The aberration of the defenseless transport

  • @Uncrustable:

    Why not give transports a defense of 1 but still must be taken as casualties last ?
    Increase their cost to 8

    Because a transport having a defense of 1 is too generous.

    In Classic, transports represented actual transports and escort ships- now escort ships have been decoupled from transports in the form of destroyers.

  • Simple fix, really:

    TT only roll@1 when at ANY point there are no friendly warships present, and cannot be taken as losses until all friendly warships have been sunk or submerged.
    TT cannot be forced into defensive combat in conjunction with scrambling aircraft from an AB.  However TT can be defended by scrambling aircraft if no amphibious assault has been declared from that SZ.

    Example 1:

    BB, CR and 2 TT are attacked.  CR and BB roll until sunk.  Normally, once they are the TT are just picked up off the board.  Instead it flows to this:  When TT are the only remaining surface ship they get to roll @1 to defend against an attack.

    This could mean you only needed 1 hit to sink the BB, however you scored 3 hits during your attacker roll phase.  The defender would roll 1 die @4 because the BB was present when the hits were scored on the TT as well.

    If 2 hits were scored to sink the BB, the defender would roll @4 and remove a BB and TT from the battle.  The following turn the attacker would roll and the lone TT would roll @1 to defend.

    If you only scored the single hit to sink the BB, which missed on its defensive roll.  You’d follow up with a second round of rolls against the 2 TT, which now get to defend @1 until sunk or you withdraw.

    Example 2:

    2 TT were left undefended against 2 Ftr and 1 Tac.  The 2 Ftr roll @3, the Tac @4 scoring 3 hits.  Both TT would roll @1 to defend scoring a single hit.  Both TT are sunk, and one Ftr is lost.

    Example 3:
    2 TT are blocking a SZ you wish to move though - even though they defend @1, you can ignore them and sail straight past without having to stop for battle.

    Example 4:

    You attack 2 DD and 2 TT with 4 BB.  The BB scores 2 hits and the defender none.  The defender has to take the 2 DD as losses first per the rules after they rolled and missed.  The BB would then roll again and scores 1 hit.  Both TT then roll @1 and both score hits.  2 BB are tipped and 1 TT is lost.  The BB roll again and sink the final TT, which misses, and the battle ends.

    Example 5:

    3 TT and 1 SS are defending against 3 DD.  Due to the presence of the DD, the SS cannot submerge to avoid combat.  The 3 DD roll and score 2 hits.  The SS rolls and misses.  One SS and 1 TT are removed.  The 3 DD then roll against the 2 remaining TT which defend @1 now that the sub has been sunk.

    Example 6:

    3 TT and 1 SS are defending against 3 CR.  The SS elects to submerge to avoid battle.  The 3 CR roll against the 3 TT, which roll @1 due to the SS submerging and not being present in combat.

    Example 7:

    There is an AB on Norway and WGr with 6 Ftr capable of scrambling.  Germany has 10 TT in SZ 112.  The allies are attempting to land on Denmark via an amphibious assault with 3 BB, 2 CR, 2 DD and 5 TT and elect to ignore the German TT.  Germany elects to scramble and places ONLY the 6 Ftr as TT cannot be forced into defensive combat due to a scramble caused by an Amphibious assault being declared from that SZ.

    Note if you change a German TT to a DD, you could still not get the TT into the battle as TT cannot be forced into a sea battle due to an amphibious assault being declared from that SZ.  The DD, however would be included in the defenders scramble.

    However, those TT WOULD be included if no assault was declared and the Allies moved into the SZ to solely attack the ships present.

  • Well, ignoring just transports is already the case- transports cannot be used to block.

    I do like some of your ideas, maybe in need of refinement; could be a fun houserule to give defending transports some hope.  I kind of like the idea that transports that survive the initial attack could elect to retreat to a safe SZ.

  • Might as well just eliminate TT’s all together then and allow naval warships to transport units, no?

  • Customizer

    Transports having no defense roll is stupid. It’s a fact that transports did have some defensive armament. The idea that some how the game becomes wildly unbalanced and no sea unit will ever be purchased is just as ridiculous. The reason for this rule change in first place was so WOTC/AH/HASBRO could have new units to get us to buy more games and new additions because of pretty new destroyers and cruisers. Well I like them and would’ve bought them anyway. The problem is that with a D6 game mechanic you have to make room for these pieces which I think could be made in other ways, but whatever.

    The move to make them defenseless had far less to do with the old hat reasoning of trying to simulate historical accuracy. The rules try to supposedly do this and not always accurately and usually not hitting the mark anyway. I’d rather have fun. This isn’t a hex and tile West Point exercise, it’s a reasonable"what if?" game with a loose historical setting in WWII.

    This is a strategic level game, unfortunately supposed historicity mixed with pseudo-tactical gaming
    machanics are complicating the hell out of the rules and killing the fun.

  • '17 '16



    Why not give transports a defense of 1 but still must be taken as casualties last ?
    Increase their cost to 8

    Because a transport having a defense of 1 is too generous.

    In Classic, transports represented actual transports and escort ships- now escort ships have been decoupled from transports in the form of destroyers.

    Hi everybody,
    their is some middleway here.

    Keep at 7 IPCs. It is already a long road to buy an escort fleet, transport and ground units. And bridging from one island to another requires much more transport to travel the same two ground units. The chain of communication is easily outstreched and vulnerable in PTO.

    Give any group (2 or more) of Transports a collective defense of 1.

    Even in a naval battle with other vessels, give at the start of naval battle the transport group a defense @1.

    Transports are still chosen last.

    When their is no more combat ship, the attacker still rolls and destroy as many transports as he got hits.
    It lasts until the last transport has sunk (which still have 1@1).

    The capacity to take hits is already a good defense.
    I see no need to add more than the single@1 for all the group.

    However, keep a single isolated transport as an easy target with no defense.

    Historically, we can think that there is some corvettes and frigates (but not much) inside a group of transports,  2 units or more (14 IPCs and +).

    Another possibility is to limit this @1 as AA only for 2 or more transports. So no combat ship could be kill by the lighter guns on board any troop transports.

  • Customizer

    The old defense roll was fine and is reasonable.  How the hell is it realistic that ten transport flotillas could be simply destroyed by one squadron of destroyers? It’s frigging ridiculous that someone would buy transports over destroyers for defense when a destroyer has twice the chance to score a hit. Nobody is going to resort to TRN stacking as a defense. The reasons for this change are stupid and just plain spin doctoring a mistake.

  • '17 '16


    The old defense roll was fine and is reasonable.  How the hell is it realistic that ten transport flotillas could be simply destroyed by one squadron of destroyers? It’s frigging ridiculous that someone would buy transports over destroyers for defense when a destroyer has twice the chance to score a hit. Nobody is going to resort to TRN stacking as a defense. The reasons for this change are stupid and just plain spin doctoring a mistake.

    I’m not quite sure. The capacity of taking a hit without damaging stronger units (@3 and @4) is a real strategy. It has a screening effect like a stack of Inf in front of 3 or 4 @3 Armors.

    Even transports without Defense point, a mixed group of vessels will become a way more dangerous:
    1 CV with 2 Fgts amongst 5 Trns (with 0@1) can take 2 or 3 rounds before being all destroyed.
    Think of Germany StrB, TacB and Fighters lost in this battle and how much units is needed at first to get odds on Germany’s side.

    That’s why Larry revised the rule about transport.

  • Customizer



    The old defense roll was fine and is reasonable. � How the hell is it realistic that ten transport flotillas could be simply destroyed by one squadron of destroyers? It’s frigging ridiculous that someone would buy transports over destroyers for defense when a destroyer has twice the chance to score a hit. Nobody is going to resort to TRN stacking as a defense. The reasons for this change are stupid and just plain spin doctoring a mistake.

    I’m not quite sure. The capacity of taking a hit without damaging stronger units (@3 and @4) is a real strategy. It has a screening effect like a stack of Inf in front of 3 or 4 @3 Armors.

    Even transports without Defense point, a mixed group of vessels will become a way more dangerous:
    1 CV with 2 Fgts amongst 5 Trns (with 0@1) can take 2 or 3 rounds before being all destroyed.
    Think of Germany StrB, TacB and Fighters lost in this battle and how much units is needed at first to get odds on Germany’s side.

    That’s why Larry revised the rule about transport.

    Yeah but why would that stop you from buying a destroyer? It’s nearly as cheap and can attack. and by that logic, no offense but are we going to have infantry loose thier attack capabilties? Sorry to Larry but just because he says it doesn’t mean it makes sense. Read some of Larry’s old quotes.

  • '17 '16


    Yeah but why would that stop you from buying a destroyer? It’s nearly as cheap and can attack. and by that logic, no offense but are we going to have infantry loose thier attack capabilities? Sorry to Larry but just because he says it doesn’t mean it makes sense. Read some of Larry’s old quotes.

    From my point of view, the problem is that a destroyer doesn’t move any ground troops. The best maximize investment in amphibious assault would be only transport+ground troops. But when you need to protect transport, you add more warships.
    A transport unit @1 requires far less protection (and less building of defensive warships) than TP @0 with no hits.

    Actually, to get a single 1 hit DD @2 paired with 1 TP it costs 7+8= 15 IPCs. 12/36 ODDS only 1 hit.
    For 2TPs @1=16 IPCs you would already get a better fleet.
    2D@1= odds at 11/36 + 2 hits / after 1 hit, you still have odds at 6/36.

    Adding TP @1, 8 IPCs will certainly unbalance the game in favour of Allies because USA, ANZAC and UK must get out of their islands to have impact on the game vs only Japan.

    If you want something more historical, you need a far less powerful modification because that will require changes on the initial board.

  • Customizer

    The whole point of having a transport with a def of 1 is so that it is not a sitting duck. It’s no battleship but at least it’s not totally easy pickings. I like being able to send out a transport out by itself and taking a risk with it. By the same token it makes your opponent think twice before he sends out some lone fighter or bomber to attack you. It forces them to think about losing precious aircraft to attack a transport rather than simply wiping otu a unit of opportunity with no risk.

  • '17 '16


    The whole point of having a transport with a def of 1 is so that it is not a sitting duck. It’s no battleship but at least it’s not totally easy pickings. I like being able to send out a transport out by itself and taking a risk with it. By the same token it makes your opponent think twice before he sends out some lone fighter or bomber to attack you. It forces them to think about losing precious aircraft to attack a transport rather than simply wiping otu a unit of opportunity with no risk.

    That’s why I suggest a 1@1 for 2 or more transports plus playing every hit on them.
    If attacker throw only 1 Fg @3 against 3TPs, it will take at least 3 lucky rounds before all TPs get drowned. At each round, their is still odds at 1/6 (like a AA gun) to get this Fg down.
    IMHO, this far risky that the attacker will put much more aircrafts to be sure not to have too many combat cycles with those TPs.

    And as write it down, I was thinking about a house rule “Air Supremacy” which imply that an aircraft makes preemptive shot against naval only target with no air support. To counterweight the huge impact of 3 rounds with odds at 1/6 every time.

    I eared only of Guadalcanal and Truk’s air raids against transports ships.
    And they didn’t make the weight against fighters and TacB.
    They were sitting ducks even with their on board AA guns.

  • Customizer


    Why not give transports a defense of 1 but still must be taken as casualties last ?
    Increase their cost to 8

    I think most people like this. Perfectly reasonable.

  • '17 '16



    Why not give transports a defense of 1 but still must be taken as casualties last ?
    Increase their cost to 8

    I think most people like this. Perfectly reasonable.

    Taken last is a must.
    When are they allowed to defend @1?
    Right at the beginning? Once their is no more warships?

    But as soon as a pack of 3 or more transports get @1 each, it will hurt the attacker and changing the odds and how the game was set up initialy.

  • '17 '16

    Example: 1 Fg @3 against 3 TPs @1.
    Very little luck:
    0.5 TP/rnd or 1 TP/2 rnds, so at the end of round 6, Transports are all drowned.
    But, at the end of the second round, the fighter is already blasted.

    I think it is not very historically accurate for a group of almost only transports to be as effective against aircrafts.

    You must add with transports many escort ships which are included as the DD unit in OOB 1940.

    According to my suggestion applied to the example:
    Transports needs 6 rounds @1, so the only Fg unit is destroyed at the end of round 6.

    *Transports start to defend themselves when they reach 14 IPCs value (2TPs C7).
    TP A0 D0 M2 C7 Paired with another TP get a single 1@1 for all Transports group.

    They can be hit twice and defend @1, same strength as a carrier on offense in 1942.2 (14 IPCs) .

  • TripleA

    Transports have aa guns on them. Historically transports have rammed into subs. Not sure on aa gun kills or other ramming.

  • Customizer


    Example: 1 Fgt@3 against 3 TT@1.
    Very little luck:
    2 rnds/TT at the end of round 6, they are all drowned.
    At the end of the second round, the fighter is blasted.

    I think it is not very historically accurate for a group of almost only transport to be as effective against aircrafts.

    You must add with transports many escort ships which are included as DD in OOB 1940.

    Baron this game isn’t all that historically accurate in and of itself. Sending out squadrons of fighters to sink transports isn’t either, bombers or tactical bombers would most likely have done this.
    So what if a lone fighter can’t simply wipe out a bunch of transports? Is it fair or unbalanced that ONE unit can wipe out and theoretically destroy an INFINITE amount of transports because they are unescorted? You add DDs to those transports and they have to bring in more aircraft anyway. You could make the argument that destroyers are too powerful for thier price.

    There have been a lot of rule changes in the name of “anti-stacking”, simply by adding the other units into the mix such as destroyers and cruisers has already done this. There was no need to take away defensive capability for transports.

  • Customizer


    Transports have aa guns on them. Historically transports have rammed into subs. Not sure on aa gun kills or other ramming.

    This^ Again, a token defense of one isn’t a game breaker in this “realisitic” game.

  • '17 '16


    Transports have aa guns on them. Historically transports have rammed into subs. Not sure on aa gun kills or other ramming.

    That’s true but we must think each unit represents a vast group of similar things.

    Their was ramming, but how many transport did this?
    They have AA guns but what was their killing ratio, for these transports which were exposed to combat situations?

    Anomalies and exceptions are not the model that makes the A&A system rules.

    Defenseless Transports are an aberration, true ; individually, they were not all sitting ducks. But globally what was their role in WWII?

  • '17 '16

    So what if a lone fighter can’t simply wipe out a bunch of transports? Is it fair or unbalanced that ONE unit can wipe out and theoretically destroy an INFINITE amount of transports because they are unescorted?

    That’s the aberration portion.
    You may play 1940 Global with Transport Def@1 8 IPCs.
    But giving starting Transport Def@1 will have an impact.

    I already thinking about a similar unit: TP+corvettes/frigates Def@1 for 9 IPCs.
    And also keeping TP D@0 7IPCs.
    And transport are taken as last casualties.

    Just a way to upgrade starting Transport for 2 IPCs near IC or NB.
    In this way, it follows the rule for navy unit: average is 2 IPCs for 1 point Att or Def.
    Anyone can buy either Transport for 7 IPCs or TP lightly escorted at 9 IPCs.

    It can simulate the progressive introduction of this small naval units during WWII specially to protect against Subs.

    Probably no one will buy TP with no hit value after introducing TP D@1 C9…

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