Fortunes of Victory - New Cards

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    I think it’s a question of placing horse cavalry in certain theaters at the start of the game. I agree that this is really viable only on the Global maps sold by HBG and the larger maps possible in TripleA.

    I could understand having mounted cavalry units to begin the game… however not in A&A/HBG Global War. Again, the global scale is far too big to include such a (relatively) limited use unit. Now as for a much larger and more detailed game…


    The other evening, I added Combat Engineers to my card list, with rules. They can clear the “minefields” improvement and also build both entrenchments and fortifications.

    A lot of the secondary units offered by HBG, FMG, and other retailers are superfluous to the current game design and functionally redundant on the current maps. Their addition is also hampered by the d6 system. I’m envisioning something much larger, working with at least a d12, as well as a much larger map. My theory is that if people are willing to play a 10+ hour game, they will be willing to play a much longer one also.

    … Now I see where the disconnect is. My frame of reference for ‘customization’ related to modifying A&A/HBG Global War roughly on the scale they currently are. That means D6, same/similar number of territories and general map size and global strategic level gameplay.

    Your ambition is big and very cool. I would count myself among many who always want for a bigger map with more units, more territories and more detail. I am one of those who is willing to play a 10-hour game and would also play one far longer. But my design (for my own purposes) is a little more practical. I return to my comment about simplicity… Axis&Allies is already a relatively complex boardgame, but it is quite user-friendly with some experience. The more you add phases, space and options, the more you will slow down individual turns and the game. The simpler and more straightforward the rules and units are, the more fun the game will be. I do believe that there is a sweet spot of ideal gameplay between basic and gigantic. (Basic being the A&A Original/Revised scale and gigantic being something larger and more detailed than Global 40/Global War.)

    Your “much larger map” will have to be truly gigantic if you intend to model fortifications, entrenchments and minefields. There may be limited ways to model an amalgamation of these things at the Global War scale, but you are suggesting something that is very tactical. You would almost have to have a game on the scale of a region (A&A D-Day) or an individual city to make minefields, entrenchments and engineers to be individual game components.

  • '16

    I’m thinking of some of the maps already seen on TripleA.

    Minefields are perhaps too much. I think cavalry are quite viable for a game that covers the WW1 or interwar eras.

    In this case, enrichments and fortifications will mean a fortified territory or a trench network of very large scale. More like a series of forts and strongpoints.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    I’m thinking of some of the maps already seen on TripleA.

    Minefields are perhaps too much. I think cavalry are quite viable for a game that covers the WW1 or interwar eras.

    In this case, enrichments and fortifications will mean a fortified territory or a trench network of very large scale. More like a series of forts and strongpoints.

    Been a very long time since I played TripleA, and I did not experiment much, so your horizons are broader than mine.

    And I wondered after the fact if you meant fortifications on the scale of the Maginot Line or Atlantic Wall as opposed to something much more localized. That does make sense.

  • '16

    Some pieces and counters out of Memoir 44 and Tides of Iron have proved inspiring, although both are tactical games.

    I don’t think it can be overstated to what degree adding new units is superfluous. I think that needs to be accepted up front. The current games are really complete in themselves. Even cruisers are really unnecessary. Probably tac bombers too. What’s really missing are transport aircraft.

    The HBG map does include city regions. For example, the island of Singapore.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    I don’t think it can be overstated to what degree adding new units is superfluous. I think that needs to be accepted up front. The current games are really complete in themselves. Even cruisers are really unnecessary. Probably tac bombers too. What’s really missing are transport aircraft.

    Oh, I do agree. A&A was, and is, entirely playable in the Revised (2001/02) format. Tac bombers and cruisers are superfluous particularly for that version. However, with a larger map and more money to spend, they gain a level of usefulness even if they are not essential.

    But, as customizers, everything we are doing is superfluous almost by definition.  :roll:


    The HBG map does include city regions. For example, the island of Singapore.

    Yes, but it is still an entire territory without urban definition. The territory may be named for the city-region itself, but it is exactly like any other territory on the board and geographically far larger than the actual city itself.

  • '16

    You’ve got it. If the territory is “Washington, D.C.,” then we’re approximating the National Capital Region, for example. In terms of fortifications, a Civil War-era analogy would be the ring of defensive forts and strongpoints around the capital city, which extended as far south as Northern Virginia.

    Also, has anyone gotten to take a gander at the card list yet?

  • '16

    So… anybody? xD Is it that nobody’s had a chance to look, or nobody thinks it’s worthwhile?

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    Also, has anyone gotten to take a gander at the card list yet?

    I assume these are the ones you sent to me?

  • '16

    No. I am referring to the list on the GoogeDrive to which I linked a few posts ago.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer

    Oh, I will go back and take a look.

  • '16

    I’ve also begun to write up some house rules for use with the deck, and I’ll post that once I’ve made a bit more progress.

    Again, the draft deck can be reviewed here.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer

    Going to be out of touch for a few days. Will review when able.

  • '16

    Sure. Enjoy! :)

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer

    First off, I think your cards require some amount of background information on rules and map you intend to use.

    Secondly, even though these responses may appear critical, I do not mean to come off as completely condemning. I tend to point out holes or questions that immediately come to mind.

    Third, to help others understand my comments or participate, you may want to repost your cards as images embedded in the thread. Will just make it a bit easier.

    Fourth, I am going to address only the ones I attached as files earlier in the thread.

    Auxiliary Cruisers
    Purely as a card, I like this one. It is beautifully underpowered, if I may describe it so. In a big ocean, with isolated transports this would be kinda cool. Unfortunately in A&A, that rarely, if ever, happens. It may actually be too underpowered for its own good (A1 D1). To increase utility a bit, I might bump that up to A2 D1.
    Also the name is a little misleading for how weak the ship is. This should probably be called an Aux Destroyer or Destroyer Escort rather than Cruiser. If this is a Germany only card, it might be better to call it a Commerce Raider.
    I like the Withdraw and False Flag special abilities. Neutral Ports basically ensures that the ship will always get to move 3 because of how many neutral countries are on the board. Although 3 specials for one unit may be a bit much.
    In the grand scheme of things, this ship will likely be utterly insignificant if there are only one of these on the board.

    Deutsches Afrika Korps
    Attack and defense are high for a mechanized unit (A2 D3). By attacking at +1 first round of combat do you mean rnd 1 attack is 3?
    Why is move only 1 for a mechanized unit?
    Tripoli is not even denoted on the G40 map? Are you using different territories?
    The name Deutsches Afrika Korps for a single unit seems a little inappropriate. Other than the unit being playable in Africa, I do not understand the name of an entire expeditionary army being used for a single unit.

    General “Vinegar Joe” Stillwell
    Is this a one-time use card or does it count for the whole game? If for the whole game then it is pretty significant. Also, I am not partial to “leader” type cards, but that is a personal preference.

    King’s African Rifles
    Again, I do not mind this card. It is probably a good representation of native troops (A1 D1) versus normal army infantry (A1 D2). How do you intend to distinguish this unit from others? As with the Aux. Cruiser, this will likely be insignificant in the grand scheme. Not that there is anything wrong with that.

    Legion Entrengere
    Is this the French Foreign Legion? This is a good card. These infantry are the same as regular infantry. It is one time only. Defending at 3 during first rnd of combat is pretty powerful.

    Salvage Operations
    Interesting card. I assume this can be used for anyone. Looks exactly like the Soviet NA from Revised “Salvage” except that it is you get one if you lose one rather than you get one if you kill one.

    Torpedo Squadron
    This one is a little odd. First, it is a downgrade from a regular tactical bomber: Defense 2, Move 1?! By “Attack 3 (Naval units only)” I am assuming you are relegating this unit to only attacking ships. You are also implying that you have dedicated naval and land based planes.

    Undersea Cruisers
    I don’t really get this one. It is a cruiser but counts as a submarine? It has better attack and defense values (A3 D2) than a sub.
    Floatplane:  “May re-roll one attack die during first round of combat.”… This sounds rather redundant since you only get one roll during the first round of combat.

  • '16

    Thanks for the feedback!

    I intend that these would be used on the HBG Global 1939 map, or else on a map of similar size.

    I’d love your feedback on the larger list of cards found on my Google Drive. Are you having trouble accessing that?

    Commerce raiding was traditionally carried out by vessels known as auxiliary cruisers. It is, in fact, a commerce raider. I agree that this unit would probably not be worthwhile unless there were quite a lot of sea zones added to the standard map.

    The DAK unit is intended to simulate a corps. That’s consistent with A&A’s level of abstraction. I agree that the speed is “off.” I wasn’t looking at the G40 map when I made the card, but at the HBG G1939 map, although I can easily change “Tripoli” to “Libya.”

    Vinegar Joe is actually a unit that grants a +1 to attack and defense in the territory that he occupies. He moves 1. It is intended to be used the whole game.

    The KAR is a flavor unit and is not really meant to influence the game in a major way.

    The Legion Etrengere is indeed the French Foreign Legion.

    Salvage Operations is just a knock-off, yeah.

    The Torpedo Squadron is intended to be geared toward naval combat. Again, on a much bigger map.

    The Undersea Cruiser was a concept pioneered by the French Surcouf. The idea is that it would be somewhere between a sub and a cruiser in strength.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer

    If I have time, I will go back to the google drive and look the others over. However, as I said, it would be much easier for me and others to participate in the discussion if you just embedded the cards here. Or even attached them to posts, something you should have privileges to do by now.

    It is difficult for me to give you accurate feedback on the cards without a more defined scope of the game you intend for them to be used in. My impression is that this game or board does not truly exist yet, since you like the GW39 map but would like a bigger one. That is not wrong, it just poses problems because it can be difficult to evaluate individual unit or card value if you don’t know what they will be played on… or, more importantly, the rule set used. I am not saying you must define this completely, it just appears that your scale is much grander than G40 and some of the unit characteristics are different.

    All that said, there are elements here that I do like and others that don’t really fit my tastes.

    Salvage may be a ripoff, but it is a good and simple little advantage. I would impose some more qualifiers to the card though. Only in one territory per round, only so many times a game… something like that. Unless you intend for it to be unlimited, which may become kinda ridiculous. Like a self-regenerating army.

    The French Foreign Legion is also simple and readily implemented. Gives France a minute amount of added purpose and puts a few pebbles in the way of the Axis advance.

    You are correct about the Afrika Korps unit name.

    The Torpedo Squadron card name just seems kind of generic. Do you intend that there will be more than one of these cards? Or that it is usable by multiple Powers?

  • '16

    There are so many ideas, I don’t want to invest in developing full cards for them until they’re vetted.

    And yes, the first thing to do probably would be to design a new map. Do you know of anybody who is interested in that sort of thing? I’m afraid I wouldn’t know where to start.

    Yes, the Torpedo Squadrons were supposed to be generic. They are a general unit.

    Basically, the player plays X IPC’s to play a card from their hand. If it’s a unit, that unit is placed during the deployment phase. If it is an action like Salvage, they get to do that once, unless otherwise specified. I have tried to cost out everything appropriately.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    And yes, the first thing to do probably would be to design a new map. Do you know of anybody who is interested in that sort of thing? I’m afraid I wouldn’t know where to start.

    A lot of people here modify existing maps like G40 and earlier ones, but those keep essentially the same size and number of territories, so I doubt it would suit your purposes.

    I am very interested in re-drawing a map and in fact have already begun. I am not satisfied with G40 OOB map as I would like many of the territories revised and a slightly larger size. I like the HBG Global War 39 map; size is better and territories are better, but it still has flaws (for my purposes). I am not completely confident in HBGs GW39 2nd Ed. map yet either, though the design has improved.

    Anyway, I have blown up a picture of the GW39 map and have been tracing out the territories and sea zones so I have a base from which to modify things. I am still early in the process. I imagine the end size will be the same as HBGs large map 47" x 96"… although I am considering revising the aspect ratio so that certain landforms are not so distorted.


    Basically, the player plays X IPC’s to play a card from their hand. If it’s a unit, that unit is placed during the deployment phase. If it is an action like Salvage, they get to do that once, unless otherwise specified. I have tried to cost out everything appropriately.

    I see. I didn’t know there was a cost to play the card. Did you say how cards are collected? Are they just one per turn or do you get them after completing objectives? I hope you don’t have to buy them, because it would be less worthwhile if you have to pay for the card and then pay again to use it.

  • '16

    I think the key to modding A&A is that, no matter the design, you need to stay true to why people play this particular game.

    First, they want to move little plastic men and roll dice. If there are chits, they must not represent units.

    Second, they want to engage in at least a partial historical simulation. There’s a reason the game is “Axis & Allies,” not “Guys & Tanks.”

    Third, they want to play a game of minimum complexity.

    I am of the opinion that, for somebody who plays A&A, the question of how long is less important than how exhausting.

    Any map I participated in designing would be larger than the original. It would also include a number of magnified “cut-outs” around the borders for those territories that tend to be jam-packed with units.

    I know a great mapmaker. Maybe we can dragoon him.

    There is a cost to play each of the cards. Generals remain on the table as 1/1/1 units. Cards are drawn both at the start of the game and at the start of each round of turns. Some cards are drawn from a general deck by the player whose turn it is. Other cards are drawn by each player from a deck specific to their country. Some cards, called Events, are played automatically. Some cards have triggers – conditions that must be met.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    I think the key to modding A&A is that, no matter the design, you need to stay true to why people play this particular game.

    First, they want to move little plastic men and roll dice. If there are chits, they must not represent units.

    Second, they want to engage in at least a partial historical simulation. There’s a reason the game is “Axis & Allies,” not “Guys & Tanks.”

    Third, they want to play a game of minimum complexity.

    I am of the opinion that, for somebody who plays A&A, the question of how long is less important than how exhausting.

    Any map I participated in designing would be larger than the original. It would also include a number of magnified “cut-outs” around the borders for those territories that tend to be jam-packed with units.

    I completely agree on all your points. Simplicity is fundamentally important. The challenge for me becomes improving existing game mechanics without really adding a whole lot of unnecessary bits. My intention is to leave A&A traditional elements, phases and pieces exactly as they are, but to modify rules for the pieces, add to the map and re-shape the victory conditions. This should not alter the game itself at all, just allow for different approaches when playing.


    I know a great mapmaker. Maybe we can dragoon him.

    Haha, that would be excellent. I am good with maps, but I do not have any true image editing software at this time. I hear there is a free Photoshop-like program you can download though.

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