Wouldn’t be enough. The Japanese could easily take all three of those islands on Japan 2, which means that the allies will only collect the money for one Turn. $11 in the pockets of UK Pacific is virtually useless in comparison to a $50-$60 Bid.
G40 Redesign (currently taking suggestions)
@waxfingers awesome !!! I might ask for a lesson :grin:
Just copy and paste stuff together. I just copied the other hull and placed it overtop of the carrier graphic. Looks different enough to me.
Ok, I made all of the units. How do I provide these to you for the map unit folder?
By the way, with the Paint.net there is a tool called recolor. You just identify a color and then paint over top and it changes it. Was pretty easy. You do undo a bunch to find the right color but yeah, great tool.
@waxfingers so you can add direct to the units folder and then send the entire zip or just the units folder, but I thought there were xml changes too ? If so, you can do them all and then send the zip
I sent you the zip file via email. It looks like it went through, but idk, it was just over 30mb.
@waxfingers right :muscle:
yea went through. I’ll try an update tonight. Kinda burnt but I might rally with a second wind lol
so Game Notes and all is ready to go ? Ready to update to Git/triplea ?
Yes, updated version, added game notes. Tested what I could. Went through rounds, tried edit. Seems to be all good.
@waxfingers right on i’ll try n get to it soon
@waxfingers does this have the China Arty fix also ?
Ok just checked. I’m gonna look at it and add to the update. Shouldn’t be too hard I wouldn’t think, so probably sometime later today.
Update to 2.678
Change Log: 2.678
Adds “Battleships and Carriers 2 Round Purchase” to map options. Adds “Escort Carriers 1 Movement” to map options. Also Fixes Chinese Artillery not placing correctly.“Battleships and Carriers 2 Round Purchase” and Escort Carriers 1 Movement” not currently available in Canada mod.
@waxfingers yea when I made the “Military Base” place only Infantry is when I screwed up the Chinese Arty placement.
Yea I like to update both mods at the same time unless it’s just a Canada only one. Gets a bit tiresome but once you got it dialed in the first time it goes faster the next one.
Anyway, when you get a chance, if you would update Canada also, will put it in the next update. They seem like cool options.
Good work man.
No problem, I did do it for the BB right? I think it was easier to do it at the same time because the code is fresh in mind. I will send you that as well. Do I just need to send you the game file then? I will need Canada units too actually. How do you want to go about this?
@waxfingers yea you did it for the French BB. Easiest is to just send the whole zip like you did last time.
Yea Idk what all you added to make the change so it’s easier for you to do it. i might miss something and I’d have to test etc…
We’ll get you dialed in at Git one of these days and then you can just add stuff direct. Seems you have a pretty good grip on things. Definitely know some stuff i don’t :)
OK, the zip file is on its way to you.
You will need to add in your China fixes again, or at least just for the Canada one, I did not touch the Regular XML file.
Haha, this stuff is all new to me, but I am pretty good at just playing around with things and figuring out problems. A lot of analyzing existing code and seeing how I can manipulate it.
One thing actually I was just thinking about adding to notes. Because the BB hull carrier had to be a different unit (I don’t think it will be used much, if at all) but it does create a separate carrier unit in the same sea zone. Maybe a note to just edit the carrier to a regular one after placement to keep the board clean.
@waxfingers said in G40 Redesign (currently taking suggestions):
Haha, this stuff is all new to me, but I am pretty good at just playing around with things and figuring out problems. A lot of analyzing existing code and seeing how I can manipulate it.
yea it’s kinda like a puzzle lol
@waxfingers said in G40 Redesign (currently taking suggestions):
One thing actually I was just thinking about adding to notes. Because the BB hull carrier had to be a different unit (I don’t think it will be used much, if at all) but it does create a separate carrier unit in the same sea zone. Maybe a note to just edit the carrier to a regular one after placement to keep the board clean.
Hmm… can you trigger it to remove and place ? Are there limited SZs where the Hulls can be built/placed ? Might not be too bad if that’s the case.
Anyway, be best for you to write up what you want for a note and I’ll add before update. Idk enough about how they work to be confident in doing one. You can just post it here if you want.
@waxfingers so I updated the Canada mod, not to triplea yet, and I noticed, non Canada mod was what I was on, that I could launch a CV without a Drydock.
It seems Germany should have to place the Drydock G1 before it can then buy a CV G2 and place once the CV Hull is moved into the water ? Is that correct ?
Also I noticed that I couldn’t place the Drydock anywhere. I just had the BB and CV 2 rd build and Escort CV M1 on for options.
It throws a notification error when moving the Hull into the sea too. Not a biggie as it can be ignored but we should make a notification for it at Game start the way the A0C5 Bmbrs work.
Actually, somebody found a solution to that but I never implemented it. I’ll have to look it up at triplea.
But yea it seems that Drydock is the issue.
It says Drydock is an upgrade of an Inf. Not sure that’s what you intended but it’s not placing even with Inf present.At any rate we’ll get it sorted. Let me know what you find out : )
Yea so you have it being isSea but consuming 1 Inf. You can only place isSea units in SZs and the Inf would have to be on a trprt. My guess is Drydock shouldn’t be a sea unit ?
Hi barnee,
Yes, the drydock is really only needed to accommodate the battleships. The drydock is basically a carrier because the hulls are air units. It was the only way to get a land unit to water.
Also, drydocks are not placed, they are bought and kept in buy window forever, never consumed. It makes the game engine think you have a carrier waiting to be placed.
The notification while moving the hull into water is not an error, just telling you there are air units (the hulls) that would have to be placed on a carrier. Perhaps explaining the notifications and all of this would be good though.
The drydock is a sea unit, and I made it consume an inf so that it basically could never consume anything.
You have the logic all figured out, but not why I did it =p