If you want a map, on trollandtoad they have random maps for $3.50 apiece, I’m no0t completely sure if you’re asking this because you don’t have a map or just want to play without one……
Axis & Allies Miniatures Set 3: Contested Skies
So now that the new site is up and running, I’m posting news as soon as I know about it. I beat your ppost by about an hour ;-)
The set list for Contested Skies has been revealed!
Check out the article on the main site: http://www.axisandallies.org/node/45
Cool, the Italians, Romanians, and French are getting fleshed out. Each get a commander and some fire support.
2 German, a Japanese, an American, and a Russian aircraft. Three Air Superiority fighters and two ground attack aircraft. Five planes? Not much to contest the skies with.
no spitfires??
The Spitfire is announced in the teaser blurb for the D-Day set. I have a feeling two or three aircraft will be released over the course of the next few sets.
The latest preview of Contested Skies is available:
YES!! Sturmgeschultz!! My favorite German vehicle (thanks to Close Combat 5) is finally going to see the light of day. W00t!!
I just posted some previews of upcoming pieces for Set 3: Contested Skies:
http://www.axisandallies.org/taxonomy/term/14 -
So how does air to air combat work? Do planes use their anti-soldier attack against each other? Does having initiative basically mean the enemy is guaranteed to be able to place his fighter right by your plane to shoot it down?
IMO, there should be a seperate attack value for aircraft to use against other aircraft… Otherwise you have to either make bombers less effective than fighters vs. infantry, or deal with bombers being as good or better at shooting down planes than fighters, and that just doesn’t make much sense…
They’ve already posted the rules. You can read them. It isn’t as complicated and burdensome as I thought they would have been; I was worried with the addition of two new phases.
I read the rules but I didn’t see anything specific to attacks from one plane to another… Does that just work the same as any other unit attacking a plane? Are planes assumed to have the antiair SA?
Oh, I see what you’re saying. No, I don’t think that aircraft have AA capabilities. The cards released and the rules released don’t say they do. Which makes sense to me. The planes that do will probably have a special ability that negates the -1.
The only rules card for an aircraft we’ve seen have been the Stuka and the Sturmovik, both of which are ground attack aircraft. We’ll know on Wednesday when they release the stats for the 109 if air superiority fighters have an air-to-air SA.
We know now. The aircraft rules have been online for quote sometime. But the checklist was release recently …
It’s all on http://www.axisandallies.org/node/32
http://www.wizards.com/avalonhill/rules/AAMEX2_Chcklst.pdf -
OK, maybe I’m blind then. The links I see tell us exactly what I just said two posts ago, or I’m missing something here.
I’ve read those rules and I don’t see anything specific to aircraft vs. aircraft attacks… Does this mean that it’s just treated the same way as all other units attacking air? And then does that mean that it helps to NOT have initiative if you want to send your fighter against an enemy’s plane (because you would get to see where he places it, and then place yours next to it)?
My point is that if there aren’t specific rules to deal with air to air combat, there should be. A Stuka shouldn’t outclass a Mustang in a dogfight simply because the Stuka has a high attack value due to its anti-ground capabilities (I realize the mustang’s stats aren’t out yet, just giving a theoretical example).
The Mustang will probably have some sort of ability to rectify that, like a +1 to hit on each die (negating the -1), and perhaps something else. If not… well, you can always houserule it. This game begs to be houseruled.
I guess I wasn’t rading carefully enough. Sorry guys.
Good to see the minor powers getting some officers.Â
The aircraft will give good scenarios for doing particular battles if you only get one side. Mostly Axis for Barbarossa, mostly Soviet for Stalingrad and the late war, etc.
I was apprehensive about getting these sets after seeing the previews (Luftwaffe infantrymen?) but the list actually looks pretty damn good.
Ok, so it seems that the rules are the same for aircraft attacking aircraft as for any other unit attacking aircraft… I guess that’s alright, after all a stuka had to have SOME chance of shooting down a mustang, but the antiair special on the mustang gives it the appropriate edge in the dogfight… The thing I still don’t really like that much is that in order to effectively send a fighter after an enemy plane you want NOT have the initiative, so that you can see where he places his aircraft first. Don’t know how to fix that really, maybe if fighters were given another special that gives them extended range vs aircraft so that it’s not quite as important to place your fighter right by the enemy plane…