Thanks for the response.
I’m fully aware this ragtag unit in S.France will not survive a G2 assault. In fact, the allies may count on that to redirect German resources early in the game. The question is, what does this do to impact:
A: Italian expansion in R1
B: German advance into Moscow
Do the Italians simply take Greece with those Inf/Art from N.Italy and starting units in Albania?
Do you instead land 2 Inf and 2 Art in Syria so as to access Iraq early and put pressure on Cairo?
How does this impact the Italian income on I1, does this create problems going forward for them?
What is the impact of a G3 move to Eastern Poland devoid of 6 Armor and 4 Mech that generally arrive there?
Is that enough for Russia to prepare a sufficient counter attack with a R1 purchase of 7 Art and a R2 purchase of 6 Armor?
Assuming Germany buys 10 Armor on G2, at most that arrives on G3 is 13 Armor (3 starting from Poland, Slovac and Romania plus the 10 put in Berlin on G2). Germany most likely has around 25 Infantry supporting those Armor and 5 Artillery. Is Moscow in a strong position to counter attack a German advance and cut through a ton of German infantry before the full retreat / stacking of Moscow occurs?
I’m just thinking about the trade off.
Russia brings approximately:
25 Inf, 2 Mech, 10 Art (7 Purchased R1), 2 Mech, 8 Armor (6 Purchased R2), 2 Ftr and 1 Tac
Germany brings approximately
26 Inf, 5 Art, 13 Armor (10 Purchased G2) that stands in Poland on G3
The game changer is what G1 purchase was - if its naval, Germany stands to lose 65% of the time in Poland from a Russian counter. If its 7 artillery, Russia has to play fallback with only a 20% success rate in Poland as the Artillery jumps from 5 to 12 for a defending Germany.
Sometimes the delay game by redirecting resources can play well into your favor.