Our group plays with technology but not as it is written in the rules because of the random nature of the set up. We will pay 5 IPC’s for a development dice and we roll that one dice each turn for the technology that is desired until it is achieved or not (a 6 for development). We figure that if a nation was to invest in technology, it would know what it was trying to develop. I personally like the technology chart and development found in Global 1939. The techs are available to all nations but each nation develops a particular technology at a distict point value. For example: UK devolps radar at 8 points. The Soviets develop radar at 22 points (for example, it may be less or more) Each nation that chooses to develop a technology “buys” a development dice for 3 ipc’s during the purchase phase. They will roll the dice and what ever comes up is the number of points applied to developing the technology that nation is shooting for. It may take two, three, or more rounds to develop the technology but you keep addinf what ever you roll toward the particular technology you want. A nation at war can develop three technologies at the same time if they choose. 3 IPS’s per dice, one dice per technology. I know that this is more of a house rule issue but in keeping with eames57’s initial post I added the alternatives.
I know some don’t like technology and that is great, but for those who like it find the way that best serves your play style. Have fun.