• I’m a veteran player of Japan, and categorically speaking, you shouldn’t fight the USA in the Pacific, other than destroying forces at Pearl on T1. But I constantly try to think of ways to defeat the USA. I was curious to see if anyone out there has any good ideas on this subject.

    I’ve managed to take LA and Panama before, but I can never hold them for long. Perhaps I simply am buying the wrong units. When I go to take LA, here’s what I use: 1-2 Battleships, 1 AC with 2 Fighters, 1 Bomber, 2 Transports with 2 Infantry each. Of course this entails taking Peral or Midway first, and preferrably Alaska too.

    The problem I find is that America sees you coming a mile away and can build up a nice little force in DC to step right over and squash you the moment you take LA. You’re left with this awesome navy sitting there and incapable of doing squat. 4 Infantry just can’t hold IMHO.

    Anybody have some ideas that might be useful?

  • Well Im glad to see your doing something other than the usual.
    I dont really have an answer for you, I haven’t thought it through.
    But, I agree 4 infantry is certainly not enough to hold the Western States.

  • Japan will never be able to take the USA. However:

    There is a mythical Japanese strategy out there that has yet to be discovered. It involves Japan putting equal amounts of pressure on Russia and the US with the idea that Germany would have some relief from the US but would face more pressure from Russia.

    If you can find this White Elephant, you will be one famous Samurai!

    We ought to put all of our heads together and try to figure it out just for fun, with the understanding that it will never be as effective as going after Russia full steam.

  • On rare occations I will send a continuous stream of troops into Alaska; the US generally doesn’t precieve this as too much of a threat and will bolster their defences, allowing Japan to keep Alaska. If they do make this fatal mistake, a large mass of troops can be built and used to take most of N. America, and with proper support (granted the Japanese have enough resources to build it) even the US can be taken out. Don’t expect the US to allow Japan a foothold in N. America twice though.

  • hey yeah its probably not going to eer work but in general terms im sure eeryone will think im stupid for is yeah itll take an act of god for japan to take small palces taking away the us adantage. this will greatly help the cause

  • you can’t kill the USA as Japan, for the simple fact that the USA is a land mass and you can’t kill land masses because they aren’t alive.

  • har-har :roll:

    Anyways, don’t invade USA, you’ll just get 200+ million, (or was it only 100+ back then?) red blooded Americans that all have access to firearms. Not very easy to do if you plan on planting the Rising Sun over DC.

  • If Russia has fallen, Japan can invade through South America while Germany wipes out the American navy so that Brazil can’t be liberated. A factory there would also be nice.

  • Usually I go tech heavy for Japan and Germany before I invade USA and/or UK (that is if they decide to fight on). With IT and heavy bmb, the rest is almost to easy - almost. 8)

  • @Ansbach:

    There is a mythical Japanese strategy out there that has yet to be discovered. It involves Japan putting equal amounts of pressure on Russia and the US with the idea that Germany would have some relief from the US but would face more pressure from Russia.

    In the last line of the quote did you mean “…but would put more pressure on Russia.” ?

    Anybody want to move to New Jersey, become a US Senator, accept bribes, only have to give the non-financial gifts back, and get a slap on the wrist from the US Senate, while the dude who bribes you has to serve time in prison? Reminds me of the good old days back in Chappaquidic(sp.?). Sorry, just got a little nostalgic.

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