• '14 '13

    Good looking stuff.

  • Nice work. How did you make the custom roundels on the map itself?

  • just a little research on some roundels of the time, copy and paste onto Microsoft word and re size them and a little bit of elmer’s glue lol doesnt damage the board if applied in small amounts, ive changed out a few and u cant notice much on the board. just use the tip of ur finger and spread a bit of glue on the back of the roundel.

  • Thanks for the tips. I am probably going to start my own painting project very soon, any advice for a newb painter? (I have painted a few 1:72 scale tank models and they turned out quite well)

    How long did your set take to complete? Did you use enamel or acrylic?

    Please put up more pics if you have any, it’s nice to see the pieces set up on the board itself, very colorful!

  • Customizer

    Since you’ve had experience in 1/72 you will need to realize how much contrast plays  in smaller scales in order
    to make the pieces look less of a painted blob and have the color differences really stand out. Remember that in
    smaller scales, true colors don’t necessarily work and that there is a “darkening” effect when applied to smaller scales.
    Use a lighter shade, a dark wash and then a very high contrasting drybrush. they may look ugly in close ups but they
    are quite effective at gaming ranges.

  • im currently back in school and have a full schedule alongside work. i’ll set up the game on a dfay off and post more pics. thanks to everyone’s feedback as well

  • Thank you sgtwiltan, I will keep that in mind.

    Looking forward to more pics, and basically a run down of how long it took etc. Any info is appreciated!

  • questions i can answer. the whole thing took about a year and a half, i started last year January and finished around this year May or June. quite an endeavor i must say

  • Indeed it must have been. Was it worth it? Haha

    How often did you work on it, and how many hours a week did you average do you figure?

  • totally worth it, the game looks epic once set up. i tried to work everyday on it for at least 2-3 hours. on weekends i would work on it for at least 10 hours. in a week i say id average about 30 hours. Japan took the longest, just opening their box and seeing all those ships made me feel lazy haha

  • Finally have some time here are some more pics


  • Here’s the Balkans and Southern Europe

  • Hit the post too early Haha here’s the pics


  • Very nice pics my friend. I really like what you did with the neutrals, and even giving them their own roundel. Makes the board seem much more “alive”.

    Wow, you put in quite a lot of hours! I figured it would take a while, maybe a year, but that is a lot of hours! But you did go the extra mile with the bases of infantry etc.
    Did you consider using decals on some of the units? I have seen decal paper in hobby stores that allows you to print your own. Ever heard of these? Have an opinion on them?

    If you put up more pics, I would like to see more Germans and Japanese. It looks like you have several camo patterns for your Germans. Can we see some pics of battle? D-Day, Sea Lion, Stalingrad, something like that? :)

    Some questions:
    Do you use enamels or acrylics? I’ve heard enamel is better for playing pieces.
    Do you use a glossy finish? Spray on or paint on?
    What were the hardest units to paint? Which were the easiest? Which were most fun?


  • Sorry for the late reply, been busy again and havent had time to meet up w friends and play.  I used acrylics to paint the pieces, easy stuff.to use and cheap.too, Michael’s is a good place.to buy some. I used a spray on glossy finish om the pieces themselves. The hardest units to paint was the infantry, so many details on them, straps, satchels bags, canteens boots and rifles, that takes lots of.time. the easiest units was the ships, just paint all grey, let them.dry then fill in the details like the deck and a roundel.

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