The 2010 era Ruleset was called Alpha, for “First Edition Global 1940”. Extensive revisions to the setup were then made, through multiple iterations (Alpha +1, +2, +3) and the final version was then slightly modified into “Second Edition Global 1940” which was published and circulated a few years later…2012-3 I think.
Anyway, Alpha +3 was a playtest version that was circulated on the internet for improved play and was then published, so that’s what we recognize today as “G40”. Only a few other minor map changes and rule wordings were changed. Piece sculpts are different, artillery is very confusingly similar to flak guns, the smaller teams didn’t have their own molds just copies of the other molds. Second Edition is far superior as a purchase, since First is obsolete.
That means that there are 3 official Rulesets (Alpha, Alpha +3 G40, G42). You could go back and play the first edition (alpha 1), I bought in after that, so I’ve only seen the boxes, never played. its radically different starting pieces for all teams.