That is what it’s looking to be like, I’ve been hunting around to get inspiration and it looks as though, as you stated, what i want doesn’t exist. So now comes the hard work and thinking of how to design such a game. Perhaps a basic, unrefined skeleton is where I start and from there I can see if it is possible.
The Great War 1914-1918: Clash of Empires
oh good. Note the British pieces will be khaki and not matching the color of the areas. The point for all pieces is to be slightly different shade within the same color family.
Germany will be OOB milton bradley Grey for example, while her territories are a bit darker.
Very good, khaki UK pieces! :-)
The grey of OOB MB German pieces is good, too. Not perfect as the field grey is slightly brighter but ok.
I assume, Russia will be beige, similar to UK AAP/AAE, correct?How about the other nations?
- Will France come in 1914 Royal blue or 1915-1918 Heaven-Blue (light blue)?
- USA? Can you still get rid of green and make them brown at this point of production?
- Turks will be red like the flag, right?
- Which Green will Italy be? Flag or Arditi green?
Last question: Any chance at this point to make the Germans Light Gray and the Austrians Dark Gray?
Come on Imperious, do me this favour, as I am German and want to put my Pickelhaube on! :-D
Germany and Austria have to be “right”! -
I assume, Russia will be beige, similar to UK AAP/AAE, correct?
Russia will be OOB Milton Bradley
How about the other nations?
- Will France come in 1914 Royal blue or 1915-1918 Heaven-Blue (light blue)?
Blue like Global 40
- USA? Can you still get rid of green and make them brown at this point of production?
naw they olive green #2
- Turks will be red like the flag, right?
Not fire engine red, more like the color of those areas
- Which Green will Italy be? Flag or Arditi green?
Kinda like the map areas for Italy, except a shade lighter
Last question: Any chance at this point to make the Germans Light Gray and the Austrians Dark Gray?
It will be the opposite. Austrians light grey
Come on Imperious, do me this favour, as I am German and want to put my Pickelhaube on! grin
Germany and Austria have to be “right”!Germans will have Pickelhaube in honor of Col. Klink
I assume, Russia will be beige, similar to UK AAP/AAE, correct?
Russia will be OOB Milton Bradley
Sorry to say, but this is a poor choice!
“Red” was the Revolution. The “Red Army” was formed 1918 to fight the Tsarist loyal troops and had (almost) nothing to do with WWI.
Russia ought to be WHITE (if you follow political reasoning) or beige (if you consider the Tsarist army uniform).
RED-BROWN belongs to WW 2!!!P.S.: If you play the Russian Revolution out in your game, you can even let red-brown Russians represent the Bolsheviks and white or beige ones the Tsarist troops!
Just discovered the picture of the box srt!
And it is pure AWESOMENESS!!!
Game could be bought for the box alone! :wink:
Sorry to say, but this is a poor choice!
“Red” was the Revolution. The “Red Army” was formed 1918 to fight the Tsarist loyal troops and had (almost) nothing to do with WWI.
Russia ought to be WHITE (if you follow political reasoning) or beige (if you consider the Tsarist army uniform).
RED-BROWN belongs to WW 2!!!They are not red. Not in any game i make. earth brown but a tad lighter…they will be the same color as the uniform. The darker color of the two will be used…and that’s not ‘beige’
I think the colors for the game are pretty spot on and at the very least superior to A&A 1914.
Ok thanks.
I thought I had been following this thread, but I have not seen any link to any map or box art etc??
I am relieved!
Russia is spot on! +++Btw any red-brown Bolsheviks appearing in your game from 1917 on?
Germans will have Pickelhaube in honor of Col. Klink
LOL too good.
I thought I had been following this thread, but I have not seen any link to any map or box art etc??
It was posted earlier. But note these are early design pics, some changes have been made.
Btw any red-brown Bolsheviks appearing in your game from 1917 on?
nope sorry.
What happens in the Bolshevik Revolution then.
Do the Russian territories just get eliminated from the game?
Special Events:
Russian Revolution:
Russian Revolution – Can begin on turn 10. At the beginning of turn 10 a roll is made to see if Russia goes into a civil war. On a D6 roll of 1 the country spirals into revolution. This roll is modified as follows:-2 to the roll if an allied capital is held by the Central Powers (-1 if contested)
-2 to the roll if Petrograd is held by the Central Powers (-1 if contested)
-1 to the roll if Moscow is held by the Central Powers (-1/2 if contested)
-1/2 to roll (rounded down) per additional Russian or controlled allied territory that is held (-0 if contested)
+1/2 (rounded down) to the roll per enemy territory held by the Russians or its controlled allies (+0 if contested)
+2 to roll if an enemy capital is held by the Allies (+1 if contested)
The roll is made each and every turn afterwards. If Russia goes into a revolution she will surrender and all her remaining forces (within Russia) are removed from the game. All other units outside of Russia, including any controlled territories, are considered to belong to the Russian-controlled Allies. Furthermore, Serbia, Romania, and Montenegro will remain controlled by the Russian player. However, Serbia will continue to follow the special rules for the “fall of Serbia.”Effect: Germany gains economic and total control of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Belorussia, Kiev, Ukraine and Crimea. German units in any other Russian areas must retreat and the German player gains no benefit from other Russian areas. All Russian units are removed from play.
Is there an estimated price for this game? Seems like with the amount of sculpts that it will be pretty pricey.
Well they want to sell for $99, but I would prefer $119.
Of course the pre-order cost would be less, but not much.
This game does have a 5 by 4 FOOT HARDBOUND MAP, and the box is huge and full of stuff. You will get value for dollar on this.
Man! Even $119 is cheap for this stuff. I thought I’d be looking at $200 easy. Now I can buy two. Thanks IL!
Can I assume from this that the other Allies are not permitted to enter Russian tt?
Do Romania/Serbia/Montenegro have separate units?
Many of your unit sculpt follow a “one of 3” pattern; I would guess that this is broadly a case of:
1. Central Powers
3. France/Russia/Italy
with maybe the odd anomaly such as the USA using the French tank sculpt (though they used UK models as well).
Effect: Germany gains economic and total control of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Belorussia, Kiev, Ukraine and Crimea. German units in any other Russian areas must retreat and the German player gains no benefit from other Russian areas. All Russian units are removed from play.
Could you specify the models for the sculpts?
For instance, tanks should be clear:
A7V, Mark IV male/female(?), Renault FT17
(coorect?)What about the others?
Kaiser or Tegethoff class for the CPs? -
Any reason for using olive green for US? It’s WW2
Here are the US doughboys: rethink, IL!
No problem with 119$ (if everything is perfect! :wink: ).