It’s not so much a guarantee that Moscow falls G6 or 7, as it is a “Force the allies to react and protect Moscow with everything possible” by G6.
As mentioned above, a G1 buy of 6 inf 3 art, followed up by a miniumum of ten fast per turn the next 2 (or 3) turns will put far more troops in Stalin’s face than he can handle alone, leaving him no choice but to turtle in Moscow.
March directly to Ukraine, capture and hold of that IC on G4 is crucial, and fairly easy w all that fast, in addition to the 9 inf up top taking novgorod. Â If russia attempts to defend Nov, that is a massive benefit for Germany, as those units will not be able to reach Moscow in time for your stacks’ big hit.
The key turn is G4, you need to figure out if you have a resonable chance to take moscow on G6 or not. Â This usually depends solely on how many Planes the Brits can have in position to land in Moscow on UK5. Â Most good players will be able to take a G6 capture away by having a persia factory which cranks out 3 ftrs, and the Med air, all able to reach Moscow at that time.
If u feel that u have a G6, the buy is G4 u buy all air in W ger, then G5 u buy 3 fast in Ukr, 3 tacs in Nov, and strats in W ger, for max attack potential. Â This is obviusly fairly innefficient and should only be done once u feel you have the capture above 90 percent 2 turns out. Â Otherise arty in ukr and in nov and fast from back home will work, as that Western fast reaches moscow in 3 turns, the same window as the nov arty.
Fast purchase in the West on G4 (or even G5) is still very reasonable, as even if you cant take Moscow quite yet, it will guarantee that Russia has no choice but full Moscow turtle while u stack bryansk, AND tale the heavy money terr of Cauc and Volgo, putting your income north of 70.
From here its essentially only a matter of time, as unless UK can bring double digit air (which does often happen) Â Moscow will not be able to be strong enough to hold, even if it has a hundred units on it.
In the rare case that Moscow is strong enough to live through this turn 6-8 phase, the optimal play is usually to push down to the middle east with your huge stacks of fast units and change the dynamic down there, while also blitzing around Moscow to take all of his backside money away from him.