Redinight(Axis) Vs. Admiral_Thrawn(Allies) Anniversary Edition

  • Japan round 1


    2. PURCHASE - 1 fighter, 1 sub and save 1 IPC


    2 Carriers from SZ 57 to SZ 52
    2 Fighters from SZ 57 to SZ 56 (back to carrier in SZ 52)
    2 Fighters from SZ 57 to SZ 53 (back to carrier in SZ 52)
    1 Transport/2 INF from SZ 51 to SZ 48 invade New Guinea
    1 Transport/1 INF from SZ 51 to SZ 38 invade East Indies
    1 Destroyer from SZ 51 to SZ 38
    1 Carrier from SZ 61 to SZ 49
    1 Transport/2 INF from SZ 61 to SZ 49 invade Borneo
    1 Transport /1 INF & 1 ART from SZ 61 to SZ 50 invade Philippine Islands
    1 Cruiser from SZ 61 to SZ 50
    1 Fighter from SZ 61 to SZ 50 (land on Carrier in SZ 49)
    1 Fighter from SZ 61 to Philippine Islands (land on carrier in SZ 49)
    1 Battleship from SZ 61 to SZ 52
    1 Fighter in Formosa to SZ 50 (land in French Indo-China Thailand
    3 Infantry from French Indo-China Thailand to Kwangtung
    1 Fighter from Manchuria to Kwangtung (land in French Indo-China Thailand)

  • Battle in SZ 56
    Japan attacks with 2 fighters
    2@3DiceRolling 2d6:
    (2, 5)

    US defends with 1 destroyer
    1@2DiceRolling 1d6:

    Battle in SZ 53
    Japan attacks with 2 fighters
    2@3DiceRolling 2d6:
    (1, 2)

    US defends with 1 Battleship
    1@4DiceRolling 1d6:

    Battle in SZ 50
    Japan attacks with 2 fighters and 1 cruiser
    3@3DiceRolling 3d6:
    (2, 4, 5)

    US defends with 1 destroyer
    1@2DiceRolling 1d6:

    If the sea battle is a Japanese success then Japan assaults on the Philippine Islands with 1 infantry, 1 artillery, 1 fighter
    1@3DiceRolling 1d6:
    2@2DiceRolling 2d6:
    (2, 3)

    US defends with 2 Infantry
    2@2DiceRolling 2d6:
    (2, 3)

    Battle or Kwangtung
    Japan attacks with 3 infantry and 1 fighter
    3@1DiceRolling 3d6:
    (3, 5, 6)  
    1@3DiceRolling 1d6:

    UK defends with 1 infantry
    1@2DiceRolling 1d6:

  • Ok, Philippines is hanging on….

    Japan attacks with 1 fighter and 1 artillery
    1@3DiceRolling 1d6:
    1@2DiceRolling 1d6:

    US defends with 1 infantry
    1@2DiceRolling 1d6:

  • Ok…

    Japan attacks with 1 fighter and 1 artillery
    1@3DiceRolling 1d6:
    1@2DiceRolling 1d6:

    Merica defends with 1 infantry
    1@2DiceRolling 1d6:

  • I chose to lose a fighter in SZ 50 battle


    Some of the ships already moved in the combat phase, like the carriers. My battleship moved to SZ 52

    1 Infantry from Kiangsu to Manchuria
    1 Transport/1 INF & 1 ART in SZ 62 transported the units to Manchuria

    1 Submarine in SZ 62
    1 Fighter in Japan

    Japan gains East Indies 4 IPCs, Borneo 4 IPCs, New Guinea 1 IPC, Philippine Islands 2 IPC, and Kwangtung 1 IPC

    Starts at 17 IPC, ends at 29 IPC

    Gain 5 IPC if Axis controls all the following territories: Manchuria, Kiangsu, and French Indo-China Thailand
    Gain 5 IPCs if Axis Controls at least four of the following, Kwantung East Indies, Borneo, Philippine Isands, New Guinea, and or/Solomon Islands

    Japan Collects 39 IPC

  • World Update After Japan Turn 1


    Caucasus: 10 Inf, 1 Art, 1 AA, 1 IC

    Eastern Ukraine: 1 Inf

    Belorussia: 1 Inf

    Karelia S.S.R.: 11 Inf, 1 Art, 1 AA, 1 IC

    Kazakh S.S.R.:

    Russia: 3 Inf, 2 Armor, 1 Fighter, 1 AA, 1 IC




    Evenki National Okrug:

    Yukut S.S.R.: 1 Inf

    Stanovoj Chrebet: 1 Inf

    Buryatia S.S.R.: 7 Inf

    Soviet Far East:

    SZ 6: 1 Sub


    Chinghai: 1 Inf

    Yunnan: 1 Inf, 1 Fighter

    Sikang: 1 Inf

    Ningxia: 1 Inf

    Fukien: 1 Inf

    Hupeh: 1 Inf

    Suiyuan: 1 Inf


    French Indo China Thailand: 1 Fighter

    Kiangsu: 2 Inf

    Manchuria: 5 Inf, 1 Art


    Japan: 1 Armor, 3 Inf, 2 Fighter, 1 AA, 1 IC

    Okinawa: 1 Inf

    Carolina Islands:

    Iwo Jima: 1 Inf

    Kwangtung: 2 Inf

    East Indies: 1 Inf

    Borneo: 2 Inf

    Philippine Islands: 1 Art

    New Guinea: 2 Inf

    SZ 62: 1 Transport, 1 Sub

    SZ 38: 1 Destroyer, 1 Transport

    SZ 49: 1 AC, 2 Fighters, 1 Transport

    SZ 48: 1 Transport

    SZ 50: 1 Cruiser, 1 Transport

    SZ 52: 1 Battleship, 2 AC, 3 Fighters


    Wake Island: 1 Inf

    Midway: 1 Inf

    Hawaiian Islands: 1 Inf, 1 Fighter

    Alaska: 1 Inf



    Central United States: 1 Inf

    Western United States: 1 Inf, 1 Fighter, 1 Bomber, 1 AA, I IC


    West Indies:

    Eastern United States: 1 Inf, 1 Fighter, 1 Art, 1 AA, 1 IC


    SZ 10: 1 Destroyer, 1 Transport

    SZ 44: 1 AC, 1 Fighter, 1 Destroyer

    ITALY -

    Italy: 1 Inf, 1 Armor, 1 Fighter, 1 Art, 1 AA, 1 IC

    Balkans: 2 Inf, 1 Armor

    Libya: 2 Inf

    SZ 14: 1 Battleship, 2 Cruisers, 1 Transport


    Morocco Algeria: 1 Inf

    France: 1 Inf

    Northwestern Europe: 2 Inf

    Germany: 3 Inf, 1 Art, 2 Armor, 1 Bomber, 1 AA, 1 IC


    Bulgaria Romania:

    Czechoslovakia Hungary:

    Poland: 1 Armor, 2 Fighters

    Finland: 5 Inf, 1 Art, 1 Fighters

    Ukraine: 3 Inf, 1 Art, 2 Armor

    Eastern Poland: 2 Armor

    Baltic States: 3 Inf, 1 Art, 2 Armor

    Libya: 1 Inf, 1 Art, 1 Armor

    Gibraltar: 2 Inf

    SZ 9: 1 Sub

    SZ 13: 1 Transport

    SZ 6: 1 Sub

    SZ 5: 1 Sub, 1 Transport


    United Kingdom: 2 Inf, 1 Art, 1 Armor, 2 Fighters, 1 Bomber, 1 AA, 1 IC


    Western Canada: 1 Inf

    Eastern Canada: 1 Armor

    Egypt: 2 Inf, 1 Armor, 1 Fighter, 1 Art

    French West Africa:

    French Equatorial Africa:

    Anglo-Egyptian Sudan:

    Belgian Congo:

    Italian Africa:


    Union of South Africa: 2 Inf

    French Madagascar:

    Trans-Jordan: 2 Inf


    India: 3 Inf, 1 Art, 1 AA

    Burma: 1 Inf

    Solomon Islands:

    Australia: 3 Inf, 1 Art, 1 AA

    New Zealand:

  • Double check we are on the same page with my world update and I will post UK 1 sometime tomorrow.

  • I lost 1 fighter in SZ 50 battle that would have returned to carrier in SZ 49.
    1 fighter from from SZ 61 returned to French Indo China Thailand.
    1 fighter from Manchuria landed in French IndoChina Thailand.

  • You moved 1 infantry from Russia to Eastern Ukraine, you should have 2 there not 1.



    Yunnan: 1 Inf, 1 Fighter

    Fukien: 1 Inf

    Hupeh: 1 Inf

    Suiyuan: 1 Inf


    French Indo China Thailand: 2 Fighter

    Kiangsu: 2 Inf

    Manchuria: 5 Inf, 1 Art


    Japan: 1 Armor, 3 Inf, 2 Fighter, 1 AA, 1 IC

    Okinawa: 1 Inf

    Carolina Islands:

    Iwo Jima: 1 Inf

    Kwangtung: 2 Inf

    East Indies: 1 Inf

    Borneo: 2 Inf

    Philippine Islands: 1 Art

    New Guinea: 2 Inf

    SZ 62: 1 Transport, 1 Sub

    SZ 38: 1 Destroyer, 1 Transport

    SZ 49: 1 AC, 3 Fighters, 1 Transport

    SZ 48: 1 Transport

    SZ 50: 1 Cruiser, 1 Transport

    SZ 52: 1 Battleship, 2 AC, 3 Fighters

  • UK round 1


  • PHASE 2: Purchase Units

    UK has 43 IPC - The Brits produce 2 IC’s, 1 Armor, 1 Destroyer 0 IPC left over.

  • PHASE 3: Combat Move

    1 Destroyer, 1 Cruiser moves from SZ 12 to SZ 6

    1 Battleship moves from SZ 2 to SZ 6

    1 Bomber moves from the UK to SZ 13

    1 Fighter moves from the UK to SZ 6

    1 Fighter moves from the UK to SZ 5

    1 Destroyer moves from SZ 35 to SZ 38

    The BATTLE OF SZ 6

    UK attacks with 1 Battleship, 1 Destroyer, 1 Cruiser, 1 Fighter


    DiceRolling 1d6:


    DiceRolling 2d6:
    (5, 6)


    DiceRolling 1d6:

    Germany defends with 1 Sub who can not submerge or surprise strike because I have a destroyer in my fleet.


    DiceRolling 1d6:

    The BATTLE OF SZ 13

    Bomber attacks unescorted transport and destroys it.

    The BATTLE OF SZ 5

    Fighter attacks and destroys unescorted transport. The fighter can not hit the sub because a destroyer is not present and the sub cannot hit the fighter.

    The BATTLE OF SZ 38

    UK attacks with 1 destroyer


    DiceRolling 1d6:

    Japan defends with 1 destroyer who is escorting a transport


    DiceRolling 1d6:

  • Hail Britania!

    Victory on all fronts.

    Germany loses 1 sub in SZ 6, 1 transport in SZ 5, and 1 transport in SZ 13.

    Japan loses 1 destroyer and 1 transport in 38.

  • PHASE 5: Noncombat Move

    1 Inf moves from Western Canada to Eastern Canada

    1 transport moves from SZ 2 to SZ 1

    1 Fighter moves from SZ 6 to the UK

    1 Fighter moves from SZ 5 to the UK

    1 Bomber moves from SZ 13 to the UK

    2 Inf moves from Transjordan to Egypt

    2 Inf move from the Union of South Africa to Rhodesia

    1 transport moves from SZ 35 to SZ 33

    1 Destroyer and 1 Transport moves from SZ 41 to SZ 43

  • PHASE 6: Mobilize New Units

    1 Armor is built in the UK

    1 Destroyer is built in SZ 6

    1 IC is built in India

    1 IC is built in Austrailia

  • PHASE 7: Collect Income

    UK collects 33 IPC

  • Italy’s Turn: ROUND 1
    PHASE 1: Research and Development- NONE
    PHASE 2: Purchase Units
    Italy purchase 1 strong Armor, 1 mighty Infantry unit.

    PHASE 3: Combat Movement
    1 Transport/1 Inf & 1 Art in SZ 14 to SZ 15 attacking Egypt
    1 Battleship in SZ 14 to SZ 15 bombarding Egypt
    1 Cruiser in SZ 14 To SZ 15 bombarding Egypt
    1 Fighter in Italy to Egypt return to Libya
    1 German Infantry, 1 German tank, 1 German artillery from Libya to Egypt
    2 Infantry from Libya to Egypt

    PHASE 4: Conduct Combat
    1 Battleship bombardment to Egypt
    1@4DiceRolling 1d6:

    1 Cruiser bombardment to Egypt
    1@3DiceRolling 1d6:

    1 Seaborne Infantry attacks with support from Artillery
    1@2DiceRolling 1d6:

    1 Seaborne artillery attacks
    1@2DiceRolling 1d6:

    1 Fighter, 3 infantry, 1 artillery, 1 armor attacks from land (Libya)
    2@3DiceRolling 2d6:
    (5, 6)  
    2@1DiceRolling 2d6:
    (3, 3)  
    2@2DiceRolling 2d6:
    (6, 6)

    UK defends with 4 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Tank, 1 Fighter
    5@2DiceRolling 5d6:
    (1, 1, 2, 3, 4)  
    1@3DiceRolling 1d6:
    1@4DiceRolling 1d6:

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