• http://axisallies.com/research-rolls/#more-662

    What do you think about this? I’ve never ever heard of reserch being done that way, but I’ve never really thought about it, I guess it makes sense… a little

  • Personally, I like the way that the technology chart is set up and done in Global 39.  3ipc’s a dice every turn and the count is cumulative(spelling?) Say radar for the United Kingdom takes a score of “8” (the British did discover it and so they have the lowest required score).  The UK player wants to develop radar so he pays 3ipc’s for a dice roll.  The UK rolls a 5 and notes the score on the development chart.  On the next turn, the UK player pays another 3ips for the tech dice and rolls a 2.  Now the Uk player has a score of 7 (along with a relly bad attitude that he hasn’t been gettting a good dice roll).  On the third round, he pays 3ipc’s a third time and rolls a 4 thus scoring “11”.  The UK has surpassed the “8” points needed to develop radar for the Brits and now has that technology.  In the Global 39 rules, a nation at war can roll up to three dice on three seperate technologies a turn.  (3ipc’s per dice…one dice per technology break through).  Nations still nuetral can only roll on one tech until they come into the war.  The US and Soviets start off nuetral so can only develop one tech at a time until they have entered the war.  Most of the technologies in Global 39 are the same as in Global 40 but the list can be adjusted to anything.  One just has to make the point value for each technology appropriate to each nations ability to develop it.  Heavy bomber tech was easier for the German’s, UK, and US to develop than it was for the Italians or Japanese.  The scores would reflect that ie. the US and Germany need a score of 45 while the UK needs a 50 and the Italians need a score of 60.  I know that the UK actually had bombers with a heavier payload capacity at the begining of the war but the US did develop a bomber designed to carry really heavy loads (B-29) which design proved so good the Soviets stole the design and are still flying their version of it around today. Point is that the scores are not equal but appropriate to a particular nation’s weaknesses and strengthes.

  • @stroutqb22:


    What do you think about this? I’ve never ever heard of reserch being done that way, but I’ve never really thought about it, I guess it makes sense… a little

    I actually like this a lot. Even if you only buy one die… you’ll most likely get a tech by turn 6. It makes tech worth it.

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