I am of no relation to him. Likely just a similar appreciation of the movie Gunga Din.
G40 Redesign (currently taking suggestions)
@waxfingers right on. Good outside of the box thinking on the drydock/hulls :+1:
yea I’m not quite sure I fully understand making it an option, but if you look at the “A0C5” Bmbrs and how they are replaced with a map option or “Destroyer Cost 6” which should take you to “destroyer Cost 5”, it might be DDC5, I can’t remember, but that might be what you’re looking for.
I’ll take a look at the China arty. Can you post a save ?
6753ef00-9c28-415a-a103-fd9a170367e3-china artillery bug.tsvg
Here is a save game with it at China phase.
I have the 2 round purchase option working for battleships and carriers. I also added a 1 movement option for escort carriers.
Can you help with graphics through your contacts?
I got a hull from TWW but I only used it as a BB hull since it has that shape, it also has TWW aspects to it (flag attached). Since I have separate hulls for carriers as well, are you able to get someone to make those up for each country, and fix/modify the BB hull for each country.
There was a navy anchor I took from your expansion mod which I used as the drydock, this worked out fine, but again if someone wants to generate a drydock type of graphic that would be cool.
There is also one new unit called a “carrier2RP_BB_Hull”. Due to it consuming the BB hull it had to be a different unit, unless you know how to make the code so that the carrier unit can consume a carrier hull or a BB hull. When I tried adding the property it wanted both items available to consume as an AND not an OR. Anyways, this is just the usual carrier graphic but with the new name as well.
So overall 3 new graphics, 1 existing copied and renamed.
@waxfingers right on yea i think you’re correct, consumes units doesn’t work with OR. Afaik anyway
Yea i can’t remember who made the anchor. Hepps or Veqryn I think.
Idk about separate Hulls. Probably be easiest just to add some sort of color/symbol to the existing one. I’m not sure, maybe just a “CV” off the bow or something ? Colors can get confused with different countries.
Or maybe CV on the hull itself ? Gotta be careful not to make it too big.
Most the guys i know not to active. Got lucky with the BB as that was kinda easy. For those that know how anyway lol
NWO uses a red dot next to the image to show the difference. I colored the bows in EXP. I’m not very good at it though.
I forget what OS are you using ? paint.net for windows and pinta for linux is a good way to go.
Might be able to use 2 dots for the 2 CV ? I’ll send you a buncha unit art you can look through
Windows, I downloaded the Paint.net program now. The issue was I was not able to make the transparency before on just regular MS Paint.
I will play around with the graphics then. I only need the hull, not the actual CV itself as it just uses the regular CV unit. The build unit is called and priced differently but produces the regular CV.
Thanks for the suggestion on the program.
@waxfingers yea I can’t do much except hit the little pixels a different color, ( make sure it’s set at 1, default is 2 on pinta ) flip different directions, make bigger smaller
Oh yea I think black and white can make good German units.
I got this. I already fixed the German BB hull by removing the TWW flag. No grey spot, fully transparent.
I have fun with MS Paint so this is my thing.
@waxfingers awesome !!! I might ask for a lesson :grin:
Just copy and paste stuff together. I just copied the other hull and placed it overtop of the carrier graphic. Looks different enough to me.
Ok, I made all of the units. How do I provide these to you for the map unit folder?
By the way, with the Paint.net there is a tool called recolor. You just identify a color and then paint over top and it changes it. Was pretty easy. You do undo a bunch to find the right color but yeah, great tool.
@waxfingers so you can add direct to the units folder and then send the entire zip or just the units folder, but I thought there were xml changes too ? If so, you can do them all and then send the zip
I sent you the zip file via email. It looks like it went through, but idk, it was just over 30mb.
@waxfingers right :muscle:
yea went through. I’ll try an update tonight. Kinda burnt but I might rally with a second wind lol
so Game Notes and all is ready to go ? Ready to update to Git/triplea ?
Yes, updated version, added game notes. Tested what I could. Went through rounds, tried edit. Seems to be all good.
@waxfingers right on i’ll try n get to it soon
@waxfingers does this have the China Arty fix also ?
Ok just checked. I’m gonna look at it and add to the update. Shouldn’t be too hard I wouldn’t think, so probably sometime later today.
Update to 2.678
Change Log: 2.678
Adds “Battleships and Carriers 2 Round Purchase” to map options. Adds “Escort Carriers 1 Movement” to map options. Also Fixes Chinese Artillery not placing correctly.“Battleships and Carriers 2 Round Purchase” and Escort Carriers 1 Movement” not currently available in Canada mod.
@waxfingers yea when I made the “Military Base” place only Infantry is when I screwed up the Chinese Arty placement.
Yea I like to update both mods at the same time unless it’s just a Canada only one. Gets a bit tiresome but once you got it dialed in the first time it goes faster the next one.
Anyway, when you get a chance, if you would update Canada also, will put it in the next update. They seem like cool options.
Good work man.
No problem, I did do it for the BB right? I think it was easier to do it at the same time because the code is fresh in mind. I will send you that as well. Do I just need to send you the game file then? I will need Canada units too actually. How do you want to go about this?