• Four bombers?

    Do you have the land and/or naval forces to back up your offesnive air force?

    At least I assume it is offensive, since you paid 50% more for bombers vs FIGs, and they only defend on a 1…

    Personally, I am a FIG person when ity comes to AF rather than BOMs… 4 times the defensive value, 75% of the offensive value, and only 67% of the cost.

    Unless of course you need long range, like to attack unguarded TRNs that are well out to sea…

  • 2007 AAR League

    I need the range to threathen the trns at sea, that means US and UK needs to put some IPC into building defensive ships to defend them.

  • Fair enough…

    Might even work out well for you.

    Just be careful, on your land forces spending THAT much on AF…

  • 2007 AAR League

    yes that is a drawback of the tactic…

  • and freshly conquered territory?

    not much to consolidate and defend it with probably?
    (since AF can not stay in that place)

  • 2007 AAR League

    well im backing germany home to trade Ukraine, Belorusia, Karelia untill Japan say´s hello……  So i only need some inf for that…

  • hmmm,

    I think all those nice and shiny AF can come in very handy for battling the Russians at the Eastern gates as well.
    Axis actually joining forces for once in a game?

    on the other hand…
    G isn’t in the wealthiest position to strike first (with AF, so sacrificing AF…) and let J take the territory…

    well, maybe to give some extra defense for J on a territory already captured…
    who knows…

  • If those German BOMs and FIGs can keep the Allied trannies on the bottom of the Atlantic, then the German forces only have to deal with Russia…  And with Japan moving in hard from the east…

  • 2007 AAR League

    that´s the plan, and to force UK, US to prottect the trn.  (and if i get desperate i can sacrifice AF to sink all trn…

  • Nice plan!!!

    hope it works  :-o

  • the six FIG and one BR are more than enough for GER to start with.

    I would buy 13 INF on round one. This will give you 20 or so INF for the battle for RUS. Most likely RUS will be able to field 35-42 INF for the battle of Moscow on R5 or so.

    R2 R3 R4 R5 TANKS! and nothing but.

    I would only start buying other pieces, transports or  infantry or subs, depending on how you plan on continuing the war after RUS is knocked out.

  • If I were not tied up with the Tournament, I would love to give you a quick education on the value of the Kreigsmarine… and the cost to Germany for not having it for the first few rounds…

  • i look forward to your to post when you are not busy.

    maybe russia should put three subs in the caspian sea on R1.

    we shall play one day

  • Ah Flush, I agree with you on many points, but Armor does not win wars.

    Armor is an accellerant.  It is used to secure victories that are already yours, or bring about a defeat that was already in the making.

    I do not recommend Germany build so much Armor, and especially not against me.

  • Amazingly enough… even in this game, Armor serves the same function that Rommel and Patton say the tank is designed for… spearhead.

    They provide the speed and punch to break through enemy positions quickly and with reduced losses.  But without INF support, they can be overwhelmed and destroyed pretty easilly.  They may inflict heavy damage, but the tanks are not as effective without supporting units.

  • bingo.

  • by R5 GER can have 25 ARM plus 6 FIG and 20 or so INF, enough to take RUS. A massive stack of tanks will win for GER. That stack of RUS INF will be cut to shreds with 25+ dice rolling at 3 or less. In the revised version it is easier to take RUS than not, the onus is on the GER player. A good stack of tankswill prevent RUS from any type of major offensive action of the eastern front. RUS only starts with 4 ARM in total, totally incapable of anything decisive. GER should not build defensive pieces like INF after R1. INF are for a player hoping for lucky rolling in a defensive death throe.

  • You forget, your opponent will be trying to win as well.

    I believe it is more difficult in Revised for Germany to take Russia.

    Oh, and I am the luckiest man alive.


  • I hope my opponent is trying to win. I don’t play against cardboard pinups.

    How would you suggest the allies counter this strat?

  • If Germany has 25 arm, 20 inf and 6 figs at the gates of Moscow at R5 you’re doing something wrong. Try fighting back? Trading territories will wear Germany down too, putting US/UK troops into norway/karelia/w.europe, maybe s.europe should help too. Liberate Africa and you will see less G arm heading for Moscow. Launch some bombing raids and you’ll further reduce the number of arm. Don’t buy russian navy. Buy 1 fig tops. Buy some art/arm as well to at least give the impression of being able to retaliate on forward exposed arm. Land allied figs in key territories like Moscow, Caucasus, W.russia. Withdraw your troops from the east to bolster Moscow’s defenses. Apply a “KGF” strategy to punish the aggressive Germany. Fall back if needed. Don’t stop trading Caucasus unless you have no other choice. And when the time comes try to force the weakest axis power to invade it. Then sit back and pray for good dice.

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