• 1. U-Boat Program
    During World War II, 1,162 U-Boats were built, and these U-Boats sank 14,687,231 tons of Allied shipping.
    Your submarines now cost 6 IPC’s.

    2. Atlantic Wall
    The Germans fortified the European Atlantic coast with massive defensive systems from Norway to Spain.
    During any amphibious assault against a gray territory, all your infantry defend on a 3 during the first cycle of combat.

    3. Panzerblitz
    The colossal Panzers rumbled across Europe and North Africa. They would breach enemy lines, then turn and wreak havoc on the defenders.
    If your attacking forces destroy all defending units in a territory in one cycle of combat, any of your surviving tanks in the attacking forces may move 1 territory during the noncombat move phase.

    4. Wolf Packs (revised)
    Wolf packs of U-boats prowled the Atlantic, working together to down Allied convoys. The only sure thing about a U-boat was that there always was another nearby.
    Your submarines attack on a 3 (4 if you have the Super Submarines development) if there is more than one of them at the start of the combat cycle. When there are less than two submarines at the start of a combat cycle, this ability is lost. Wolf Packs does not improve defending submarines. Enemy destroyers do not affect this National Advantage. The submarines may come from different sea zones, but they must attack the same sea zone.

    5. Luftwaffe Dive-Bombers (revised)
    Europe was blitzed and bombed. The Ju-87 Stuka dive-bomber, a small plane, played a big role. Its screaming siren generated terror on all battle fronts.
    Your fighters may conduct first round tactical bombing runs. They are subject to antiaircraft fire as normal. In the first cycle of combat, if there are no defending fighters present, the fighters hit on a roll of 5 or less. In succeeding cycles of combat, the fighters hit normally. If defending fighters are present, this first cycle ability is cancelled.

    6. Fortress Europe
    The Gustav line in Italy was ordered to hold at all costs. Those costs included tens of thousands of men on both sides.
    Your artillery in gray territories defends on a 3.

    7. Panzergrenadiers
    During World War II, the Germans had troops that were designed for fighting alongside tanks. These were fully motorized units, so that they could at all times keep up with the tanks.
    Each of your tanks give one matching infantry one additional movement allowance. The tank and the infantry unit must leave from the same territory.

    8. V2 Rockets
    Guided missiles were one of Germany’s most important technical achievements during World War II.
    Your have one free rocket attack per turn against an industrial complex, fired from one of your antiaircraft guns with a range of 3. Roll one die to determine how many IPCs the enemy must surrender to the bank.

    9. Royal Tigers
    The massively powerful Royal Tiger was virtually impervious to Allied tank guns and capable of dominating the battlefield. A single Royal Tiger tank could halt the advance of a complete armored division.
    Every third tank you have in each combat cycle, attack or defend on a 4.

  • Panzerblitz-

    Didn’t like it originally, alongside the better, more powerful, and frankly more interesting powers, i think it should go (i love SS Panzergrenadiers, as well as Royal Tigers-being a fan of German armor use myself ;) )

    I must say, SS Panzergrenadiers may be a bit much with the increased attack), as its the equivalent of US Marines and Mech infantry combined, while being able to be used in conjunction. I’d say just give them the additional movement and it should be sufficient, and quite useful for getting those slow infantry and Armor groupds to the front quickly, though i hold that with increased attack its a bit too powerful.

  • You are right Raarrne about the SS variant of Panzergrenadiers! So I revised it accoding to you since I use this variant my self! However It all went wrong when I made this thread/poll, Iused an old document of mine with SS Panzergrenadiers.

    However I like Panzerblitz a bit, but I don’t really know how to capture the idea in a revised advantage! The Panzergrenadiers advantage was such a try! :wink:

  • Hmm, idea for Panzerblitz that would capture the power of it, and still be useful!

    How about this
    When germany eliminates all enemy defenders in one territoty in the first round of combat, German armor can make a follow up attack on at neighboring territory, or may make a NCM. The armor must have at least 1 movement point left in order to make this second attack or move.

    (Reword it for me-not written well by any means).

    I’m not sure if this is too powerful, and would lead to Russia falling very fast, but i think it better represents the Blitz technique-rolling through enemy territory, ratehr than attacking and running away ;).

    I think this would be balanced (as it is quite powerful) by tanks only being allowed 1 move to attack, if they want to utilize the followup, and that all enemies have to be eliminated in round one (Not a super common accurance on the Eastern Front from my experience).

    Let me know what you think.

  • @Raarrne:

    When germany eliminates all enemy defenders in one territoty in the first round of combat, German armor can make a follow up attack on at neighboring territory, or may make a NCM. The armor must have at least 1 movement point left in order to make this second attack or move.

    Very well done! I don’t think it is too powerful, it is balanced! I have not play tested it yet, but will! :wink:

    By the way, what did you vote for?

  • The use of the original AH Panzerblitz which i don’t like.

    I think this version could work well however-As, while a follow up attack is a huige advatage, you have to have a good first combat, having moved one, but also, all your losses in the second combat will be armor (Expensive!).

  • @Raarrne:

    The use of the original AH Panzerblitz which i don’t like.

    I think this version could work well however-As, while a follow up attack is a huige advatage, you have to have a good first combat, having moved one, but also, all your losses in the second combat will be armor (Expensive!).

    Well in combination with panzergrenadiers, we will have something else! The Germany may bring one matching infantry along! :wink:

  • Well, in the version i put forward, i think that only the armor should be allowed to continue-bringing the infantry for a second strike may be a bit too strong (i really don’t know how it would play out-but Russian Buffers could end up failing (miserably)).

    Anyway, if it gets some testing, then definately let me know how they work!

    Also, expect more constructive criticism as you put more of these great creative topics forward.

  • @Raarrne:

    Well, in the version i put forward, i think that only the armor should be allowed to continue-bringing the infantry for a second strike may be a bit too strong (i really don’t know how it would play out-but Russian Buffers could end up failing (miserably)).

    Anyway, if it gets some testing, then definately let me know how they work!

    Also, expect more constructive criticism as you put more of these great creative topics forward.

    Hi Raarne,
    I have tested your rule variant and found it too complicated! For example if you want to attack a second turn with the panzers then one might ask one self if is possible to use these tanks together with other units attacking from another territory? All units must do there combat movement at the same time! So any panzers wont be able to make a second combined (with other units) attack! Hmmmm…… I will stick to the Panzergrenadiers advantage instead! :wink:

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