Let us know what you’re having trouble with on the triplea install on the triplea thread https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/category/28/triplea-support
I will try and help. If we can’t figure it out, I’m sure Panther can :)
G40 Redesign (currently taking suggestions)
@waxfingers cool thought that was you on there. Yea not many people willing to try new stuff. I just do it because I enjoy it. All my games are just test games by myself.
Hope you can find some new recruits. Anyway, thanks for the additions, they seem pretty cool, and for cluing me in on the lobby/ saves etc…
Hopefully you’ll pop in once in a while :)
P Out
Change Log:
2.72 6/24/22
Fix Chinese “Harbour 12” error when controlling Kwangtung.2.71 1/28/22 Fix all “figher_LR” Units to work correctly when “longRangeAir” and “jetPower” Tech activated. Fix “battelship and carrier hull” Units to work correctly.
Works on 2.5 stable but not prerelease
Does work on prerelease but updated Game Notes do not -
Here’s what it looks like with @Black_Elk s UHD Map
Still a lot of work todo to convert it. Was just dickin around to see if i could get it to fire lol
and with some Frostion Units :)
Update to 2.74
Change Log:
2.74 12/6/23
Fix “fighter_LR” Tech Units not showing up. They no longer work with Technology but still need a tech image, otherwise they throw a error.Game Notes for 2.6 prerelease are now located under the Help tab.