• Here’s what I do in the first couple of rounds with japan.

    Rnd 1 (2 Hit Battleship)

    By Transport and IC.

    • Attack Pearl Harbor with Transport with 2inf, 1Fighters, 2Battleship, 1 Sub, ACC. I take Pearl with no loses, then I land on Pearl with 2Inf and 1fighter. By taking Hawaii America’s counter attack is less because they cannot land on the Island.

    • 2 inf on Transport attack India with 1 fighter. (Which we have UK usually take kwangtung).

    • Rest of Air Force and 1 inf from Burma attacks Manchuria (Usually taken by Russia) or Kwangtung).

    Rnd 2 - 3
    3 Tanks + Transport, if possible 2 inf.

    Do the usual attacks on Asia, start moving toward Russia.

    • The key here is start bombarding Western US. Park your 2 Battleships, ACC 2 planes and bring in the transport with 2 inf from Hawaii.

    Move your Transport that you just built in Rnd 1 to Wake Island with 2 inf.
    Next round this one attacks with 2 Bombardments and Air Support. The Transport that was at Western US send it 2 spaces towards Japan. Doing this with 3 Transports is effective.

    Basically Every round you attack Western US with:

    2 Bombardments
    2 Fighters
    2 Inf.

    This way US really needs to start putting money on Western US. It’s cheap for Japan (6IPC’s/Rnd) but it helps a great deal Germany and it stinks for the Yanks.

    The only way the Yanks will get this cleared up is if they leave their Air force in US to attack the japanese fleat and build a new Air Force.

    Our Rules:

    2 Hit Battleship
    Bombardment (Like Anti Air Craft)
    Submerge sub.

    We call it “The Rotation” :evil:

  • I love playing with Japan and I usually do a different tactic than most i’ve seen. On the first move I send zero transports to Hawaii. I sent 2 battleships, carrier, sub and 2 planes. Only a few times have I lost nearly everything but most times I still kill most of the american fleet there. So what if the americans retaliate and I loose my fleet? That’s alright. I half consider the fleet a write off before the even leave dock anyways. Here’s why:

    I but 2 fighters on turn #1. The transports respectively go to far east in russia and india with the remaining fighters and bomber going where they’re most obviously needed. send the 2 inf from kwangtung into china with a plane. Everytime I do this I always take india and the far east. half the time china. If germany does their job right then they should put pressure on russia to defend their western border and pretty much leave their rear open. It’s too much pressure on russia. I do build factories in asia … depending on how hard the fighting is decides how many. Usually just one, sometimes 2. I usually build the first factory in turn #2 if there is absolutely no way another country can touch it.

    I usually buy 2-3 planes per turn. Why planes? because you can’t sink planes and planes have a defense of 4. I can attack with my planes and use my factory to build a tank or two a turn to conquer territories. But usually I have enough left over from taking the countries in turn #1 that I only need to build a few tanks.

    So, in a few games the USA killed my navy right off and … stayed the hell away from japan and my islands. why? because I had a ton of planes and russia was done. i can always fly my planes back in time to defend japan. by the time the usa is knocking on my door i’m making a ton of money to buy 4-5 planes a turn. to us has to buy transports … troops. maybe battledhips or cariers and planes. and the whole time barely gaining money … they loose money from china.

    My only problem with my strategy using japan is that i’ve never tried it on someone who is very good at A&A … just some friends who are ok at it and the computer. wins the game for me everytime. but … the computer is weak and can be beaten everytime. Maybe some of you guys will give this strategy a try. it usually messes with people because they never expect a move like this from japan and it makes them have to rethink their plans. Try it out … just once. Oh yeah, one more thing. if germany is getting pummeled you now have a ton of planes to rushb to their support. and if germany is getting beat down it usually means the usa abondoned the pacific to fight in europe anyways.

    i’m sure someone can come up with a way to beat this … if they knew it was going to happen in teh first turn. but most people don’t expect and it makes japan the big winner in the short term on mainland asia and the big winner in the long term if you play your cards right.

  • One more thing. With planes every time you take new territories the planes are forced to land on old terrtitories which is a bonus. The planes land on other territories with shoreline to defend from quick transport attacks from britain or possibly the usa.

  • Moderator

    hmmm… immediately my mind thinks NO! there is only the best way to do it… but thinking about it, it isn’t that bad… the aircraft on the mainland obviously will be versatile in attacking land as well as sea targets, but does your friend(s) as the USA attack Germany or Japan or both???.. if Japan, then your strategy is good in the fact that you can sink the USA fleet(s) before it attacks the fatherland… if both then your strategy is still good, just the USA won’t have as much to sink… if Germany then it is looking a bit low… the one problem is that your strategy doesn’t allow yourself to take casulties… buying all fighters will eventually run thin… ofcourse you maybe TG Moses’s sister and be the terror of Axis Factory workers, and the scourge of Allied Sailors(but nevermind :wink: ) then your strategy is perfect you are an AAA Master!!! but assuming you roll like the rest of us, then japan will go down fighting, blowing enemy vehicles and men left and right, but she will go down… just a thought. this is not saying your strategies bad, “intelligence” always can be defeated by dice… :( 8)


  • I just played a game before I wrote this against the computer where the usa spent 90% of their money attacking germany. the dice went against me and i lost nearly everything. the germans lost finland and the ukrain pretty fast too. the germans looked like they were done except i had placed a factory and was pumping out 3 tanks (on my mainland factory) and 1-2 planes per turn.

    in the first round i had managed to get india, one of the chinese provinces and the 2 eastern russian provinces. that’s probably why i lost so many troops. I spread them to thin. turn #2 i lost india and SE asia to britain and i captured them back right away and sunk their transport. i had about 2 infantry and 3 planes spread across my whole frontier, but russia had wasted some troops attacking me.

    germany held on for a few turns and it was looking dim for them but my tanks started rolling in and my planes rushing in for some kamikazi action and sunk 8 american transports while i lost 4 planes. germany took moscow and i think you can imagine how it went from there.

    i hate when i attack a territory with 3 inf and 2 planes and they have 2 inf and i miss completely for 2 turns and they get dead on hits both turns :P that’ll make you rethink your strategy in that area right quick. luckily the closest enemy factory is moscow which is concentrating on germany.

    if you are japan and can capture all of asia and place a few factories there or even only one russia is pretty much done and all the germans have to do is hold off britain and the usa. after that the game is done. it seems every time. that’s why i stopped playing with japan with my friends. i always ended up owning asia and half the time africa too.

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