For King and Country! (play report)

  • Nice report, too bad you didn’t have another 6-8 hours to finish it LOL.

  • @vonLettowVorbeck1914:

    It seems a little scary that the CP could go hard against Russia and Russia would have a big army, while the Italians of all powers took Munich.

    I agree; the Russians retreated back to Moscow as the CPs advanced, picking their battles and stalling.  I don’t think Germany expected Italy to get quite so far; they reclaimed Munich their following turn.


    Nice report, too bad you didn’t have another 6-8 hours to finish it LOL.

    Thank you!  We definitely wanted to finish it, but pesky things like ‘wives’ and ‘kids’ stood in our way.  =)

  • '12

    I was part of the 1914 game with MistuhJay, and his write up is right on!  Here are some pictures from Saturday’s game:

    Turn 1

    Turn 2

    Turn 3

    Turn 4

    Turn 5

    MistuhJay, thanks again for the write up, great game bud!

  • Great report, thanks!  Funny, we did our first game Friday night!  4 of us, same teams as you did.  After I explained the rules we started about 7:30, and played till 2am…. I love the game, but its long!  As you said, a second play through should cut this down a bit.

    i found a few things that we would like to change… but its only been one play.  First, as you said, Switzerland needs a special rule, either have them worth 1 but produce 4 when they are hit, helping deter an attack or leave them out or force a player to pay 5 ipcs… etc.  Second, as you also said, we all agreed, a Russian Revolution should count as one of the powers collapsing.  It was the only capitol that sort of fell.

    Also, we allowed a home rule that we alwasy use.  Every country could put up to 2 infantry on any two spots that was a home country, just not together… this gave a little spice to Africa, Middle East, etc, otherwise no one could ever send anything past the front lines, it represented levies/askaris etc to us.  It worked well.

  • @JeffM:

    MistuhJay, thanks again for the write up, great game bud!

    You were a worthy opponent.  Thanks for uploading those pics!


    i found a few things that we would like to change… but its only been one play.  First, as you said, Switzerland needs a special rule, either have them worth 1 but produce 4 when they are hit, helping deter an attack or leave them out or force a player to pay 5 ipcs… etc.  Second, as you also said, we all agreed, a Russian Revolution should count as one of the powers collapsing.  It was the only capitol that sort of fell.

    Also, we allowed a home rule that we alwasy use.  Every country could put up to 2 infantry on any two spots that was a home country, just not together… this gave a little spice to Africa, Middle East, etc, otherwise no one could ever send anything past the front lines, it represented levies/askaris etc to us.  It worked well.

    Yeah, I think I’d recommend Switzerland just being impassable (like the Sahara).  How did your 2-infantry rule work out for you guys?

  • Customizer

    No pimping?


    Mine markers?

    I assume you used a borrowed production chart.

  • I did notice the $$$ around the table, we also used paper IPC’s from our old A&A games. For mine markers I had the mines from the old Milton Bradley game “Broadside” that we put out as a constnet reminder that the SZ was mined. Didn’t see any reason to put out factories, though we probably should have as the Turks kept putting their builds down in Bulgaria lol!

    Also, we used chips from older games. In fact I have tons of chips that I got from flea markets and old poker games that are that same size as the WWII games, like hundreds of blue and red chips. The new games chips are a bit smaller (I assume so as to fit everthing in the conjested areas on the western front) so we used all my old chips for the Eastern front which has large areas.

    One problem we had was forgetting about doing the artillery bombardment against a naval invasion, so need some way to be reminded of that. Might put out my fortress guns from Broadside in a few key areas as a reminder. They look like the Guns of Navaronne :lol:


  • '12


    No pimping?


    Mine markers?

    I assume you used a borrowed production chart.

    Yeah, I used paper money from an earlier game… it drives me crazy that they do not include currency anymore!

    I downloaded a 1914 production chart off of Board Game Geek:

    I purchased SZ mine markers off of Historical Board gaming:

  • Looks like your board is without a huge gap between the two; that is quite fortunate.

  • Customizer

    It does’n’t seem to match up too well in Venice, though.

    My board is just about perfect, fortunately.

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