• Customizer

    Like I said, I’m not certain of the borders in that area, or if the “Aegean” SZ has a naval base and mines, though it does represent the mining of the Dardanelles that sunk several Allied ships.

    By not (it seems) having Gibraltar or Malta featured, the game is reflecting that France was given the task of patrolling the western Med, Italy the centre.

    It must have been tempting to add a Straits SZ with Gibraltar as NB; this would be a British NB in Spain - UK gets the benefit of the minefield, and the base is in effect protected by Spanish neutrality. The CP would have to invade Spain to neutralize it. I’ve long argued for this arrangement, rather than the silly bloated “Gibraltar” land tt.

    This might give us something like this:

    Note that if the CPs captured Greece, they’d be able to move ships directly from the Adriatic to the Aegean via the Corinthian canal.

    I’d also think about adding a German cruiser in the Tyrrhenian sea. Since Italy starts neutral, the Goeben would be able to sail into the Aegean on G1 without encountering enemy mines.



  • Is there a historical reason for labeling the eastern most province of the Ottoman Empire “Western Turkey” or are you trying to catch us out there Flashman?

  • Maybe the ottomans plan to expand Turkey to the east a little bit.

  • '10

    Why is Bulgaria part of the Ottoman Empire?

  • In global 1940 terms its pro turkey neutral

  • @FieldMarshalGames:

    Why is Bulgaria part of the Ottoman Empire?

    Bulgaria in A&A1914 is a Central Powers-Aligned Minor Power. I believe Flashman’s taking a lead from the promo flyer where Bulgaria seems very close in color to the Ottoman territories, but there’s a chance it might be German gray instead of Ottoman turkoise [misspelling intentional]. It’s my understanding that the color of the territory, along with a major power icon inside the territory, determine which major power can activate minor aligned powers/which major power’s pieces are used when the minor is attacked by the opposing alliance.

  • Has it been said how Bulgaria will be handled as one of the Central Powers? Will it be controlled by the Ottomans like Serbia for the Russians? If it was up to me I think it would be cooler if was controlled by the German player. Give a more of a feeling of a separate player since it isn’t controlled by the other 2 powers involved in the Balkan Wars. It will give another theater for the German player to play in and maybe build in? I think limited builds in Bulgaria would be cool.

  • Agree with you Thrawn not to mention your scenario for Bulgaria was probably more historically accurate. I also don’t like the fact they can only put units out once. Maybe if you don’t take it that country can reinforce with half of what it started with. Example Austria invades Romania. Romania starts with 3 inf and 1 art. If they survive they reinforce it with 2 inf. If it still holds 1 inf. If every other country continues to reinforce why can’t these smaller ones. They should be able to just on a smaller scale. Bulgaria when it joins the Central should act in a similar fashion.

  • Customizer

    When I started this map I used Diplomacy tt names, as that seemed to be the way they’ve done it - Austrian and Russian tts are virtually identical.

    Turkey seems to be somewhat different, with this weird long tt stretching from Georgia to the Persian Gulf. Can’t really call it “Armenia”, so Western Turkey it is. Again, its one of those I hope I’ve got wrong and the real map is more logical.

    Yes, Bulgaria might be German controlled, but I think that the proximity to Turkey is the decisive factor; just as Russia can support Romania and Serbia, and France Belgium. Presumably Portugal is French to create a balance in Southern Africa.

    Regarding placement, I’ve posted on another thread the suggestion that infantry can be placed away from the capital. In this case, such countries as Bulgaria and Belgium would in effect become part of the controlling power, so you can place infantry there subject to certain limits.

    Albania is a strange case; I’ve been unable to find evidence of Italian control there before 1917. I think I’m correct in assuming they’ve simply absorbed Montenegro into it to make it a reasonably sized tt.


    The weird kink in SZ boundaries to place Corsica in the French zone is unexplained.

    Switzerland being active does make me wish certain tts were designated “difficult” terrain for attackers.

    But above all, the unhistorical Poland spoils the map. We have to assume that there is a vital game play reason for it; stop Germany blitzing up the Baltic coast?

    Anyway, map update: German borders adjusted after re-reading the Imperial Germany report. Munich and Silesia may be connected as per Diplomacy.

    Q: Are American and Italian minefields active before they go to war? If so, do they “attack” shipping from both sides?


  • @Flashman:

    Turkey seems to be somewhat different, with this weird long tt stretching from Georgia to the Persian Gulf. Can’t really call it “Armenia”, so Western Turkey it is. Again, its one of those I hope I’ve got wrong and the real map is more logical.

    But shouldn’t it be Eastern Turkey or is it designed to drive fans of cardinal directions up the wall?

  • I apologize if I come off as some sort of AAO Mary Whitehouse, posting a response everytime I think someone has gone too far in pushing the boundaries of the cardinal directions.

  • Customizer

    Ahhhh, I see: East is West.

    I think this came about because I originally had a “Western Armenia” tt there.

    That’s my story and I’m stuck with it.


  • Sevastapol and Eastern Turkey might be the two most awkward adjacent territories an A&A history, if the clues led to the correct interpretation.

  • Customizer

    Latest Update.

    I now think there may only be one Turkish SZ, covering both sides of the straits.

    Can’t see the top of the map, but this may be important for the Allies dropping units into Karelia to support Russia.

    They’ve probably followed Diplomacy in calling Western Britain “Wales”, but this would be correct only for a game set in the 7th century.

    Got rid of the Colonial NBs, simply because I don’t think even Larry and his men would allow battleships to be built in these places.

    This leaves us with:

    New York
    Scapa Flow


    Arguably Kiel should cover the Baltic, with Wilhelmshavn the North Sea; but I doubt they would want both German bases located in the same tt.

    Of course Konigsburg is another candidate for the Baltic NB, but seeing as L & Co have given it to Russia 31 years too early…


  • Customizer

    Variable terrain types version:

    Tanks cannot enter mountains and jungle.

    Aircraft restricted in jungle, possibly mountains.

    No trains in the desert.


  • might be a stupid question, but with Belgian and portuguese colonies… do they get troops aswell if invaded? So 1 INF 1 ART per country (moz, ang, congo)…

  • Customizer

    I would assume they’re 1 IPC tts, though Congo has large mineral deposits that might bump it up to 2.
    Larry didn’t mention their troops when reporting on France, so presumably they are not placed until either:

    1. A French unit enters them.

    2. A CP unit attacks them.

    This creates the anomaly that, for example, UK units are allowed to invade non-aligned Abyssinia, but cannot enter Portuguese Mozambique, even though it is supposedly pro-Allied.

    I would have though that France at least gets to collect income from these colonies, as in effect Belgium becomes part of France when invaded. But it doesn’t seem so.

  • Customizer

    Just touting for suggestions on terrain effects in regard to the terrain map posted above:

    Mountains: Tanks cannot enter; Artillery fire -1, Air observation limited - only one artillery promoted for each surviving aircraft.

    Jungle/Forest: Tanks cannot enter; Artillery fire -1, No air observation.

    Desert: Unit limit, say 8 units? (water in short supply) After every player turn reduce units to 8 maximum. If units of more than one power are present, each reduces one unit until limit is no longer exceeded. Each must leave an infantry as per battle casualties.

  • What do the flags represent on your map Flashman?

  • Customizer

    The large flags are the player capitals, small are neutral capitals.

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