The ‘Sub Stall’ is an old rule, that’s about transports not being able to load from a seazone that has “submerged” submarines in it.
A&A Pacific, Play Often?
How often do people play A&A Pacific?
If often, what do you like about it?
If not, why?
Back when I played, I enjoyed the amount of options that you had in Pacific. There are several different ways to win. A lot of creativity and planning ahead are involved.
It also seems less luck-dependent to me. Or maybe my luck has just been good with Pacific.
Why don’t you play anymore?
I play. Just cant fins anyone else that does…… :O(
… A&APacific, try joining Days of Infamy You’ll have no trouble getting a PBEM game. If you want to play FTF I can’t help you there.