Yes i really miss all of the unique rules these older games had to offer. Like the j1 kill everything rules, or the allies paying for oil rule in europe. Convoying was wayyy beter in these games, but the problem i have with it is that its not an attack. Maybe we should have the ships roll dice and whenever they hit, the other player loses money, ON THE TURN OF THE AGGRESOR! The problem i have is that by the time its the enemies turn, they have destroyed you fleet that was blockading you convoy. Having it be an attack would fix so many issues when it comes to convoying.
A&A Pacific: Japanese first strike
I just got A&A Pacific (It is most excellent, it recives my stamp of appoval) and I happened upon the box in the rules that states on Japan’s first turn the allies (exept for china) defend at one. The box is stuck in the section on land combat so I am wondering if it also applies to naval combat. Your help is greatly appreciated.
[ This Message was edited by: bossk on 2001-11-21 15:12 ]
Yes it does