• Hello from Florida.  :-)

    I started playing Axis And Allies back in 1986 while stationed overseas.  Still have my original box that says Milton Bradley Game Master Series.  We put a lot of miles on this game and always had a great time.

    Never really looked into any of the other AAA games until recently.  I knew there were a ‘couple’ of versions but just found out last weekend how many there actually were.  Decided to get the 1942 2nd edition from a local game shop.  Prior to buying it I did just a bit or peripheral research on some of the versions and this one looked really appealing.  We’ve played a couple of times now with it and we’re all very impressed.

    To begin, I really like the larger map.  Only complaint is that some of the borders are just a tad hard to differentiate.  But the size and overall color scheme is really a step up from the 1984 board.  And we really like the addition of the artillery, destroyer and cruiser.  That really adds to the game.  Took a bit to get used to the new unit costs, particularly the tank.  When you’ve been used to them costing 5 IPC for nearly 30 years… :lol:

    Also like the new rules such as fighters escorting bombers on strategic raids, submerging subs, destroyer rules and the cruisers getting the bombardment shot along with battleships.  And speaking of battleships, nice to see that piece take two hits.

    Would like to have seen more pieces included and more chips, but I still have all of my 1984 pieces so we’ve been using the white/red chips to supplement if needed.

    Overall, very impressed.

  • Welcome to the forum, and welcome to the greatly expanded (relative to its Milton Bradley early incarnation) A&A game universe!  The 1941 game is a good starting point for someone who’s brand-new to A&A, but the 1942/2 game you bought is probably a better choice for someone like you who already has considerable experience with A&A (even if only with its early form) – so that was a good selection you made.  The next jump up would be to try the Pacific 1940/2 and Europe 1940/2 games on their own (and probably in that order, since Pacific involves fewer powers), and then ultimately combining them into Global 1940/2.  You should have great fun with all of these.

  • Thank you for the welcome  :-)

    Welcome to the forum, and welcome to the greatly expanded (relative to its Milton Bradley early incarnation) A&A game universe!  The 1941 game is a good starting point for someone who’s brand-new to A&A, but the 1942/2 game you bought is probably a better choice for someone like you who already has considerable experience with A&A (even if only with its early form) – so that was a good selection you made.

    I agree.  What actually got me to choose this version was a game I recently purchased on ITunes for my Ipad.  It had the classic, 1941 and 1942 versions on it (slightly different than the board game but very close).  So it got me curious to see what version was the closest.  The 1942.2 looked pretty close and I really liked the additional units.  Local game shop had it for $40 so I picked it up, and glad I did.  I honestly don’t know how many games of the classic I’ve played (in the hundreds).  But I can see 1942.2 taking the spotlight.

    The next jump up would be to try the Pacific 1940/2 and Europe 1940/2 games on their own (and probably in that order, since Pacific involves fewer powers), and then ultimately combining them into Global 1940/2.  You should have great fun with all of these.

    Funny you mentioned this.  Initially, neither held any interest for me.  But from the forum I’m learning that folks combine them.  Now that sounds interesting!  I don’t know what either board looks like but I’m going to need to check further into it.  As well as what units/rules they use.  Thanks for the suggestion.

  • @SEP:

    I don’t know what either board looks like but I’m going to need to check further into it.Â

    I can’t find the location of the combined second edition map, but you can see the two halves of the first edition map here:


    (actually shows the Europe map)

  • Wow!  That is very cool.  So I’m assuming that both boards line up with each other? Â

    Edited to add:  Okay, you’ve got me really interested in this so I took a look at the links you provided as well as the forum on it.  That led me to Young Grasshoppers YT videos on this and it looks like the maps line up fine.

    In fact…I’ll need a bigger table if I do this  :-D

  • @SEP:

    Wow! � That is very cool. � So I’m assuming that both boards line up with each other? �Â

    Edited to add:  Okay, you’ve got me really interested in this so I took a look at the links you provided as well as the forum on it.  That led me to Young Grasshoppers YT videos on this and it looks like the maps line up fine.Â

    In fact…I’ll need a bigger table if I do this  :-D

    I’ll try attaching below (it may not work; attachments have been behaving strangely lately) a small composite shot of the combined Global 1940 map.

    For assorted pictures showing how these maps look on regular tables or customized tables), see these two threads:

    To see the units used in Global 1940/2, download the rulebook from here…


    …and check the two-page chart at the end.  For better silhouettes of the actual sculpts, consult my unit identification charts (click each chart to blow it up to full size) at this location…


    …and knp7765’s photographic inventory, located here:


    Global 1940.2 Map.jpg
    Global 1940.2 Map.jpg_thumb
    Global 1940.2 Map.jpg_thumb
    Global 1940.2 Map.jpg_thumb
    Global 1940.2 Map.jpg_thumb
    Global 1940.2 Map.jpg_thumb
    Global 1940.2 Map.jpg_thumb
    Global 1940.2 Map.jpg_thumb
    Global 1940.2 Map.jpg_thumb
    Global 1940.2 Map.jpg_thumb
    Global 1940.2 Map.jpg_thumb
    Global 1940.2 Map.jpg_thumb
    Global 1940.2 Map.jpg_thumb
    Global 1940.2 Map.jpg_thumb
    Global 1940.2 Map.jpg_thumb
    Global 1940.2 Map.jpg_thumb
    Global 1940.2 Map.jpg_thumb
    Global 1940.2 Map.jpg_thumb

  • Appreciate the links.  Those are some really excellent pics and ideas folks are coming up with.  Making me ‘Jones’ for a bigger/better map for sure!  I’ll need to look into the rule differences between 1942.2 and the Global version.  Also looking at an improved 1942.2 map in that section as well.

    Thanks again for the ideas.  I really like the idea of a one-piece map with no creases.  One thing I’ve noticed with the 1942.2 map is that a little bump separates them.  And of course a big bump puts Russian infantry in Tokyo  :-D

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