You sir work quick and are mighty talented! I do like the first major factory design you came up with more, but I would still purchase the “new design.” Factory size seems perfect (small and compact is better). Only comment I have on the bases are WOW. Great job and thanks for doing this DCC!!!
Thank you sir.
Ok, following your previous recommendations and preferences, this is the final set I came up with (I trimmed the major factory and made it more compact) Here are some screenshots from different angles. You can easily refer to pics I posted above for scale of the new/old/remade/major factory. that’s the only piece not in the pictures.
Now, what i need to know is how many of each would make a nice set? Should Factories and Bases be separated? Ya know… in case some people are nostalgic and prefer to play with a lil carboard square… (To those, I recommend Squad leader… you would go nutz with square chits :D )