to be clear: the opposite is NOT true.
    So it is not the case that during this phase a check if made if the Z-controlled areas actually contain Zs now. And if that would not be the case: removing the control marker.

    I am not following you on this one? Zombies control a territory if they are the only units there or if all the zombies get killed by non-ground forces. hence there are cases where there are zombie controlled territories that have no zombies. Also, Zombie cards with desperate measures may move zombies out of a zombie controlled territory into another and still leave the territory left behind still zombie controlled until someone reenters it during combat…big thing one has to remember, zombie control of any territory does not happen until the next players turn phase 3!

  • @djensen LOL

  • @smo63 I guess I am just trying to establish some credibility here on the subject. And I would never come close to the great job Kreg does for our community regarding rules interpretation:relaxed: :+1:

  • '21 '20 '18 '17

    the answer to his question is no. you dont remove the marker just because the zombie isnt there anymore

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