The US tries to rule the world… but chaos seems to follow

  • @sherman28:

    I really don’t think that the United Nations is a measure of generosity.
    Pleas don’t give me that the US hasn’t paid its dues (which IS true).
    US foreign aid makes up a goodly chunk of the Federal budget.
    I would like to know who you feel contributes more. I can tell you
    US $$ aid to help defeat AIDS in Africa is MORE than the rest of the world combined. That seems pretty generous.

    Viet Nam I WILL go there my friend. This is a topic I am not afraid to defend. You did not answer the question. Which was “do you really beleive that the Gov’t of Nvn was democratic.”
    The morality of communism is a different issue but I am happy also to
    discuss it.

    Somalia- there was a small UN releif force there that was shot at and bullied around by warlords until the US Marines went there to sort it out!
    Where is the selfishness?

    Ethiopia- the US took control of a crumbling UN releifg effort in 1987.
    the people stopped starving where is the self interest?

    Kuwait- We liberated their county and haven’t (as usual) asked for payment
    where is the selfishness?

    Serbia- The US took command of a weak Nato comiittment and in 80 days of air and missle strikes toppled Milosevic and insured the World Court would try him for War crimes. Where is the selfishness?

    Iraq-Hey we finished the job that we should have finished a while ago.
    The Mass graves un covered made me think back to WW2 and conjured up names like Belsen, Auschwitz Buchenwald. You can go there and
    if you don’t understand the meaning of “all that is necesarry for Evil to triumph is for Good Men to do nothing” then you have no heart.

    Whether North Vietnam was a democracy or not is irrelevant. You cannot force a democracy upon people who do not wish to have it and who do not respect it. It will simplycollapse and turn into a dictatorship. Democracy is something that has to evolve over time in societies.

  • @Janus1:

    oh, you SO don’t want to go there. America the wise - saving the world from communism. Failing to solve the real problem.
    Question - why was communism such a threat? If it were truth - then why should it not be perpetuated at the will of people. If a lie, then do they think that it would not fizzle on its own as people came to realize its problems?
    And they really did not do anything of any substance in Vietnam - other than snuff out many lives.

    neither do you CC, you dont want to get into an ideology debate where you are in any way praising communism. Mike will cut off your head with his katana, and I would too (if i had one :cry: )

    you are such a punk.
    i mean really - i’ve never defended communism in any of these fora - F_alk will tell you that.
    My point is simply that America takes on communism as the evil that must be attacked at all costs lest it overtake America. For me this is the biggest joke. All the world should thank America for defending it against this “evil”? America has not done many favors defending countries (particularly in central and south America) from socialism and communism.

  • Im not advocating one side or another here CC, this aint my argument, Ill leave it to Sherman (thanks for the info bout the Marines btw), im just warning you not to in any way praise communism, because Mike WILL add you to his hit list (its not an actual list that I know of, but there are people he wants dead, and communist glorifiers (in any way shape or form) are among them) just a friendly warning CC. :wink:

  • Good coverage on Somalia, Shermie! I gotta bone up on it.

    Though only a second hand witness to the posts I must step forvart to vouch for cc, my comrade! :oops:

    Not a pro-commie peep in any of the threads I’ve read.

  • We are all good Tovarisch! CC- I was not calling you a communist
    BTW and if that came across in anything I wrote, please
    accept my apologies- thanks for the kind words from all.

  • as an addendum to what i posted already, im not calling you a commie either, its just that the post you had that i was responding to came across as a little pro-commie, and i was giving you a friendly warning :wink:

  • Some comments:


    … the US does go in and bomb the hell out of every1, but then it rebuilds them, and they become better than they were (Germany, Japan).

    @ “better than they were”. Well, surely better than “right after the war” or “during late of the war”…. and i don’t think you like our pacificism of the moment as “better”.


    …As for who started it(approximately in chronological order)…
    The guy who picked up the first rock started it…
    Some have been left out, but the point is…
    well, nobody started itand
    they didn’t have to respond
    the way they chose to respond.

    One important guy you forgot: The first guy who fenced in an area, sat himself in the middle and said “this is mine”.
    For the “didn’t have to respond the way”… well, that is something that applies to every nation. But still, you can have a different opinion wether the decision was smart or not. When it comes to the US, i more often fell the “not” than the “smart”.


    Whether North Vietnam was a democracy or not is irrelevant. You cannot force a democracy upon people who do not wish to have it and who do not respect it. It will simplycollapse and turn into a dictatorship. Democracy is something that has to evolve over time in societies.


    i mean really - i’ve never defended communism in any of these fora - F_alk will tell you that.
    My point is simply that America takes on communism as the evil that must be attacked at all costs lest it overtake America. For me this is the biggest joke. All the world should thank America for defending it against this “evil”? America has not done many favors defending countries (particularly in central and south America) from socialism and communism.

    I second these two.

  • Moderator

    Janus… Jp was already bottled up by the time Hiroshima happened… in fact the to brass said they would have surrendered by dec. 1945… we rebuilt them, but only after we killed half of them

  • One important guy you forgot: The first guy who fenced in an area, sat himself in the middle and said “this is mine”.

    Until you give away all your possessions, including your house, and you go live in the forest, shut up Falk.

    @ “better than they were”. Well, surely better than “right after the war” or “during late of the war”…. and i don’t think you like our pacificism of the moment as “better”.

    Better, as in economies rivaling the US (which like it or not is a “superpower”)
    And in the case of Germany, better than they were before the war as well (after WWI they were pathetic until Hitler, and unless you like fascism ( :wink: Mike) they were still not good at that time either)

    Janus… Jp was already bottled up by the time Hiroshima happened… in fact the to brass said they would have surrendered by dec. 1945… we rebuilt them, but only after we killed half of them


    … the US does go in and bomb the hell out of every1, but then it rebuilds them, and they become better than they were (Germany, Japan).

    like I said.

  • @Guerrilla:

    we rebuilt them, but only after we killed half of them

    Name your source. Methinks you exaggerate a mite.

    Do I hear some who like to play the Politically Correct version of “King of the Hill?” The new version is titled “We are All Equal. It’s just Some of Us are More Equal.” :roll:

  • nice El Jefe

  • @Janus1:

    … the US does go in and bomb the hell out of every1, but then it rebuilds them, and they become better than they were (Germany, Japan).

    like I said.

    You really quote yourself and then agree with yourself?
    Boy, don’t do drugs, they can lead to split personalities !
    Why don’t you follow all your smart and wise advice you give to me yourself?

  • a mistake on my part Falk. Excuse me, o wise and powerful leader, for having offended you. Go back and read GG’s post about Hiroshima, thats what I was responding to.

  • You really quote yourself and then agree with yourself?
    Boy, don’t do drugs, they can lead to split personalities !
    Why don’t you follow all your smart and wise advice you give to me yourself?

    :lol: Derisiveness at its best, F_alk. :wink:

  • @TG:

    You really quote yourself and then agree with yourself?
    Boy, don’t do drugs, they can lead to split personalities !
    Why don’t you follow all your smart and wise advice you give to me yourself?

    :lol: Derisiveness at its best, F_alk. :wink:

    a derisive German???

  • Nah, they’re all sweet and lovable like tribbles.

    Waaaaait a minute!

  • @El:

    Nah, they’re all sweet and lovable like tribbles.
    Waaaaait a minute!

    Are you suggesting that all Germans have tribbles, that tribbles come from Germany, or that all Germans are trekkies? :-?

  • Tribbles are cute, furry, and make sweet noises, and multiply like hell….
    i don’t think they are german. … :)

  • @Grigoriy:


    Nah, they’re all sweet and lovable like tribbles.
    Waaaaait a minute!

    Are you suggesting that all Germans have tribbles, that tribbles come from Germany, or that all Germans are trekkies? :-?

    GI, note the term like in the quote.

    They also become very aggitated around Klingons.(Heh-heh!)
    Take that as you will.

  • GI< note the term like in the quote.

    I did note the term “like”; it was the phrase “Waaaait a minute” that confused me. :P

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