First off, I think your cards require some amount of background information on rules and map you intend to use.
Secondly, even though these responses may appear critical, I do not mean to come off as completely condemning. I tend to point out holes or questions that immediately come to mind.
Third, to help others understand my comments or participate, you may want to repost your cards as images embedded in the thread. Will just make it a bit easier.
Fourth, I am going to address only the ones I attached as files earlier in the thread.
Auxiliary Cruisers
Purely as a card, I like this one. It is beautifully underpowered, if I may describe it so. In a big ocean, with isolated transports this would be kinda cool. Unfortunately in A&A, that rarely, if ever, happens. It may actually be too underpowered for its own good (A1 D1). To increase utility a bit, I might bump that up to A2 D1.
Also the name is a little misleading for how weak the ship is. This should probably be called an Aux Destroyer or Destroyer Escort rather than Cruiser. If this is a Germany only card, it might be better to call it a Commerce Raider.
I like the Withdraw and False Flag special abilities. Neutral Ports basically ensures that the ship will always get to move 3 because of how many neutral countries are on the board. Although 3 specials for one unit may be a bit much.
In the grand scheme of things, this ship will likely be utterly insignificant if there are only one of these on the board.
Deutsches Afrika Korps
Attack and defense are high for a mechanized unit (A2 D3). By attacking at +1 first round of combat do you mean rnd 1 attack is 3?
Why is move only 1 for a mechanized unit?
Tripoli is not even denoted on the G40 map? Are you using different territories?
The name Deutsches Afrika Korps for a single unit seems a little inappropriate. Other than the unit being playable in Africa, I do not understand the name of an entire expeditionary army being used for a single unit.
General “Vinegar Joe” Stillwell
Is this a one-time use card or does it count for the whole game? If for the whole game then it is pretty significant. Also, I am not partial to “leader” type cards, but that is a personal preference.
King’s African Rifles
Again, I do not mind this card. It is probably a good representation of native troops (A1 D1) versus normal army infantry (A1 D2). How do you intend to distinguish this unit from others? As with the Aux. Cruiser, this will likely be insignificant in the grand scheme. Not that there is anything wrong with that.
Legion Entrengere
Is this the French Foreign Legion? This is a good card. These infantry are the same as regular infantry. It is one time only. Defending at 3 during first rnd of combat is pretty powerful.
Salvage Operations
Interesting card. I assume this can be used for anyone. Looks exactly like the Soviet NA from Revised “Salvage” except that it is you get one if you lose one rather than you get one if you kill one.
Torpedo Squadron
This one is a little odd. First, it is a downgrade from a regular tactical bomber: Defense 2, Move 1?! By “Attack 3 (Naval units only)” I am assuming you are relegating this unit to only attacking ships. You are also implying that you have dedicated naval and land based planes.
Undersea Cruisers
I don’t really get this one. It is a cruiser but counts as a submarine? It has better attack and defense values (A3 D2) than a sub.
Floatplane: “May re-roll one attack die during first round of combat.”… This sounds rather redundant since you only get one roll during the first round of combat.