Depends on your definition of Blue Box… they almost all have some amount of blue in them.
Look at your box…
if it says “MB” in the top left corner (Milton Bradley), you have the 1980s “Axis and Allies Classic” edition.
if it says “AH” or Avalon Hill in the top right corner, you have the “Axis and Allies Revised” edition.
if it says “Spring 1942” in the top left, and “AH” in the bottom right, you have “Axis and Allies 1942” (1st edition).
if it says"1942 Second Edition" in the top left, you have the “Axis and Allies 1942” (2nd edition).
If it says “Anniversary Edition” anywhere on the box, you have a very wrong edition, please mail it to me immediately!
The “current” versions of the game are all “2nd Edition” and that’s what most people play… the 2nd edition games include:
1942 Second Edition
1940 Europe Second Edition
1940 Pacific Second Edition
(1940 Global which is actually played quite a bit, is a combination of 1940 Europe and Pacific, you need to own both to play 1940 Global)