• '17 '16 '15

    my last email from him was on May 30th:

    Here we have The Dangerous Year: 1973 map in its near-final state. This game, as a reminder, simulates the execrable showdown that nearly occurred in '73 when the Israelis began to push across the Suez Canal…prompting Anwar Sadat to request direct Soviet military invention to save his country. Premier Brezhnev vehemently insisted that Nixon compel the Israelis to withdraw, which they did, but very nearly too late to avert a superpower confrontation. However, had things tipped too far to halt the course of events, a sudden war may have erupted across the breadth of Europe. This game is simple and plays quickly…even possibly too quickly if one side or the other triggers a nuclear war.

    Now, I do have a request for those who care to comment: As you can see, various spaces on The Dangerous Year: 1973 map are mountainous terrain. I trust that it is evident which spaces are “mountainous” and which are not. If you think this is not discernible enough, please feel free to let me know.

    In other news, the Vietnam map is essentially finished, although in fact it is undergoing some final touches, and so I hope to have it to show off within a few days or so.

    With these maps done, the next update will reveal the last of the extra bonus game pieces, and then we begin to get our manufacturer geared up for initial game piece samples, and then full-blown production. While that is going on, we’ll be getting our box art completed, and then we’ll endeavor to assemble all of the myriad components for pre-press, and then have it ready to begin printing samples for proofing.


  • '17 '16 '15

    I got updated Warrior888. Think you can still dial in : )

    Bonus game piece sculpts are finished!
    Posted by Eric Harvey (Creator)


    Thank you for your patience; I realize it’s been a month-and-a-half since my last update, but our sculptor really went the extra mile to create some superlative sculpts for the new bonus game pieces that we’ve added to those versions of the game, and that took quite a while to complete. Progress was slow, but I decided to let him work at his own pace because of the really nice sculptures he was creating, and I know you’ll be pleased with the final product, as well.

    Presently, the sculptor is making requested changes and modifications that are intended to make many of the game pieces more durable during the casting process, as well as making them more durable as plastic game pieces during game play. So, all of this has caused a delay to the entire production process. For those that have not been following the thread about The War in Vietnam here on Kickstarter, note that the originally forecast target date of September is going to be pushed back because of the extra time that has been required to create all these extra bonus game pieces. Nevertheless, we are not sitting idle; we’re pushing things along as fast as reasonable …meaning as fast as possible without jeopardizing the quality of the game.

    All of my doggerel aside, here’s three select images of some of the bonus game pieces that have been finished:
    US Marine. Note the M14 rifle he is carrying. US Marine. Note the M14 rifle he is carrying.
    The CVA sculpt will mean two types of aircraft carrier models. The CVA sculpt will mean two types of aircraft carrier models.
    The Australian sculpt is accurate right down to his hat. The Australian sculpt is accurate right down to his hat.

    In other news, I have actually had some of the game pieces test-cast to get an idea of size and integrity. Here you can see two MiG-21’s (which are probably too small and may be enlarged a tad), as well as one of the other new bonus game pieces, the RPG version of the Viet Cong. These were created in clear resin so as to see all the details of the test-cast, but obviously the actual game pieces will be molded in their appropriate color.
    Real, actual, factual, test-cast game pieces in clear resin! Real, actual, factual, test-cast game pieces in clear resin!

    Now, I actually intend another update very shortly, so don’t worry that it’ll be a whole month before the next one. Indeed, I hope to have another update in just a matter of days, but I presently wanted to let everybody see the progress of the new game pieces before I segued onto other subjects.

    As a matter of fact, specifically I want to address the handful of people that have e-mailed me about possibly ordering the game now that the Kickstarter campaign for The War in Vietnam has ended: I can add your name to the backer spreadsheet and will contact you when we begin production if you are interested in getting a copy of the game. Likewise, for those of you that may know someone that would be interested in obtaining a copy of The War in Vietnam, please do let them know that it’s not too late to get their name added to the backer spreadsheet. Every additional backer helps pay for extra goodies to add to the game (for example, a sturdier box, whatever we can think of), so don’t hesitate to spread the word if you know someone that may want to get added to the backer spreadsheet.

    Okay, please feel free to e-mail me directly if you have any questions, generally or specifically. I’ll post another update by next week, with any luck.

    Eric :-)  
    Don’t want to receive updates from this project? That’s okay, you can unsubscribe.
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    Kickstarter � 58 Kent St, Brooklyn NY 11222

    seems as if you can still order Warrior888. Thought he was gonna post here too but…

    Tried to get pictures to load but …maybe later. they look pretty cool.

    hmm…don’t no why I can’t figure out to send you his email link. W/e. It’s probably in one of his earlier posts.

    Don’t no why he hasn’t posted here

  • The Aussie looks great, if his the same size as A&A maybe replace him with the giant ANZAC inf ?


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