All morals are relative. Without a framework there is no right or wrong after all. For instance, I believe slavery is a terrible sin. I know however that it was a normal and accepted practise in history. For me to judge people out of context and declare anyone that ever owned a slave as evil would be short sighted. America would not exist IMO, without the contribution of some prominent slave owners for instance.
Now the interesting question is what should we do about immorality? Which side would you have been on in the civil war for instance? Would you have been willing to die for the rights of other men? If Jen is around we can revive the ancient argument about the causes of the civil war. :) Would you have fought for civil rights in the 50’s and 60’s? Moral absolutes are few and far between now. We have become a confused people. Who are the good guys? Who are the bad guys? The United States is desperate for a hero. A good guy to follow. We are grasping at straws. We want at our core to be good. To fight evil. Sadly, evil is not as easy to spot anymore. Evil wears a suit. Evil tells us it’s on our side. Evil says what we want to hear. In the end, whats more evil? The man that twists us into evil or us for carrying out evil? For not seeing truth. I suppose it’s just who we are. History both ancient and current affairs are full of decent people committing horrible acts for scum bags. Anyway, of course morals are relative.