Thank you for the quick response.
That is what i thought but not having huge experience under the belt i just wanted to double check here.
Have a good day.
Hey all,
Need a quick clarification on AAG40 Kamikaze strikes. There are six Kamikaze “zones” in which such strikes can happen. You are allowed to use up to six “K-planes” to strike. Is this six “K-planes” per zone or a total of six “K-planes”. So even though i’m allowed to do a K-Strike in any of the 6 permitted zones, if I used up my six “K-planes” on a SZ6 defense, I can’t use them again in the other zones and i have effectively exhausted my Kamikaze abilities. I fear unless I get this cleared up there may be an actual plane lodged in my house when I get back from vacation!! Thanks for any feedback.
heh heh an actual palne ? Might need to install some AA : )
Yea, you only get 6 Kazis total. If you use them all in one of the Kazi zones, then other zones become Kazi free.
Thanks for the clarification Barney. Let’s hope I don’t find a prop in my master bedroom. :) you guys are great! :)