• TripleA

    So you are attacking Ukraine on R1 with only one fighter?  Seems risky.

    Russia has tanks and arty and inf in caucasus. You don’t have the balls to attack? Seriously? you can all in west russia as well. No balls for that either?

    Man how do you not lose every game? You are so predictable. the fighter for egypt makes it hold as he can only get 4 guys and a bomber on it. vs 3 guys and 2 fighters.

    That is a bomber not sinking a battleship.

    The aggressive player gets all the advantages, because he forces you to make choices instead of being able to do a little bit of everything.

    G1 starts with many battles, I just prefer to add more so he can’t do them all. That is standard 1942 play.

    With russia slamming in, how can he possibly keep the united kingdom at bay?


  • @Cow:

    So you are attacking Ukraine on R1 with only one fighter?  Seems risky.

    Russia has tanks and arty and inf in caucasus. You don’t have the balls to attack? Seriously? you can all in west russia as well. No balls for that either?

    Russia has tanks and arty and you should keep them. All agree that West Russia should be taken care off? Why is that? Because Russian only loses 2 or 3 INF + BONUS BINGO, Germany can not take it back!

    Now Ukraine is a completely different issue, Russian arts and tanks being wiped out on G1 turn, that’s very bad for Russian offencive capabilities as I mentioned.

    Russia should rather take Belarus, again, a place were Russia only risks of losing men and reduces German number of men easier with less costly counter attack by Germany afterwards.

  • TripleA

    Now Ukraine is a completely different issue, Russian arts and tanks being wiped out on G1 turn, that’s very bad for Russian offencive capabilities as I mentioned.

    It is a trade, if you want the game to progress you have to make an exchange, it diverts fighters and men there, so you can counter attack. Tanks are crappy units. 4 infantry attack better than 2 tanks, why? cannon fodder factor. You may as well use tanks for what they are designed to do, hit something then roll some 3s on defense. They are horrible units that you don’t want to buy now they cost 6.

    Germany needs his air more than you need your silly precious little tanks that sit around and do nothing, because you are too much of a coward to use them. At least germany can use his air to hit infantry, boats, and defend spots, your tanks do 1 thing and that is sit. Just blow ukraine away or be called a girly man all game and when you lose you go home without your dignity or you can put up a fight and win some games for once.

    I suppose I should stop trying to take a horse to water, because I can’t make him drink.

    Don’t be aggressive, keep complaining and losing. Enjoy your game.
    In the old 1942, ukraine and west russia was all day, every game. You say it is different now, but in reality nothing has really changed.

  • @Mallery29:

    Only problem Axis, is the following and correct me if I’m wrong on what I think you will have there by end of US1, because that changes the math obviously.
    2 UK CV, 2 UK FTR, 1 UK DD, 1 US FTR
    If the Germans have 3FTR, 2Bomb, 2SS (a typical buy for me would be 5inf/2art/tank/bomber although I could go 3inf/2art/tank/bomber/SS.
    So on G2 I can attack with possibly 2SS, 3FTR, 2 Bombers…Germany wins at 83% losing the SS and possibly a FTR (while it hurts Germany, the money lost by UK significantly weakens India tenfold). I can repeat the SS buys on G2 to protect my losses (shouldn’t need another Bomber, but if I want to nuke UK knowing you have no fighters, this may be a legit buy).  This is the problem of buying navy UK1…that’s why I say either wait for UK3/US3 maneuver  or just save money and dump it on UK2…you have to watch those German buys (As Germany, I’ll be whacking the Brits with my subs though)…let the Gringos live for now…I have Russians to kill.

    Yes, UK could wait for UK2 turn, and then buy all out naval units, no problem there, although I prefer on putting pressure on Germany right away. I am not sure how German 2 Subs + 3 FTR + 2 Bombers can take out 2 UK Carriers, 3 FTR OR 4 FTR if I fly one of the Russian FTR over there + UK DD, that’s a pretty strong naval fleet UK has there which interrupts any plans for Germany on thinking they can “take it easy”.

    I am trying to figure out what would be a good US1 buy, it needs to be something that can get there on US2 turn to support UK2 turn buy if we decide to save cash on UK1 turn.

  • TripleA

    you are so silly it is funny. Of course uk is going to run into sea lion/naval problems, you play russia like a coward which is below the dogs they truely were.

  • @Cow:

    Now Ukraine is a completely different issue, Russian arts and tanks being wiped out on G1 turn, that’s very bad for Russian offencive capabilities as I mentioned.

    It is a trade, if you want the game to progress you have to make an exchange, it diverts fighters and men there, so you can counter attack. Tanks are crappy units. 4 infantry attack better than 2 tanks, why? cannon fodder factor. You may as well use tanks for what they are designed to do, hit something then roll some 3s on defense. They are horrible units that you don’t want to buy now they cost 6.

    Don’t be aggressive, keep complaining and losing. Enjoy your game.
    In the old 1942, ukraine and west russia was all day, every game. You say it is different now, but in reality nothing has really changed.

    Thanks for supporting my point. Tanks are expencive as you say and I “don’t want to buy them” , correct. Difference between you and me are that you want to throw tanks away, I want to keep them and artilleries BEHIND a huge stack of INF. Germany has resources to trade, they have 10 Tanks for Gods sake, Russia only 4! You trade 2, that’s 50% of Russian tanks, all bye bye.

    I am aggressive with Russia when needed, choosing my battles carefully, this is especially the case in this version where Russia IS weaker now, and the mistake you are making is saying that “nothing has changed”, oh it has, definitely. Russia is weaker, Germany is stronger, and no fighter from Ukraine can reach Egypt now, and Tanks cost 6 now, this is completely new game. If you think it’s the same, you need to continue to play 2009-version then.

  • you still have to take out the German CA, so what would you lose? The bomber or the FTR? If you are going to sack a Russian FTR, then I’ll make sure I have all the FTRs in position…its worth the nuking and wasting of a Russian FTR.  Then the US1/2 buys are useless…

  • @Cow:

    So you are attacking Ukraine on R1 with only one fighter?  Seems risky.

    Russia has tanks and arty and inf in caucasus.

    OK, so you are busy flying a Russian fighter down to Egypt to protect it, losing it’s offensive power for R1 and probably R2.  This despite the fact that it seems like many posters are not even attacking Egypt until G2 anyway.

    So in Ukraine you have all of Caucasus (3 Inf, Art, Arm) + the Kar Fighter vs. 3 Inf, Arm, Fighter.
    6 Count, 12 oPunch vs. 5 Count 13 dPunch.  That is a dicey battle, though you would be favored.  Do you add any armor from Moscow to increase your odds?

    And keep in mind that by expending so much offense in Ukraine you may take more casualties in West Russia.

    I agree that Russia needs to be agressive.  I’m just not sure that you cross the line from agressive to reckless.

  • I’m still in favor of letting Egypt fall as UK…I have my India complex already…I don’t know who mentioned the 3 tank buy for India, but I don’t see this as a good buy…for me…India should be a fortress and only attack if you GREATLY outstack you need the buffer.  If Japan is going to up the middle (china), then you should look at offense…If Germany doesn’t attack G1, then you have a tank to play with.  India would probably be 2inf/art on UK1, but I could be convinced of something else (that isn’t 3 tanks).

  • @Mallery29:

    you still have to take out the German CA, so what would you lose? The bomber or the FTR? If you are going to sack a Russian FTR, then I’ll make sure I have all the FTRs in position…its worth the nuking and wasting of a Russian FTR.  Then the US1/2 buys are useless…

    I am not sure what you mean by German CA ? Of course, if you get into a “fight” where Germany trades FTRs with UK then UK is better positioned because they are defending, Germany is attacking and the FTRs are worse at attacking.
    So Germany would lose a lot more than 1 Sub + 1 FTR.

    Alternatively, UK could save most of it’s cash for UK2 buy, and just buy 3 carriers, while the U.S. could buy 3 FTR + 12 IPC for something else on US1. Then the U.S. would have 4 FTR on Eastern U.S. ready to fill in 2 UK Carriers while the 3rd Carrier is full with 2 UK FTR. UK would still have cash to buy more units, since 3 Carriers cost 42 IPC.

    So the point is, wether we buy on UK1 or UK2 turn all-in, UK needs to have a fleet. So the solution is not sitting and bying 2 FTR a round and trying to attack German fleet after like UK3 turn, and having no naval power at all.  There is no doubt that it is more costly for Germany to go after the UK Fleet, therefore UK Fleet buy on UK1 or a MASSIVE UK2 turn Fleet buy is essential.

  • Are you or aren’t you going to kill the German CA on UK1?  If the CA hits, what are you going to lose? The bomber or the FTR?  If you don’t hit it, I probably wouldn’t waste the CA on a UK1 naval buy, but if you have no planes left, then I guess it doesn’t matter.

  • The fact is, you lose a FTR, its one less FTR defending the UK fleet, which makes it very susceptible…and if you are saving money as UK to drop a fleet, a G2 IB run might be in order.

  • @Mallery29:

    Are you or aren’t you going to kill the German CA on UK1?  If the CA hits, what are you going to lose? The bomber or the FTR?  If you don’t hit it, I probably wouldn’t waste the CA on a UK1 naval buy, but if you have no planes left, then I guess it doesn’t matter.

    I would not attack German Carrier if that’s what you mean, no. And definitely, not attacking any German Battleship in the Mediterranian. I save UK FTR where they are more useful, as supplementing naval fleet.

    Also I was wondering, what would you have on Libya after G1 turn ends? Before UK1 turn starts…

  • NO, the cruiser!

  • 2inf, art, tank in Libya

  • @Mallery29:

    2inf, art, tank in Libya

    It’s only 54% for UK to attack if you are doing what I think you are thinking about…that makes things easier for Germany.

  • @Mallery29:

    NO, the cruiser!

    Oh that, if I am to attack it, I would use a bomber, no FTR there. FTR are saved for future carrier fleet, there is no point in carrier if I can’t fill it with 2 FTR.

    Or instead of attacking German cruiser, I can consider attacking Libya on UK1 turn, with 1 INF, 1 Art, 1 Armor, 1 Bomber + 1 FTR from Egypt + 1 FTR from Carrier outside India. That pretty much facks up any German attempt to try to take Egypt on G2 turn. Germany would have to have like 6 units on Libya + 1 FTR to prevent this from happening when UK1 turn starts.

  • TripleA

    Don’t hit egypt till G2? Why would you wait? That is money, just like in the old revised it always goes on round 1.

  • TripleA

    Thanks for supporting my point. Tanks are expencive as you say and I “don’t want to buy them” , correct. Difference between you and me are that you want to throw tanks away, I want to keep them and artilleries BEHIND a huge stack of INF. Germany has resources to trade, they have 10 Tanks for Gods sake, Russia only 4! You trade 2, that’s 50% of Russian tanks, all bye bye.

    I am aggressive with Russia when needed, choosing my battles carefully, this is especially the case in this version where Russia IS weaker now, and the mistake you are making is saying that “nothing has changed”, oh it has, definitely. Russia is weaker, Germany is stronger, and no fighter from Ukraine can reach Egypt now, and Tanks cost 6 now, this is completely new game. If you think it’s the same, you need to continue to play 2009-version then.

    You mean 2004, the 2009 version was a joke that doesn’t exist.

    I don’t support your point. He has to use firepower to kill your tanks on the counter attack unless he wants to use his air there, which is less air for other battles.

    You are not seeing the big picture. That is why you fail. Allies always play the big picture, and the big picture says, it forces 1 more battle than germany would otherwise like.

  • @Cow:

    Don’t hit egypt till G2? Why would you wait? That is money, just like in the old revised it always goes on round 1.

    I’d like to have the option to backdoor Caucus/India/China…I’ve been burned enough times in 42.1 with only having the tank or no tank (even with the air support)…I would still do it in 42.1, but I’ve ate poop enough times that the extra unit is enough (and now NO air support)…I know its probably not ballsy enough…sorry to disappoint…I’ll hit Gib G1 (I know, no value, but it protects the BB from Bomber/FTR attack…but if the UK or US player is sleeping/overconfident and doesn’t eliminate the CA/Trans in Baltic (they should though) I can go for UK/Brazil and still hit G2 in Egypt. (Uk could be tasty with all my FTRs and Bombers nearby).

    Axis, you bring your bomber down, I’ll nuke that too…don’t make it easy for me!

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