New world order 1939 Lebowski

  • TripleA Turn Summary for game: New World Order 1939 Lebowski, version: 2.0.3

    Game History

    Round: 22

    Turn Complete - Greeks
                Greeks collect 7 PUs; end with 7 PUs total

  • TripleA Turn Summary for game: New World Order 1939 Lebowski, version: 2.0.3

    Game History

    Round: 22

    Combat Move - Turkey
                1 Armour moved from N.Turkey to sz61
                1 Armour and 1 Transport moved from sz61 to sz52
                1 Infantry moved from Izmir to sz52
                1 Cruiser moved from sz61 to sz52
                1 Infantry moved from Izmir to sz52
                1 Armour moved from sz52 to Greece
                2 Infantry moved from sz52 to Greece
                5 Infantry moved from Ankara to Istanbul
                2 Infantry moved from S.Turkey to Syria
                2 Infantry moved from Ankara to S.Turkey
                6 Infantry moved from S.Egypt to Cairo
                2 Armours moved from E.Egypt to Cairo
                1 Fighter moved from E.Egypt to Cairo
                1 Fighter moved from Iraq to Izmir
                6 Infantry moved from E.Egypt to S.Egypt
                6 Elites moved from E.Egypt to S.Egypt
                1 Elite and 3 Infantry moved from Israel to E.Egypt
                4 Infantry moved from Saudi Arabia to E.Egypt
                1 Elite moved from Iraq to Saudi Arabia
                10 Infantry moved from Syria to Israel
                1 Elite moved from Kubyshev to Gorky
                3 Infantry moved from Lugansk to Saratov
                4 Infantry moved from Kizbar to Astraknan
                1 Elite moved from Kizbar to Astraknan
                2 Infantry moved from Sochi to Stavropol
                1 Armour moved from N.Turkey to Kizbar
                2 Infantry moved from Izmir to S.Turkey
                2 Infantry moved from S.Turkey to Syria

    Purchase Units - Turkey
                Turkey buy 6 Armours and 7 Infantry; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;

    Combat - Turkey
                Battle in Cairo
                    Turkey attack with 2 Armours, 1 Fighter and 6 Infantry
                    French defend with 2 Fighters; British defend with 1 AAGun, 3 Bombers, 1 Factory, 1 Fighter and 6 commandos
                        AA fire in Cairo :  0/1 hits
                        Turkey roll dice for 2 Armours, 1 Fighter and 6 Infantry in Cairo, round 2 :  4/9 hits
                        British roll dice for 3 Bombers, 3 Fighters and 6 commandos in Cairo, round 2 :  4/12 hits
                        3 Bombers owned by the British, 4 Infantry owned by the Turkey and 1 commando owned by the British lost in Cairo
                        Turkey roll dice for 2 Armours, 1 Fighter and 2 Infantry in Cairo, round 3 :  0/5 hits
                        British roll dice for 3 Fighters and 5 commandos in Cairo, round 3 :  5/8 hits
                        1 Fighter owned by the Turkey, 2 Infantry owned by the Turkey and 2 Armours owned by the Turkey lost in Cairo
                    British win with 3 Fighters and 5 commandos remaining. Battle score for attacker is 15
                    Casualties for British: 3 Bombers and 1 commando
                    Casualties for Turkey: 2 Armours, 1 Fighter and 6 Infantry
                Battle in Greece
                    Turkey attack with 1 Armour and 2 Infantry
                    British defend with 5 Armours; Greeks defend with 1 AAGun and 1 Factory
                        Turkey roll dice for 1 Cruiser in Greece, round 2 :  1/1 hits
                        1 Armour owned by the British lost in Greece
                        Turkey roll dice for 1 Armour and 2 Infantry in Greece, round 2 :  2/3 hits
                        Greeks roll dice for 4 Armours in Greece, round 2 :  0/4 hits
                        2 Armours owned by the British lost in Greece
                        Turkey roll dice for 1 Armour and 2 Infantry in Greece, round 3 :  1/3 hits
                        Greeks roll dice for 2 Armours in Greece, round 3 :  1/2 hits
                        1 Armour owned by the British and 1 Infantry owned by the Turkey lost in Greece
                        Turkey roll dice for 1 Armour and 1 Infantry in Greece, round 4 :  1/2 hits
                        Greeks roll dice for 1 Armour in Greece, round 4 :  0/1 hits
                        1 Armour owned by the British lost in Greece
                    Turkey captures 7PUs while taking Greeks capital
                    Turkey win, taking Greece from Greeks with 1 Armour and 1 Infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 23
                    Casualties for British: 5 Armours
                    Casualties for Turkey: 1 Infantry

    Non Combat Move - Turkey

    Place Units - Turkey
                5 Armours placed in Ankara
                1 Armour and 1 Infantry placed in N.Turkey
                2 Infantry placed in Syria
                4 Infantry placed in Iraq

    Turn Complete - Turkey
                Turkey collect 48 PUs; end with 55 PUs total

  • TripleA Turn Summary for game: New World Order 1939 Lebowski, version: 2.0.3

    Game History

    Round: 22

    Combat Move - Americans
                2 Mech.Infs moved from Nikolsk to Omsk
                1 P51mustang moved from Moscow to Omsk
                1 Mech.Inf moved from Nikolsk to Omsk
                2 Mech.Infs moved from Nikolsk to Svedlovsk
                2 Mech.Infs moved from Nikolsk to Gorky
                1 Armour moved from Rzhev to Kursk
                2 Armours moved from Leningrad to Novgorod
                1 P51mustang moved from C.Finnland to Gorky
                1 B29 moved from Stalingrad to Svedlovsk
                3 Armours moved from Rzhev to Kursk
                1 Armour moved from C.Finnland to Leningrad
                3 Mech.Infs moved from N.Finnland to Nikolsk
                2 Infantry moved from N.Finnland to sz28
                1 Armour moved from N.Finnland to sz28
                2 Infantry moved from sz28 to Leningrad
                1 Armour moved from sz28 to Leningrad
                2 marines moved from E.Algeria to N.Tunesia
                4 P51mustangs moved from Tanger to S.Tunesia

    Purchase Units - Americans
                Americans buy 5 Armours, 2 Carriers, 2 Destroyers, 1 Infantry and 6 Mech.Infs; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;

    Combat - Americans
                Battle in Omsk
                    Americans attack with 3 Mech.Infs and 1 P51mustang
                    Germans defend with 1 Factory and 1 Mech.Inf
                        Americans roll dice for 3 Mech.Infs and 1 P51mustang in Omsk, round 2 :  2/4 hits
                        Germans roll dice for 1 Mech.Inf in Omsk, round 2 :  0/1 hits
                    1 Mech.Inf owned by the Germans lost in Omsk
                    Americans win, taking Omsk from Germans with 3 Mech.Infs and 1 P51mustang remaining. Battle score for attacker is 5
                    Casualties for Germans: 1 Mech.Inf
                Battle in Svedlovsk
                    Americans attack with 1 B29 and 2 Mech.Infs
                    Germans defend with 1 Mech.Inf
                        Americans roll dice for 1 B29 and 2 Mech.Infs in Svedlovsk, round 2 :  1/3 hits
                        Germans roll dice for 1 Mech.Inf in Svedlovsk, round 2 :  0/1 hits
                    1 Mech.Inf owned by the Germans lost in Svedlovsk
                    Americans win, taking Svedlovsk from Germans with 1 B29 and 2 Mech.Infs remaining. Battle score for attacker is 5
                    Casualties for Germans: 1 Mech.Inf
                Battle in Kursk
                    Americans attack with 4 Armours
                    Germans defend with 1 Bunker
                        Americans roll dice for 4 Armours in Kursk, round 2 :  1/4 hits
                    Units damaged: 1 Bunker owned by the Germans
                        Germans roll dice for 1 Bunker in Kursk, round 2 :  0/1 hits
                        Americans roll dice for 4 Armours in Kursk, round 3 :  2/4 hits
                        Germans roll dice for 1 Bunker in Kursk, round 3 :  0/1 hits
                        1 Bunker owned by the Germans lost in Kursk
                    Americans win, taking Kursk from Germans with 4 Armours remaining. Battle score for attacker is 5
                    Casualties for Germans: 1 Bunker
                Battle in Gorky
                    Americans attack with 2 Mech.Infs and 1 P51mustang
                    Turkey defend with 1 Elite
                        Americans roll dice for 2 Mech.Infs and 1 P51mustang in Gorky, round 2 :  1/3 hits
                        Germans roll dice for 1 Elite in Gorky, round 2 :  0/1 hits
                        1 Elite owned by the Turkey lost in Gorky
                    Americans win, taking Gorky from Germans with 2 Mech.Infs and 1 P51mustang remaining. Battle score for attacker is 4
                    Casualties for Turkey: 1 Elite

    Non Combat Move - Americans
                1 B29 moved from Svedlovsk to Moscow
                1 P51mustang moved from Omsk to Nikolsk
                1 P51mustang moved from Gorky to Moscow
                2 P51mustangs moved from Vyborg to Moscow
                2 Armours moved from Novgorod to Rzhev

    Place Units - Americans
                2 Carriers and 2 Destroyers placed in sz36
                2 Armours placed in Vyborg
                3 Mech.Infs placed in C.Finnland
                3 Armours and 3 Mech.Infs placed in N.Finnland
                1 Infantry were produced but were not placed

    Turn Complete - Americans
                Americans collect 105 PUs; end with 105 PUs total

  • TripleA Turn Summary for game: New World Order 1939 Lebowski, version: 2.0.3

    Game History

    Round: 23

    Combat Move - Germans
                1 Bomber moved from Marseille to sz36
                1 Bomber moved from Le Havre to sz36
                1 Me262 moved from Le Havre to Barcelona
                1 Fighter moved from Venezia to Barcelona
                6 Elites moved from Lugansk to Kursk
                3 Mech.Infs moved from Ukrainskaya to Saratov
                3 Panzers moved from Ukrainskaya to Lugansk
                1 HeavyPanzer moved from Ukrainskaya to Lugansk
                3 Mech.Infs moved from Lvov to Lugansk
                2 Infantry moved from Ukrainskaya to Donetsk
                1 EarlyFighter moved from Litovskaya to Kursk
                3 Infantry moved from Smolensk to Estonia
                1 Elite moved from Smolensk to Estonia
                1 Elite moved from Litovskaya to Brest
                1 Infantry moved from Warzawa to Koenigsberg
                4 Infantry moved from Litovskaya to Brest
                5 Infantry moved from Dresden to Gdansk
                2 Elites moved from Dresden to Gdansk
                6 Infantry moved from Rostock to Gdansk
                5 Infantry moved from Denmark to Rostock
                5 Infantry moved from Bremen to Denmark
                5 Infantry moved from Rostock to Gdansk
                3 Infantry moved from Bremen to Denmark
                3 Infantry moved from Netherlands to Bremen
                3 Infantry moved from Denmark to Rostock
                3 Infantry moved from Rostock to Gdansk
                10 Infantry moved from Gdansk to Koenigsberg
                10 Infantry moved from Gdansk to Koenigsberg
                1 Infantry moved from Gdansk to Koenigsberg
                10 Infantry moved from Koenigsberg to Litovskaya
                10 Infantry moved from Koenigsberg to Litovskaya
                1 Infantry moved from Koenigsberg to Litovskaya
                10 Infantry moved from Litovskaya to Brest
                5 Infantry moved from Litovskaya to Brest
                2 Infantry moved from Litovskaya to Brest
                1 Infantry moved from Brest to Smolensk
                2 EarlyFighters moved from Warzawa to Estonia
                2 Fighters moved from Warzawa to Estonia
                2 Me262s moved from Brest to Estonia
                6 Fighters moved from Brest to Kursk
                2 Panzers moved from Austrie to Lvov
                2 Panzers moved from Hungary to Ukrainskaya
                1 Mech.Inf moved from Genova to Hungary
                3 Panzers moved from Montpellier to Genova

    Purchase Units - Germans
                Germans buy 2 Artillerys, 1 Bomber, 1 Bunker, 1 EarlyFighter, 3 Elites, 3 Fighters, 1 HeavyPanzer, 14 Infantry, 2 Me262s and 3 Panzers; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;

    Combat - Germans
                Battle in sz36
                    Germans attack with 2 Bombers
                    Americans defend with 2 Carriers and 2 Destroyers
                        Germans roll dice for 2 Bombers in sz36, round 2 :  2/2 hits
                        Americans roll dice for 2 Carriers and 2 Destroyers in sz36, round 2 :  3/4 hits
                        2 Bombers owned by the Germans and 2 Destroyers owned by the Americans lost in sz36
                    Americans win with 2 Carriers remaining. Battle score for attacker is -8
                    Casualties for Germans: 2 Bombers
                    Casualties for Americans: 2 Destroyers
                Battle in Estonia
                    Germans attack with 2 EarlyFighters, 1 Elite, 2 Fighters, 3 Infantry and 2 Me262s
                    Russians defend with 2 Elites and 1 Infantry
                        Germans roll dice for 2 EarlyFighters, 1 Elite, 2 Fighters, 3 Infantry and 2 Me262s in Estonia, round 2 :  3/10 hits
                        Russians roll dice for 2 Elites and 1 Infantry in Estonia, round 2 :  3/3 hits
                        2 Elites owned by the Russians, 3 Infantry owned by the Germans and 1 Infantry owned by the Russians lost in Estonia
                    Germans win, taking Estonia from Russians with 2 EarlyFighters, 1 Elite, 2 Fighters and 2 Me262s remaining. Battle score for attacker is 4
                    Casualties for Germans: 3 Infantry
                    Casualties for Russians: 2 Elites and 1 Infantry
                Battle in Kursk
                    Germans attack with 1 EarlyFighter, 6 Elites and 6 Fighters
                    Americans defend with 4 Armours
                        Germans roll dice for 1 EarlyFighter, 6 Elites and 6 Fighters in Kursk, round 2 :  8/13 hits
                        Russians roll dice for 4 Armours in Kursk, round 2 :  2/4 hits
                        2 Elites owned by the Germans and 4 Armours owned by the Americans lost in Kursk
                    Germans win, taking Kursk from Russians with 1 EarlyFighter, 4 Elites and 6 Fighters remaining. Battle score for attacker is 12
                    Casualties for Germans: 2 Elites
                    Casualties for Americans: 4 Armours

    Non Combat Move - Germans
                1 EarlyFighter moved from Kursk to Lugansk
                6 Fighters moved from Kursk to Lugansk
                2 Me262s moved from Estonia to Brest
                2 EarlyFighters moved from Estonia to Brest
                2 Fighters moved from Estonia to Brest

    Place Units - Germans
                1 Bunker placed in Normandy
                3 Infantry placed in Netherlands
                5 Infantry placed in Bremen
                6 Infantry placed in Rostock
                2 Artillerys placed in Litovskaya
                1 HeavyPanzer and 3 Panzers placed in Ukrainskaya
                1 Bomber and 2 Me262s placed in Le Havre
                3 Elites placed in Hungary
                1 EarlyFighter placed in Warzawa
                3 Fighters placed in Warzawa

    Turn Complete - Germans
                Germans collect 142 PUs; end with 142 PUs total

  • TripleA Turn Summary for game: New World Order 1939 Lebowski, version: 2.0.3

    Game History

    Round: 23

    Combat Move - Russians
                4 Elites moved from Kaluga to Rzhev
                6 Infantry moved from Kaluga to Rzhev
                10 Infantry moved from Moscow to Gorky

    Purchase Units - Russians
                Russians buy 22 Infantry; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;

    Non Combat Move - Russians
                1 Bomber moved from Stalingrad to Gorky

    Place Units - Russians
                5 Infantry placed in Stalingrad
                10 Infantry placed in Moscow
                4 Infantry placed in Leningrad
                3 Infantry placed in Omsk

    Turn Complete - Russians
                Russians collect 46 PUs; end with 46 PUs total

  • TripleA Turn Summary for game: New World Order 1939 Lebowski, version: 2.0.3

    Game History

    Round: 23

    Combat Move - Romanians
                1 Armour moved from Kazakh to Stalingrad
                3 Armours moved from Pavlovsk to Stalingrad
                2 Elites moved from Pavlovsk to Stalingrad
                1 Infantry moved from Astraknan to Stalingrad
                2 Elites moved from Astraknan to Stalingrad
                1 Fighter moved from Astraknan to Stalingrad
                2 Fighters moved from Rostov to Stalingrad
                1 Bomber moved from Rostov to Stalingrad
                3 Infantry moved from Lugansk to Saratov
                1 Tankette moved from Rostov to Saratov
                1 Cruiser moved from sz61 to sz52
                1 Battleship moved from sz61 to sz52
                2 Transports moved from sz61 to sz52

    Purchase Units - Romanians
                Romanians buy 5 Armours, 4 Infantry and 1 Tankette; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;

    Combat - Romanians
                Battle in Stalingrad
                    Romanians attack with 4 Armours, 1 Bomber, 4 Elites, 3 Fighters and 1 Infantry
                    Russians defend with 5 Elites, 1 Factory, 1 Fighter and 5 Infantry
                        Romanians roll dice for 4 Armours, 1 Bomber, 4 Elites, 3 Fighters and 1 Infantry in Stalingrad, round 2 :  6/13 hits
                        Russians roll dice for 5 Elites, 1 Fighter and 5 Infantry in Stalingrad, round 2 :  4/11 hits
                        1 Elite owned by the Russians, 5 Infantry owned by the Russians, 1 Infantry owned by the Romanians and 3 Elites owned by the Romanians lost in Stalingrad
                        Romanians roll dice for 4 Armours, 1 Bomber, 1 Elite and 3 Fighters in Stalingrad, round 3 :  4/9 hits
                        Russians roll dice for 4 Elites and 1 Fighter in Stalingrad, round 3 :  3/5 hits
                        4 Elites owned by the Russians, 2 Armours owned by the Romanians and 1 Elite owned by the Romanians lost in Stalingrad
                        Romanians roll dice for 2 Armours, 1 Bomber and 3 Fighters in Stalingrad, round 4 :  4/6 hits
                        Russians roll dice for 1 Fighter in Stalingrad, round 4 :  1/1 hits
                        1 Armour owned by the Romanians and 1 Fighter owned by the Russians lost in Stalingrad
                    Romanians win, taking Stalingrad from Russians with 1 Armour, 1 Bomber and 3 Fighters remaining. Battle score for attacker is 7
                    Casualties for Russians: 5 Elites, 1 Fighter and 5 Infantry
                    Casualties for Romanians: 3 Armours, 4 Elites and 1 Infantry

    Non Combat Move - Romanians
                1 Fighter moved from Stalingrad to Lugansk
                1 Fighter moved from Stalingrad to Astraknan
                1 Fighter moved from Stalingrad to Astraknan
                1 Bomber moved from Stalingrad to Lugansk

    Place Units - Romanians
                2 Armours placed in Astraknan
                3 Armours placed in Rostov
                3 Infantry placed in E.Romania
                1 Infantry and 1 Tankette placed in W.Romania
                Romanians undo move 3.
                Romanians undo move 3.
                3 Infantry placed in W.Romania
                1 Infantry and 1 Tankette placed in E.Romania

    Turn Complete - Romanians
                Romanians collect 41 PUs; end with 41 PUs total

  • TripleA Turn Summary for game: New World Order 1939 Lebowski, version: 2.0.3

    Game History

    Round: 23

    Combat Move - French
                1 Submarine moved from sz44 to sz50
                1 Submarine moved from sz44 to sz49
                1 Armour moved from W.Egypt to Cairo
                1 Armour moved from W.Tunesia to Libya
                1 Armour moved from C.Morocco to E.Algeria
                1 Armour moved from Tunis to Tripoli
                2 Bombers moved from Tunis to Cairo

    Purchase Units - French
                French buy 1 Cruiser and 1 Elite; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;

    Non Combat Move - French

    Place Units - French
                1 Cruiser placed in sz44
                1 Elite placed in Tunis

    Turn Complete - French
                French collect 18 PUs; end with 18 PUs total

  • TripleA Turn Summary for game: New World Order 1939 Lebowski, version: 2.0.3

    Game History

    Round: 23

    Combat Move - Italians
                1 Me262 moved from Marseille to sz36
                1 Armour moved from Hungary to Ukrainskaya
                2 Armours moved from Astraknan to Svedlovsk
                1 Armour moved from Kizbar to Kazakh
                1 Armour moved from Kizbar to Kubyshev
                2 Armours moved from N.Turkey to Kizbar
                1 Armour moved from E.Egypt to W.Egypt
                      Italians take W.Egypt from British
                2 Armours moved from E.Egypt to S.Egypt
                3 Armours moved from Syria to E.Egypt
                3 Armours moved from Ankara to Greece
                2 Armours moved from Ankara to Syria
                1 Infantry moved from Taranto to Messina

    Purchase Units - Italians
                Italians buy 1 Destroyer, 1 Elite, 7 Infantry, 1 Me262, 1 Submarine and 1 Transport; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;

    Combat - Italians
                Battle in sz36
                    Italians attack with 1 Me262
                    Americans defend with 2 Carriers
                        Italians roll dice for 1 Me262 in sz36, round 2 :  1/1 hits
                        Americans roll dice for 2 Carriers in sz36, round 2 :  2/2 hits
                        1 Me262 owned by the Italians and 1 Carrier owned by the Americans lost in sz36
                    Americans win with 1 Carrier remaining. Battle score for attacker is 2
                    Casualties for Italians: 1 Me262
                    Casualties for Americans: 1 Carrier
                Battle in Svedlovsk
                    Italians attack with 2 Armours
                    Americans defend with 2 Mech.Infs
                        Italians roll dice for 2 Armours in Svedlovsk, round 2 :  1/2 hits
                        Russians roll dice for 2 Mech.Infs in Svedlovsk, round 2 :  1/2 hits
                        1 Armour owned by the Italians and 1 Mech.Inf owned by the Americans lost in Svedlovsk
                        Italians roll dice for 1 Armour in Svedlovsk, round 3 :  0/1 hits
                        Russians roll dice for 1 Mech.Inf in Svedlovsk, round 3 :  1/1 hits
                        1 Armour owned by the Italians lost in Svedlovsk
                    Russians win with 1 Mech.Inf remaining. Battle score for attacker is -5
                    Casualties for Italians: 2 Armours
                    Casualties for Americans: 1 Mech.Inf

    Non Combat Move - Italians
                2 Tankettes moved from Roma to Venezia
                2 Artillerys moved from Roma to Napoli
                2 Infantry moved from Napoli to Messina

    Place Units - Italians
                1 Destroyer, 1 Submarine and 1 Transport placed in sz51
                1 Infantry placed in Venezia
                1 Elite and 2 Infantry placed in Taranto
                1 Me262 placed in Marseille
                4 Infantry placed in Roma

    Turn Complete - Italians
                Italians collect 51 PUs; end with 51 PUs total

  • TripleA Turn Summary for game: New World Order 1939 Lebowski, version: 2.0.3

    Game History

    Round: 23

    Combat Move - Italians
                1 Me262 moved from Marseille to sz36
                1 Armour moved from Hungary to Ukrainskaya
                2 Armours moved from Astraknan to Svedlovsk
                1 Armour moved from Kizbar to Kazakh
                1 Armour moved from Kizbar to Kubyshev
                2 Armours moved from N.Turkey to Kizbar
                1 Armour moved from E.Egypt to W.Egypt
                      Italians take W.Egypt from British
                2 Armours moved from E.Egypt to S.Egypt
                3 Armours moved from Syria to E.Egypt
                3 Armours moved from Ankara to Greece
                2 Armours moved from Ankara to Syria
                1 Infantry moved from Taranto to Messina

    Purchase Units - Italians
                Italians buy 1 Destroyer, 1 Elite, 7 Infantry, 1 Me262, 1 Submarine and 1 Transport; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;

    Combat - Italians
                Battle in sz36
                    Italians attack with 1 Me262
                    Americans defend with 2 Carriers
                        Italians roll dice for 1 Me262 in sz36, round 2 :  1/1 hits
                        Americans roll dice for 2 Carriers in sz36, round 2 :  2/2 hits
                        1 Me262 owned by the Italians and 1 Carrier owned by the Americans lost in sz36
                    Americans win with 1 Carrier remaining. Battle score for attacker is 2
                    Casualties for Italians: 1 Me262
                    Casualties for Americans: 1 Carrier
                Battle in Svedlovsk
                    Italians attack with 2 Armours
                    Americans defend with 2 Mech.Infs
                        Italians roll dice for 2 Armours in Svedlovsk, round 2 :  1/2 hits
                        Russians roll dice for 2 Mech.Infs in Svedlovsk, round 2 :  1/2 hits
                        1 Armour owned by the Italians and 1 Mech.Inf owned by the Americans lost in Svedlovsk
                        Italians roll dice for 1 Armour in Svedlovsk, round 3 :  0/1 hits
                        Russians roll dice for 1 Mech.Inf in Svedlovsk, round 3 :  1/1 hits
                        1 Armour owned by the Italians lost in Svedlovsk
                    Russians win with 1 Mech.Inf remaining. Battle score for attacker is -5
                    Casualties for Italians: 2 Armours
                    Casualties for Americans: 1 Mech.Inf

    Non Combat Move - Italians
                2 Tankettes moved from Roma to Venezia
                2 Artillerys moved from Roma to Napoli
                2 Infantry moved from Napoli to Messina

    Place Units - Italians
                1 Destroyer, 1 Submarine and 1 Transport placed in sz51
                1 Infantry placed in Venezia
                1 Elite and 2 Infantry placed in Taranto
                1 Me262 placed in Marseille
                4 Infantry placed in Roma

    Turn Complete - Italians
                Italians collect 51 PUs; end with 51 PUs total

  • TripleA Turn Summary for game: New World Order 1939 Lebowski, version: 2.0.3

    Game History

    Round: 23

    Combat Move - British
                5 commandos moved from Cairo to S.Egypt
                1 Fighter moved from Cairo to S.Egypt
                2 Artillerys moved from N.Egypt to S.Egypt
                1 Infantry moved from N.Egypt to S.Egypt
                1 Armour moved from N.Egypt to S.Egypt
                1 Infantry moved from Lappland to sz28
                1 Armour moved from Lappland to sz28
                4 Infantry moved from N.Sweden to sz28
                1 Infantry moved from S.Sweden to sz28
                1 Armour moved from S.Sweden to sz28
                1 Infantry moved from sz28 to Estorskaya
                      British take Estorskaya from Germans
                1 Infantry moved from sz28 to Riga
                      British take Riga from Germans
                1 Infantry moved from sz28 to Estonia
                1 Armour moved from sz28 to Estonia
                1 Infantry moved from sz28 to Leningrad
                1 Armour moved from sz28 to Leningrad
                2 Infantry moved from sz28 to Estonia
                2 Fighters moved from Novgorod to Estonia
                1 S.Sub moved from sz47 to sz49
                2 Transports moved from sz47 to sz49

    Purchase Units - British
                British buy 8 Infantry, 3 S.Subs and 6 commandos; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;

    Combat - British
                Battle in Estonia
                    British attack with 1 Armour, 2 Fighters and 3 Infantry
                    Germans defend with 1 Elite
                        British roll dice for 2 Battleships and 2 Cruisers in Estonia, round 2 :  1/4 hits
                        1 Elite owned by the Germans lost in Estonia
                    British win, taking Estonia from Germans with 1 Armour, 2 Fighters and 3 Infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 4
                    Casualties for Germans: 1 Elite
                Battle in S.Egypt
                    British attack with 1 Armour, 2 Artillerys, 1 Fighter, 1 Infantry and 5 commandos
                    Italians defend with 2 Armours; Turkey defend with 6 Elites and 6 Infantry
                        British roll dice for 1 Armour, 2 Artillerys, 1 Fighter, 1 Infantry and 5 commandos in S.Egypt, round 2 :  4/10 hits
                        Turkey roll dice for 2 Armours, 6 Elites and 6 Infantry in S.Egypt, round 2 :  7/14 hits
                        4 commandos owned by the British, 4 Infantry owned by the Turkey, 1 Infantry owned by the British and 2 Artillerys owned by the British lost in S.Egypt
                    1 Armour and 1 commando retreated to Cairo
                    Turkey win with 2 Armours, 6 Elites and 2 Infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is -22
                    Casualties for British: 2 Artillerys, 1 Infantry and 4 commandos
                    Casualties for Turkey: 4 Infantry

    Non Combat Move - British
                1 Fighter moved from S.Egypt to Cairo
                2 Fighters moved from Estonia to Rzhev

    Place Units - British
                6 commandos placed in Cairo
                3 S.Subs placed in sz47
                2 Infantry placed in Lappland
                4 Infantry placed in N.Sweden
                2 Infantry placed in S.Sweden

    Turn Complete - British
                British collect 79 PUs; end with 79 PUs total

  • TripleA Turn Summary for game: New World Order 1939 Lebowski, version: 2.0.3

    Game History

    Round: 23

    Combat Move - NationalistSpain
                4 Fighters moved from Barcelona to sz36
                5 Elites moved from Sevilla to S.Nevada
                3 Infantry moved from S.Nevada to Sevilla
                2 Elites moved from Portugal to Sevilla
                1 Infantry moved from Barcelona to S.Nevada

    Purchase Units - NationalistSpain
                NationalistSpain buy 2 Fighters and 3 Infantry; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;

    Combat - NationalistSpain
                Battle in sz36
                    NationalistSpain attack with 4 Fighters
                    Americans defend with 1 Carrier
                        NationalistSpain roll dice for 4 Fighters in sz36, round 2 :  1/4 hits
                        Americans roll dice for 1 Carrier in sz36, round 2 :  1/1 hits
                        1 Fighter owned by the NationalistSpain and 1 Carrier owned by the Americans lost in sz36
                    NationalistSpain win with 3 Fighters remaining. Battle score for attacker is 4
                    Casualties for Americans: 1 Carrier
                    Casualties for NationalistSpain: 1 Fighter

    Non Combat Move - NationalistSpain
                3 Fighters moved from sz36 to Sevilla
                1 Infantry moved from Portugal to Sevilla

    Place Units - NationalistSpain
                3 Infantry placed in Portugal
                2 Fighters placed in Barcelona

    Turn Complete - NationalistSpain
                NationalistSpain collect 26 PUs; end with 26 PUs total

  • TripleA Turn Summary for game: New World Order 1939 Lebowski, version: 2.0.3

    Game History

    Round: 23

    Combat Move - Turkey
                1 Armour moved from Greece to sz52
                2 Infantry moved from Izmir to sz52
                1 Cruiser and 1 Infantry moved from sz52 to sz58
                1 Infantry moved from sz58 to Crete
                      Turkey take Crete from Greeks
                1 Armour, 1 Infantry and 1 Transport moved from sz52 to sz58
                1 Armour moved from sz58 to Cyprus
                1 Infantry moved from sz58 to Cyprus
                1 Infantry moved from S.Egypt to N.Egypt
                      Turkey take N.Egypt from British
                1 Elite and 7 Infantry moved from E.Egypt to S.Egypt
                1 Elite moved from Saudi Arabia to E.Egypt
                10 Infantry moved from Israel to E.Egypt
                4 Infantry moved from Iraq to Saudi Arabia
                4 Infantry moved from Syria to Israel
                2 Infantry moved from Syria to Israel
                2 Infantry moved from S.Turkey to Syria
                2 Infantry moved from Denizli to S.Turkey
                2 Infantry moved from S.Turkey to Syria
                2 Infantry moved from Syria to Israel
                3 Armours moved from Ankara to Greece
                2 Armours moved from Ankara to Syria
                4 Infantry moved from Astraknan to Kubyshev
                1 Elite moved from Astraknan to Kubyshev
                3 Infantry moved from Saratov to Kubyshev
                1 Armour moved from Kizbar to Kubyshev
                2 Infantry moved from Stavropol to Pavlovsk
                1 Armour moved from N.Turkey to Kizbar
                1 Infantry moved from N.Turkey to Sochi
                3 Infantry moved from Istanbul to Greece
                2 Infantry moved from Istanbul to Greece
                1 Infantry moved from Greece to Macedonia
                1 Generalfeldmarschal moved from N.Turkey to Iran

    Purchase Units - Turkey
                Turkey buy 1 Armour, 1 Bomber, 1 Destroyer, 5 Infantry and 2 Transports; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;

    Combat - Turkey
                Battle in Cyprus
                    Turkey attack with 1 Armour and 1 Infantry
                    British defend with 1 Infantry
                        Turkey roll dice for 1 Cruiser in Cyprus, round 2 :  1/1 hits
                        1 Infantry owned by the British lost in Cyprus
                    Turkey win, taking Cyprus from British with 1 Armour and 1 Infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 2
                    Casualties for British: 1 Infantry

    Non Combat Move - Turkey
                1 Fighter moved from Izmir to Greece

    Place Units - Turkey
                1 Armour and 1 Bomber placed in Syria
                1 Destroyer and 2 Transports placed in sz52
                2 Infantry placed in Izmir
                3 Infantry placed in Greece

    Turn Complete - Turkey
                Turkey collect 52 PUs; end with 52 PUs total

  • ffs made my move but took ages to post to forum, so left it and comp crashed =/ will have to make again

  • oh no…im wrong.  it did post  :-D

  • TripleA Turn Summary for game: New World Order 1939 Lebowski, version: 2.0.3

    Game History

    Round: 23

    Combat Move - Americans
                3 Mech.Infs moved from Omsk to Kubyshev
                1 Mech.Inf moved from Svedlovsk to Kubyshev
                3 Mech.Infs moved from Nikolsk to Kubyshev
                1 B29 moved from Moscow to Kubyshev
                3 P51mustangs moved from Moscow to Kubyshev
                2 Mech.Infs moved from Gorky to Kursk
                2 Armours moved from Rzhev to Kursk
                2 Armours moved from Vyborg to Novgorod
                2 Armours moved from Leningrad to Novgorod
                2 Infantry moved from Leningrad to Novgorod
                3 Mech.Infs moved from C.Finnland to Nikolsk
                3 Mech.Infs moved from N.Finnland to Nikolsk
                3 Armours moved from N.Finnland to sz28
                3 Armours moved from sz28 to Leningrad
                4 P51mustangs moved from S.Tunesia to Cairo
                1 P51mustang moved from Nikolsk to Kursk
                1 Carrier moved from sz27 to sz25
                2 Destroyers moved from sz27 to sz25
                2 Battleships moved from sz27 to sz25
                1 Cruiser moved from sz28 to sz27

    Purchase Units - Americans
                Americans buy 2 Bombers, 1 Cruiser, 1 Destroyer, 9 Mech.Infs and 1 Submarine; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;

    Combat - Americans
                Battle in Kursk
                    Americans attack with 2 Armours, 2 Mech.Infs and 1 P51mustang
                    Germans defend with 4 Elites
                        Americans roll dice for 2 Armours, 2 Mech.Infs and 1 P51mustang in Kursk, round 2 :  2/5 hits
                        Germans roll dice for 4 Elites in Kursk, round 2 :  1/4 hits
                    1 Mech.Inf owned by the Americans and 2 Elites owned by the Germans lost in Kursk
                        Americans roll dice for 2 Armours, 1 Mech.Inf and 1 P51mustang in Kursk, round 3 :  2/4 hits
                        Germans roll dice for 2 Elites in Kursk, round 3 :  2/2 hits
                        1 Armour owned by the Americans, 1 Mech.Inf owned by the Americans and 2 Elites owned by the Germans lost in Kursk
                    Americans win, taking Kursk from Germans with 1 Armour and 1 P51mustang remaining. Battle score for attacker is 1
                    Casualties for Germans: 4 Elites
                    Casualties for Americans: 1 Armour and 2 Mech.Infs
                Battle in Kubyshev
                    Americans attack with 1 B29, 7 Mech.Infs and 3 P51mustangs
                    Italians defend with 1 Armour; Turkey defend with 1 Armour, 1 Elite and 7 Infantry
                        Americans roll dice for 1 B29, 7 Mech.Infs and 3 P51mustangs in Kubyshev, round 2 :  3/11 hits
                        Turkey roll dice for 2 Armours, 1 Elite and 7 Infantry in Kubyshev, round 2 :  3/10 hits
                        3 Infantry owned by the Turkey and 3 Mech.Infs owned by the Americans lost in Kubyshev
                        Americans roll dice for 1 B29, 4 Mech.Infs and 3 P51mustangs in Kubyshev, round 3 :  4/8 hits
                        Turkey roll dice for 2 Armours, 1 Elite and 4 Infantry in Kubyshev, round 3 :  1/7 hits
                        4 Infantry owned by the Turkey and 1 Mech.Inf owned by the Americans lost in Kubyshev
                        Americans roll dice for 1 B29, 3 Mech.Infs and 3 P51mustangs in Kubyshev, round 4 :  3/7 hits
                        Turkey roll dice for 2 Armours and 1 Elite in Kubyshev, round 4 :  2/3 hits
                        1 Armour owned by the Italians, 1 Armour owned by the Turkey, 2 Mech.Infs owned by the Americans and 1 Elite owned by the Turkey lost in Kubyshev
                    Americans win, taking Kubyshev from Turkey with 1 B29, 1 Mech.Inf and 3 P51mustangs remaining. Battle score for attacker is -2
                    Casualties for Italians: 1 Armour
                    Casualties for Turkey: 1 Armour, 1 Elite and 7 Infantry
                    Casualties for Americans: 6 Mech.Infs

    Non Combat Move - Americans
                1 B29 moved from Kubyshev to Moscow
                3 P51mustangs moved from Kubyshev to Gorky
                1 P51mustang moved from Kursk to Gorky

    Place Units - Americans
                1 Cruiser, 1 Destroyer and 1 Submarine placed in sz36
                2 Mech.Infs placed in Vyborg
                2 Bombers and 1 Mech.Inf placed in C.Finnland
                6 Mech.Infs placed in N.Finnland

    Turn Complete - Americans
                Americans collect 105 PUs; end with 105 PUs total

  • TripleA Turn Summary for game: New World Order 1939 Lebowski, version: 2.0.3

    Game History

    Round: 24

    Combat Move - Germans
                2 Infantry moved from Donetsk to Kursk
                2 Elites moved from Gdansk to Koenigsberg
                4 Infantry moved from Gdansk to Koenigsberg
                6 Infantry moved from Rostock to Gdansk
                6 Infantry moved from Koenigsberg to Litovskaya
                1 Infantry moved from Koenigsberg to Litovskaya
                10 Infantry moved from Litovskaya to Riga
                10 Infantry moved from Litovskaya to Riga
                1 Infantry moved from Litovskaya to Riga
                2 Artillerys moved from Litovskaya to Riga
                1 Infantry moved from Smolensk to Estonia
                1 Infantry moved from Brest to Estonia
                1 Infantry moved from Brest to Estonia
                1 Infantry moved from Brest to Estonia
                1 Elite moved from Brest to Estonia
                1 Elite moved from Brest to Estonia
                10 Infantry moved from Brest to Minsk
                10 Infantry moved from Brest to Minsk
                10 Infantry moved from Brest to Minsk
                10 Infantry moved from Brest to Minsk
                10 Infantry moved from Brest to Minsk
                3 Infantry moved from Brest to Minsk
                12 Elites moved from Brest to Minsk
                6 Panzers moved from Brest to Minsk
                1 HeavyPanzer moved from Brest to Minsk
                5 Panzers moved from Ukrainskaya to Minsk
                1 HeavyPanzer moved from Ukrainskaya to Minsk
                1 HeavyPanzer moved from Lugansk to Minsk
                3 Panzers moved from Lugansk to Minsk
                2 Panzers moved from Lvov to Minsk
                1 EarlyFighter moved from Brest to Estonia
                1 EarlyFighter moved from Brest to Estonia
                1 Fighter moved from Brest to Estonia
                1 Fighter moved from Brest to Estonia
                1 Me262 moved from Brest to Kursk
                1 Me262 moved from Brest to Kursk
                1 EarlyFighter moved from Lugansk to Kursk
                1 Mech.Inf moved from Hungary to Minsk
                3 Mech.Infs moved from Lugansk to Minsk
                3 Mech.Infs moved from Saratov to Donetsk
                3 Mech.Infs moved from Donetsk to Minsk
                6 Fighters moved from Lugansk to Kursk
                2 Me262s moved from Le Havre to Portugal
                1 Bomber moved from Le Havre to sz36
                1 Me262 moved from Barcelona to sz36
                1 Fighter moved from Barcelona to sz36
                3 Elites moved from Hungary to Serbia
                3 Panzers moved from Genova to Triesta
                1 EarlyFighter moved from Warzawa to Serbia
                1 Fighter moved from Warzawa to Serbia
                2 Fighters moved from Warzawa to Minsk

    Purchase Units - Germans
                Germans buy 1 Bomber, 2 Bunkers, 2 Fighters, 4 HeavyPanzers, 6 Infantry, 2 Me262s, 5 Mech.Infs and 1 Panzer; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;

    Combat - Germans
                Battle in Kursk
                    Germans attack with 1 EarlyFighter, 6 Fighters, 2 Infantry and 2 Me262s
                    Americans defend with 1 Armour
                    Germans win, taking Kursk from Russians with 1 EarlyFighter, 6 Fighters, 2 Infantry and 2 Me262s remaining. Battle score for attacker is 5
                    Casualties for Americans: 1 Armour
                Battle in sz36
                    Germans attack with 1 Bomber, 1 Fighter and 1 Me262
                    Americans defend with 1 Cruiser, 1 Destroyer and 1 Submarine
                    Germans win with 1 Bomber remaining. Battle score for attacker is 10
                    Casualties for Germans: 1 Fighter and 1 Me262
                    Casualties for Americans: 1 Cruiser, 1 Destroyer and 1 Submarine
                Battle in Riga
                    Germans attack with 2 Artillerys and 21 Infantry
                    British defend with 1 Infantry
                    Germans win, taking Riga from British with 2 Artillerys and 21 Infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 2
                    Casualties for British: 1 Infantry
                Battle in Estonia
                    Germans attack with 2 EarlyFighters, 2 Elites, 2 Fighters and 4 Infantry
                    British defend with 1 Armour and 3 Infantry
                    Germans win, taking Estonia from British with 2 EarlyFighters, 2 Elites, 2 Fighters and 1 Infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 5
                    Casualties for Germans: 3 Infantry
                    Casualties for British: 1 Armour and 3 Infantry

    Non Combat Move - Germans
                2 EarlyFighters moved from Estonia to Minsk
                2 Fighters moved from Estonia to Minsk
                1 EarlyFighter moved from Kursk to Minsk
                6 Fighters moved from Kursk to Minsk
                2 Me262s moved from Kursk to Minsk
                1 AAGun moved from Brest to Smolensk
                1 AAGun moved from Warzawa to Belorussia
                1 AAGun moved from Lugansk to Donetsk
                1 Bomber moved from sz36 to Portugal

    Place Units - Germans
                1 Bunker placed in Saratov
                1 Bunker placed in Lugansk
                5 Mech.Infs placed in Warzawa
                4 HeavyPanzers placed in Ukrainskaya
                6 Infantry placed in Rostock
                Turning on Edit Mode
                EDIT: Removing units owned by Germans from Litovskaya: 1 Generalfeldmarschal
                EDIT: Turning off Edit Mode
                Turning on Edit Mode
                EDIT: Adding units owned by Germans to Koenigsberg: 1 Generalfeldmarschal
                EDIT: Turning off Edit Mode
                2 Fighters and 1 Panzer placed in Koenigsberg
                1 Bomber and 2 Me262s placed in Le Havre

    Turn Complete - Germans
                Germans collect 141 PUs; end with 141 PUs total

  • TripleA Turn Summary for game: New World Order 1939 Lebowski, version: 2.0.3

    Game History

    Round: 24

    Combat Move - Russians
                1 Armour moved from Leningrad to Smolensk
                      Russians take Smolensk from Germans
                10 Infantry moved from Moscow to Kaluga
                10 Infantry moved from Gorky to Saratov
                3 Armours moved from Leningrad to Rzhev
                2 Armours moved from Leningrad to Rzhev
                1 Fighter moved from Leningrad to Rzhev
                9 Elites and 8 Infantry moved from Leningrad to Estonia
                3 Infantry moved from Omsk to Kazakh
                1 Bomber moved from Gorky to Kazakh

    Purchase Units - Russians
                Russians buy 2 Armours, 4 Elites and 10 Infantry; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;

    Combat - Russians
                Battle in Kazakh
                    Russians attack with 1 Bomber and 3 Infantry
                    Italians defend with 1 Armour
                        Russians roll dice for 1 Bomber and 3 Infantry in Kazakh, round 2 :  0/4 hits
                        Romanians roll dice for 1 Armour in Kazakh, round 2 :  1/1 hits
                        1 Infantry owned by the Russians lost in Kazakh
                        Russians roll dice for 1 Bomber and 2 Infantry in Kazakh, round 3 :  2/3 hits
                        Romanians roll dice for 1 Armour in Kazakh, round 3 :  1/1 hits
                        1 Armour owned by the Italians and 1 Infantry owned by the Russians lost in Kazakh
                    Russians win, taking Kazakh from Romanians with 1 Bomber and 1 Infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 1
                    Casualties for Italians: 1 Armour
                    Casualties for Russians: 2 Infantry
                Battle in Estonia
                    Russians attack with 9 Elites and 8 Infantry
                    Germans defend with 2 Elites and 1 Infantry
                        Russians roll dice for 9 Elites and 8 Infantry in Estonia, round 2 :  7/17 hits
                        Germans roll dice for 2 Elites and 1 Infantry in Estonia, round 2 :  1/3 hits
                        1 Infantry owned by the Germans, 2 Elites owned by the Germans and 1 Infantry owned by the Russians lost in Estonia
                    Russians win, taking Estonia from Germans with 9 Elites and 7 Infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 8
                    Casualties for Germans: 2 Elites and 1 Infantry
                    Casualties for Russians: 1 Infantry
                Battle in Saratov
                    Russians attack with 10 Infantry
                    Romanians defend with 3 Infantry and 1 Tankette; Germans defend with 1 Bunker
                        Russians roll dice for 10 Infantry in Saratov, round 2 :  3/10 hits
                    Units damaged: 1 Bunker owned by the Germans
                        Germans roll dice for 1 Bunker, 3 Infantry and 1 Tankette in Saratov, round 2 :  2/5 hits
                        1 Infantry owned by the Romanians, 2 Infantry owned by the Russians and 1 Tankette owned by the Romanians lost in Saratov
                        Russians roll dice for 8 Infantry in Saratov, round 3 :  1/8 hits
                        Germans roll dice for 1 Bunker and 2 Infantry in Saratov, round 3 :  2/3 hits
                        1 Infantry owned by the Romanians and 2 Infantry owned by the Russians lost in Saratov
                        Russians roll dice for 6 Infantry in Saratov, round 4 :  1/6 hits
                        Germans roll dice for 1 Bunker and 1 Infantry in Saratov, round 4 :  0/2 hits
                        1 Infantry owned by the Romanians lost in Saratov
                        Russians roll dice for 6 Infantry in Saratov, round 5 :  1/6 hits
                        Germans roll dice for 1 Bunker in Saratov, round 5 :  1/1 hits
                        1 Bunker owned by the Germans and 1 Infantry owned by the Russians lost in Saratov
                    Russians win, taking Saratov from Germans with 5 Infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 4
                    Casualties for Romanians: 3 Infantry and 1 Tankette
                    Casualties for Germans: 1 Bunker
                    Casualties for Russians: 5 Infantry

    Non Combat Move - Russians
                1 Bomber moved from Kazakh to Moscow
                2 Armours moved from Rzhev to Kaluga

    Place Units - Russians
                4 Elites and 6 Infantry placed in Moscow
                2 Armours placed in Omsk
                4 Infantry placed in Leningrad

    Turn Complete - Russians
                Russians collect 50 PUs; end with 50 PUs total

  • TripleA Turn Summary for game: New World Order 1939 Lebowski, version: 2.0.3

    Game History

    Round: 24

    Combat Move - Romanians
                3 Armours moved from Rostov to Saratov
                1 Armour moved from Astraknan to Kazakh
                1 Armour moved from Stalingrad to Kubyshev
                1 Armour moved from Astraknan to Kubyshev
                1 Fighter moved from Astraknan to Saratov
                1 Fighter moved from Astraknan to Saratov
                1 Fighter moved from Lugansk to Saratov
                1 Bomber moved from Lugansk to Saratov
                1 Tankette moved from E.Romania to Donetsk
                1 Infantry moved from E.Romania to Bulgaria
                3 Infantry moved from W.Romania to Bulgaria

    Purchase Units - Romanians
                Romanians buy 1 Armour, 1 Cruiser, 3 Infantry and 2 Transports; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;

    Combat - Romanians
                Battle in Kubyshev
                    Romanians attack with 2 Armours
                    Americans defend with 1 Mech.Inf
                        Romanians roll dice for 2 Armours in Kubyshev, round 2 :  0/2 hits
                        Russians roll dice for 1 Mech.Inf in Kubyshev, round 2 :  0/1 hits
                        Romanians roll dice for 2 Armours in Kubyshev, round 3 :  0/2 hits
                        Russians roll dice for 1 Mech.Inf in Kubyshev, round 3 :  0/1 hits
                        Romanians roll dice for 2 Armours in Kubyshev, round 4 :  1/2 hits
                        Russians roll dice for 1 Mech.Inf in Kubyshev, round 4 :  1/1 hits
                        1 Armour owned by the Romanians and 1 Mech.Inf owned by the Americans lost in Kubyshev
                    Romanians win, taking Kubyshev from Russians with 1 Armour remaining. Battle score for attacker is 0
                    Casualties for Romanians: 1 Armour
                    Casualties for Americans: 1 Mech.Inf
                Battle in Kazakh
                    Romanians attack with 1 Armour
                    Russians defend with 1 Infantry
                        Romanians roll dice for 1 Armour in Kazakh, round 2 :  0/1 hits
                        Russians roll dice for 1 Infantry in Kazakh, round 2 :  0/1 hits
                        Romanians roll dice for 1 Armour in Kazakh, round 3 :  1/1 hits
                        Russians roll dice for 1 Infantry in Kazakh, round 3 :  1/1 hits
                        1 Infantry owned by the Russians and 1 Armour owned by the Romanians lost in Kazakh
                    Russians win with no units remaining. Battle score for attacker is -3
                    Casualties for Russians: 1 Infantry
                    Casualties for Romanians: 1 Armour
                Battle in Saratov
                    Romanians attack with 3 Armours, 1 Bomber and 3 Fighters
                    Russians defend with 5 Infantry
                        Romanians roll dice for 3 Armours, 1 Bomber and 3 Fighters in Saratov, round 2 :  3/7 hits
                        Russians roll dice for 5 Infantry in Saratov, round 2 :  2/5 hits
                        3 Infantry owned by the Russians and 2 Armours owned by the Romanians lost in Saratov
                        Romanians roll dice for 1 Armour, 1 Bomber and 3 Fighters in Saratov, round 3 :  3/5 hits
                        Russians roll dice for 2 Infantry in Saratov, round 3 :  1/2 hits
                        2 Infantry owned by the Russians and 1 Armour owned by the Romanians lost in Saratov
                    Romanians win with 1 Bomber and 3 Fighters remaining. Battle score for attacker is -5
                    Casualties for Russians: 5 Infantry
                    Casualties for Romanians: 3 Armours

    Non Combat Move - Romanians
                3 Fighters moved from Saratov to Stalingrad
                1 Bomber moved from Saratov to Stalingrad
                1 Generalfeldmarschal moved from Astraknan to Pavlovsk

    Place Units - Romanians
                1 Cruiser and 2 Transports placed in sz60
                1 Armour and 3 Infantry placed in Stalingrad

    Turn Complete - Romanians
                Romanians collect 42 PUs; end with 42 PUs total

  • TripleA Turn Summary for game: New World Order 1939 Lebowski, version: 2.0.3

    Game History

    Round: 24

    Combat Move - French
                1 Submarine moved from sz50 to sz51
                2 Submarines moved from sz49 to sz51
                1 Destroyer moved from sz49 to sz51
                1 Cruiser moved from sz44 to sz49
                2 Bombers moved from Malta to sz51
                1 Armour moved from Tripoli to W.Egypt
                1 Armour moved from Libya to W.Egypt
                3 Elites moved from Tunis to E.Tunesia
                1 Armour moved from E.Algeria to S.Tunesia

    Purchase Units - French
                French buy 2 Armours and 1 EarlyFighter; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;

    Combat - French
                Battle in sz51
                    French attack with 2 Bombers, 1 Destroyer and 3 Submarines
                    Italians defend with 4 Destroyers, 2 Submarines and 2 Transports
                        French roll dice for 3 Submarines in sz51, round 2 :  2/3 hits
                        Italians roll dice for 2 Submarines in sz51, round 2 :  0/2 hits
                        French roll dice for 2 Bombers and 1 Destroyer in sz51, round 2 :  1/3 hits
                        Italians roll dice for 4 Destroyers and 2 Transports in sz51, round 2 :  2/6 hits
                        1 Submarine owned by the Italians, 2 Submarines owned by the French and 2 Transports owned by the Italians lost in sz51
                        French roll dice for 1 Submarine in sz51, round 3 :  0/1 hits
                        Italians roll dice for 1 Submarine in sz51, round 3 :  0/1 hits
                        French roll dice for 2 Bombers and 1 Destroyer in sz51, round 3 :  1/3 hits
                        Italians roll dice for 4 Destroyers in sz51, round 3 :  2/4 hits
                        1 Submarine owned by the Italians, 1 Destroyer owned by the French and 1 Submarine owned by the French lost in sz51
                    retreated to sz51
                    Italians win with 4 Destroyers remaining. Battle score for attacker is -2
                    Casualties for Italians: 2 Submarines and 2 Transports
                    Casualties for French: 1 Destroyer and 3 Submarines
                Battle in W.Egypt
                    French attack with 2 Armours
                    Italians defend with 1 Armour
                        French roll dice for 2 Armours in W.Egypt, round 2 :  1/2 hits
                        Italians roll dice for 1 Armour in W.Egypt, round 2 :  1/1 hits
                        1 Armour owned by the Italians and 1 Armour owned by the French lost in W.Egypt
                    French win, taking W.Egypt from Italians with 1 Armour remaining. Battle score for attacker is 0
                    Casualties for Italians: 1 Armour
                    Casualties for French: 1 Armour

    Non Combat Move - French
                2 Bombers could not land in sz51 and were removed

    Place Units - French
                2 Armours and 1 EarlyFighter placed in Tunis

    Turn Complete - French
                French collect 18 PUs; end with 18 PUs total

  • TripleA Turn Summary for game: New World Order 1939 Lebowski, version: 2.0.3

    Game History

    Round: 24

    Combat Move - Italians
                1 Armour moved from S.Egypt to El Allamain
                      Italians take El Allamain from British
                1 Armour moved from E.Egypt to W.Egypt
                1 Armour moved from E.Egypt to W.Egypt
                1 Armour moved from E.Egypt to S.Egypt
                2 Armours moved from Syria to E.Egypt
                1 Armour moved from Kizbar to Kazakh
                      Italians take Kazakh from Russians
                1 Armour moved from Ukrainskaya to Smolensk
                1 Armour moved from Kizbar to Kubyshev
                2 Tankettes moved from Venezia to Hungary
                3 Armours moved from Greece to Ankara
                2 Artillerys moved from Napoli to Messina
                1 Elite moved from Taranto to Messina
                2 Infantry moved from Roma to Napoli
                2 Infantry moved from Roma to Firenze

    Purchase Units - Italians
                Italians buy 2 Destroyers, 8 Infantry, 1 Me262 and 1 Tankette; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;

    Combat - Italians
                Battle in W.Egypt
                    Italians attack with 2 Armours
                    French defend with 1 Armour
                        Italians roll dice for 2 Armours in W.Egypt, round 2 :  1/2 hits
                        British roll dice for 1 Armour in W.Egypt, round 2 :  1/1 hits
                        1 Armour owned by the French and 1 Armour owned by the Italians lost in W.Egypt
                    Italians win, taking W.Egypt from British with 1 Armour remaining. Battle score for attacker is 0
                    Casualties for French: 1 Armour
                    Casualties for Italians: 1 Armour
                Battle in Smolensk
                    Italians attack with 1 Armour
                    Russians defend with 1 AAGun and 1 Armour
                        Italians roll dice for 1 Armour in Smolensk, round 2 :  1/1 hits
                        Russians roll dice for 1 Armour in Smolensk, round 2 :  0/1 hits
                        1 Armour owned by the Russians lost in Smolensk
                    Italians win, taking Smolensk from Russians with 1 Armour remaining. Battle score for attacker is 5
                    Casualties for Russians: 1 Armour

    Non Combat Move - Italians
                1 Me262 moved from Marseille to Messina

    Place Units - Italians
                2 Destroyers placed in sz51
                3 Infantry placed in Taranto
                4 Infantry placed in Roma
                1 Infantry and 1 Tankette placed in Venezia
                1 Me262 placed in Roma

    Turn Complete - Italians
                Italians collect 55 PUs; end with 55 PUs total

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