The game is fantastic, I love it. The asymmetry is well thought out the thematic elements shine for me as a big SW fan.
Between the random game setup, mission draws and recruitment no two games are the same, so the game stays fresh.
In terms of strategies, they do boil down to conservative and aggressive approaches for both sides. An aggressive Rebel player engages the Empire to gain combat objectives as well as blockading and sabotaging systems to choke Imperial supply lines. The benefit here is Sabotage can be run every turn and is not dependent on specific missions.
A passive Rebel player can play Infiltration to tailor the game to missions drawn by looking for objectives that mesh with the game situation. The player can use a large fleet to either defend the base or draw attention from the Empire. An offshoot of this is playing Rapid Mobilization every turn to cycle the deck for future moves by putting eligible move on the bottom. Of course one can play Infiltration and Sabotage liberally every turn as a hybrid.
For the Empire expansion in all directions is common, but some players like to use Rule by Fear every turn to either make systems loyal or more importantly remove Rebel loyalty from subjugated systems to prevent the many diplomacy related objectives. I would argue the Imperial player should play R&D at least twice a game, preferably early, since many of the projects can be useful to build -like a Super Star Destroyer- or to get a valuable logistics card to deploy extra units in advance of an attack on the Rebel Base.
When the opportunity comes the Empire should pursue capture and interrogation since there are so many good possibilities:
-Lose reputation through Carbon Freezing
-Gain an extra leader through Lure of the Dark Side (hard to pull off on Luke since he’ll often be protected by a savvy Rebel player)
-Remove an objective from the Rebel player’s hand (can be critical to remove a gimme one late game)
-Locate the base through Homing Beacon or Interrogation Droid
Just my two cents. Boardgamegeek is already running Play by Forum games using a Vassal module.