––I think the remaining US Army units (heavy tanks, tank destroyers, mech. infantry, artillery, s/p artillery, trucks, etc.) would look better with a dust/dirt ‘wash’ that would lighten their overall colors and make them visually distinctive from the US Marine units.
I can try something to that effect. I am not sure how a brown wash would differ significantly from the black. But I will see what I can do. I think we want to retain as much of the base green as possible without it looking flat… that is the trick.
––We might also make the dark gray/black wash a tiny bit weaker on the remaining US Marine units so as to bring out the blackish green camo stripes more.
I can try that also. I wanted to bring out the stripes as much as possible, so I did them after the wash was applied. However, it would really only affect the base green either way, so, we just need to lighten that up a bit.