• Moderator

    ok then i’ll look to see if there is any other’s……
    thanks for the input!

  • 21 Tanks! where did you read that… ?I’m not challenging you necessarily, but I have never read where they had that much!

    The French had an army that was comparable in size to Germany’s, and if the Maginot line had been fully built, would have probably been able to stop Germany. 21 tanks is a lot, but it should be close to Germany’s army in size, perhaps with a lowered atk./def. ratio.

  • Moderator

    hey Sherman, you could use MB’s 36 tech’s
    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
    8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)


  • Sorry folks folks for letting this run without a response.
    About the 21 tanks- That should be 1 tank not 21.! I really like the propaganda ideas too.

    GG- You have some awesome ideas keep at it.
    BTW- I have been using a variation of Biggs’ “Tech 36” since he posted
    it (i whittled mine down to 18- and usually only use it in AA World.)
    But I definitely want techs for Europe 39.

    Italian deployment (special Thanks to Panzergrenadier!)
    North Italy is 6 ips not 4 Sicily 1 Ipc not 0.
    N italy 3Inf, 1art, 1arm, 1 fit, 1bmbr
    S.Italy 2 Inf
    Sicily 1 inf, 1 fit
    Libya 1inf, 1art, 1 arm
    Adriatic seazone 1 trans
    Tyrenian Sea zone 1battleship 1 destroyer, 1 sub
    Collect 10Ipcs to start.
    Italian ground units on Eastern Front suffer -1 defensive penalty
    when attacked by Russian armor.
    Same goes for axis minors…

    Also I think it would be good to Add a time track, I.E. set up a graph
    4 seasons and years '39-45 and beyond…

    What do you think!

  • Moderator

    Great Italian setup…
    I would agree about the graph, how about with some weather bonuses?..
    thinks of complicated Spy rules 8) …
    thinking will post later


  • All units -1 in attack During winter.

    Spying-ahh! what you got GG-money!

  • Moderator

    Well spies played a important role in ops during WW2 plus they got captured alot and blackmailed (think of Knights of the Double Cross)… 1 Spy starts in the enemies capital… unfortnately the only way to work it is to have a moderator… well let me think here a sec…

    Spies(Version 1.0)

    Cost: 4 IPC’s to Recruit and 2 IPC’s per mission
    Movement: 3 spaces
    A/D: None

    1 German Spy starts in Moscow and Great Britain
    1 British and Russian Spy starts in Germany.

    Spies are used to gather enemy intelligence from a tageted country.
    At each Opposing Player’s end of either Combat Move or Non-Combat Move,(but only one or the other) you can choose to do up to 2 missions per spy in an enemy capital… after declaring how many spy missions you will preform the enemy starts with counter-intelligence. You roll three d6 and whoever has a higher number wins; Exception: You can gain a advantage for the rolls by paying IPC’s to the bank. for every 1 IPC you pay (or your opponent plays) you get 2+ on the dice roll (all money given for gaining advantages by either side is given secretly to another player who declares what was given after both parties are given the chance). if the Counter intelligence wins then a d6 is rolled. if a 1-4 is rolled then the spy was killed and that was that! if a 5 or 6 is rolle then the spy is captured and you can either use him for false intelligence or Blackmail (totally up to you :wink: )… a another d6 is rolled… if only one mission was preformed, then 3 or lower meansthat the enemy country does not know it failed and he can be used for False Intelligence… if a 4-6 the enemy country knows and he is only good for black mail or the firing squad :wink: … if the spy wins then a d6 is rolled… if a 1-2 then a attack or move just preformed is Randomly chosen… if a 3-4, Spy chooses it… if a 5-6 the target country chooses it… if an attack is chosen then all dfending pieces +1 on defense… if a move that move can either be stopped (through means mentioned a bit later in the post :wink: ) or it can be attacked ( only if it is a air or sea move)… to stop the move 3 d6 is rolled… depnding on how important the piece is (1= Infantry, Artillery, and Anti Aircraft Guns. 2=Tanks, Destroyers, and Subs. 3= Fighters and Transports. 5=Bombers, Aircraft Carriers, and Battleships.). then the die is modified minus how much the unit modifier (the above in parenthesis). your goal is 9 or higher. Spies can be moved out of a country only by walking or you can try to whisk him out… if you pay 4 IPC’s then you can put him back on his capitol (as long as the move is not hindered by water). If it is hindered by water then the cost is increased by 2 (6 IPC’s)…
    now if the spy is captured and you op for false intelligence then it goes as follows… for every false piece you feed, it cost no IPC’s (limit 1 per spy)… now 2d6 are rolled(again)… if a 1-8 is rolled then the spy can give them a false piece of Information… if a 9-12 the Govermnent knows he is captured and he is only good for :( … oh never mind 8) … but you think I won’t roll a 9-12 he’ll give 'em plenty of stuff that will through him haywire… the problem is that for each piece of false info you feed the country loses trust in him… the roll now becomes 1-7 and 8-12 or -1 modifier… so then you have to feed them correct info but that means that the opponent can do the normal spy advantage, like get a +1 on defense in a territory that you are attacking! so it can be good and bad… if you get all the way own to 1 and 2-12 the the next false piece and the Goverment won’t trust them… but here are the Advantages to false Intel… for every SBR they do you can take away 2 IPC from each of the bombers that attacked (if 2 Bombers SBR and do 8 IPC’s damage it is only 4 they Take away to the Bank) note: this only works for Captured Spies… for every false attack you feed that player must move 2 units from adjeacent Territories (one chosen by you one by the opponent) to the false attacked Territory… for any attack that he might do you can prevent it by “beefing” it up… for avery unit you have in the targeted territory, take half it’s amount of units (rounded up) and put the units of your choice (limit: 1/4 of them can be aircraft) down on a piece of paper symbolizing the fake force… everyone votes (honestly) on wether they would attack the space if the fake units were real… if no is chosen then the attacker has to pull his army back to it’s original location… if yes is chosen the fake army is destroyed first with every unit the enemy has one for one wihtout attack at the real army… then you get to defend normally! That is what I have for Counter Intelligence…
    As many spies as you want can be recruited… Spies cannot be traded among allies and spies are never destroyed because of Invasion.

    that is spies for ya…

    what do you mean money? :lol: …

    now weather… Winter will do -1 for attack for every unit in a Russian or Scandinavian Territory evcept for Russian units…

    that is what I have for now… hope it helps 8)


  • I am liking the spy rules. Winter rules are good.

    What should the USSR deployment look like?
    I thinkl on the first round USSR units should be defensing only on
    a 1 like in Axis and Allies Pacific.

    US: deployment is the same as in AAE- But US foces cannot intervene
    until Winter 1941. UNLESS, UK ins invaded in which case they are activated immediately. They can begin limited operations
    in Spring 1940- move destroyer to US convoy zones(s)

    1 time British patriotic movement: Ay any time after Spring 1940,
    The US can deliver it’s Destroyer and Trans to the UK, who replace them with peices of their own at the end of the Next uk turn.
    This would simulate the “Bases for Destroyers deal” between
    Roosevelt and Churchill…

  • Moderator

    yep that sounds good… 8)

  • Moderator

    so Sherman28 how is the setup going…

  • I’ve had to set it aside for a couple of weeks here, BUT I promise some more in the next couple of days. I’m thinking of using a variation of
    The Vichy Rule from xeno’s W@W…

    Also will post the force set ups for Swededn, Ireland, Turkey and Spain.
    It should work well with the infuence rules you came up with earlier.

    Just imagine- you are the axis player, the mighty Afrika Corps has
    thrust thru the British Defenses in the Meditereanean. Iran has fallen, you stand poised to attack the Caucausus when suddenly, Turkish armored forces under the command of the Soviet Union Crash into your flank!

  • Wow this site changed a lot-It’s been years since I was here and am really happy that my boy GG is a moderator now.  Let’s get this thread going again!

  • Moderator

    lol, it has! Welcome back friend… Yeah they gave me the slot a while back in 2006. Too much has happened to mention but…

    I ask again (6 years later). Have you finished the set up?  :-P


  • Sweet Jesus! has it really been 6 years (oh yeah gray hair now-)  The personal issues I described pulled me away from it, but I don’t see why we can’t pick up where we left off.

    When I play tested this with some AAE rookies, well they didn’t work as a team (I was the axis). A combination of bad dice rolling by me especially in the east, and their lack of team work ensured the war went into 1947!  In that particular game, Italy was the real “winner” as the Allies were not really able to dislodge them from North Africa, until fall, 1944.  In any event, that particular game was AAE as it is supposed to be set up but with the following changes:  Italy was her own power of course allied to Germany.  The German Territory stayed at six Ipcs, Vichy France is activated as it’s own power collecting 3 Ipcs, which they hand over to the Germans anyway  , N. Italy was worth 4 ipcs instead of 2.  Added to the Italian fleet was 1 sub, and 1 additional trans. North Africa looked like this: Spannish Morrocco- undefended and no one collecting the Ipc, Algeria I french inf, Tunisia 1 French Inf (oh and Vichy had 3inf).  Italy had control markers on Corsica and Sardinia. The Western Med SZ had the Vichy Fleet: 1 Battleship, 1 Destroyer, 1 sub.  The rule was- if an allied power attacked the Vichy Fleet each piece rolled a die prior to combat the results were 1-2,  join the allies (and be available for the attack) 3-4 join the axis (and be available to defend), 5-6 “scuttle” and the piece is removed from play.  Some other changes were, Germans could build inf up to the Ipc value in Finland, Hungary, and Rumania.  The USSR could build inf up to the Ipc value in any territory it controlled at the start of the war. So, I put the '39 version on the back burner, just to play test some things. I think it would have been different against experienced players.  Almost forgot - The Axis could “lend” units to each other (like Allied Patriotic War Rule-Soviets can claim a piece and replace it with one of their own). And Axis could “split” the oil money.  It was fun but like shooting fish in a barrel if you know what I mean.  Anyway, I promise to work on the set up and post the results here for all to share, comment, bitch and moan about etc.  Take care, God Bless.

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