I think its worth it, just for the warhawks hehe. Though I agree that the game would have been a much better investment (and a better play too) if it had included a unique artillery sculpt. The OOB 1941 game benefits immeasurably from the inclusion of artillery in the roster. I use 1942.2 art sculpts when I play it.
Depends where you buy the game, but if you can pick up two copies and ship them at the same time, you get a decent number of fighters and tanks. You’re still left holding the bag on Italy, Anzac etc unfortunately.
Revised has some nice colored units for UK and Germany, with lime greens and grays. I still like the mini stukas. The limes for China and the Grays for Vichy or Romania can be cool, you could probably get some mileage out of them.
I wish HBG made a few more pieces to supplement the older boxed materials in similar sculpt colors. But you can still find some decent stuff there, might be cheaper. I like 1941 though. Its map is a crazy shuck-fest. Sucks to buy 2 or more copies just to get sculpts, since then you have another map you don’t need, but hey at least you can snap up a couple extra roundels in the process :-D
I’m still surprised that A&A doesn’t put out supplemental materials for the regular boardgames. They did it for the miniatures game with the larger sculpts, but not the boardgame, and the boardgame is the only one I play! I like my sculpts tiny and matching the official materials when possible. ;)