HBG - Axis & Allies Parts/Accessories and Custom Piece Sets Store!

  • Customizer

    I really want the French set too.  But I also really want the Germany 3 set.  And I want the Facilities set (although that one is least on my wants).
    I’d like to see more Russian pieces.
    I’d like to see a British expansion set.
    I’d love to see an HBG made Italian set because I like HBG’s Italian Brown color better.
    There are a lot of games in the works that I’m sure many of you are chomping at the bit to see.  Like how about the extra pieces that will be available in the Kursk game? New examples of German and Soviet armor not already available to us through current sets.
    Or the ships that will be made with Plan Orange. Ship designs that never actually got built but were thought of.
    Plus all the different acrylic markers and all the rules to incorporate them into already existing games.
    I’m just saying all of this takes time and the guys at HBG are not just making new sets. They are doing a whole lot of things all at once and remember, there is only 2 or 3 guys there.
    Plus, even with just making the sets, it takes time to design all the different sculpts and get them just the right size with all the perfect detail we have come to demand of them. Then to work things out with the guys in China and get them made just right and then get them into mass production. Yes, they have a good relationship with the guys in China as is evidenced by the great sets and games we already have, but it still takes time. I might add that the guys in China aren’t game freaks like the guys at HBG.  To them it’s just a business thing.  So even though they are professional and good businessmen, I would still think there may be a little “lost in translation” thing going.
    I mean, imagine someone trying to explain something to you that they are passionate about but you could care less for. It’s just another job for you. Don’t you think it might be hard for you to understand they way they do?
    I’m just saying please everyone have patience and we will all get the sets and games that we are waiting for. They will come, it just takes time. I’m saying this and believe me, I’m an impatient bastard. For me, April seems SO far off. But we all got to suck it up and be patient.
    Coach started this company because he himself had a passion for gaming and saw a void that needed to be filled and, luckily for the rest of us, had the resources, drive, time and patient wife to start up HBG. Since then he has filled that void rather nicely and gone far beyond what he started out to do. The simple game of Axis & Allies has expanded beyond our wildest dreams of just 5 years ago.
    So please everyone just be patient and wait your turn.  My biggest fear is that if we bug him too much, the passion he started out with will start to die and this becomes “just a job” for him. That would be tragic on so many levels.
    I am totally confident we will all eventually get the pieces, sets and games we have been waiting for.  And until then, we already got a lot of good stuff to play with.

  • Customizer

    Regarding the proposed Civil War game, do HBG need to produce anything other than ships in terms of plastic pieces?

    Who doesn’t already have plenty of infantry, cavalry and artillery for this conflict; yet we lack warships and ironclads entirely.

    I would also be in the market for generic ship models for the ancient, medieval and sailing ship eras. As well as space marines, aliens and starships of course.

    I don’t want to think the company believes it needs to produce entire games in order to make it worthwhile  expanding into new periods of history.

    I want basic Napoleonic ships far more than I need 23 different types of Italian tank in 8 new shades of brown.

  • Coach, Will any more of the 1st German expansion set pieces be produced? Any chance of adding the Axis minor colors to this set?

  • Sponsor '17 '13 '11 '10


    Coach, Will any more of the 1st German expansion set pieces be produced? Any chance of adding the Axis minor colors to this set?

    Not too long but adding the other colors are very expensive. let me get the first two colors then we will rerun the mold for the others.

  • Customizer

    If/When you run the Germany 3 set in other Axis Minor colors, will the Lutzow Class Pocket Battleships be available?

  • Sponsor '17 '13 '11 '10


    If/When you run the Germany 3 set in other Axis Minor colors, will the Lutzow Class Pocket Battleships be available?


  • Customizer

    I’d like to suggest another completely new piece type - the army marker.

    Something along the lines of the Mighty Empires “Banners”, but with a wider range of periods and themes.

    These are used to mark the position on the game map of army groups, legions, hordes etc while the pieces are held on a corresponding card.

    Each piece need a line of infantry (shields facing outward for painting), a mounted commander and a flag for easy customization.

    I suggest:

    Barbarian (Germanic)
    Viking (ship pieces)
    High Medieval (chainmail)
    Late Medieval (plate armour)
    16th century
    17th century
    US Civil War

    A range of printed flags would complement the range.


  • Coach I was looking to get a bunch of Stug IIIs and Hummels in all of the colors. Will there be more in stock soon?

  • Sponsor '17 '13 '11 '10


    Coach I was looking to get a bunch of Stug IIIs and Hummels in all of the colors. Will there be more in stock soon?

    not at this time

  • Customizer

    Are the new German pieces close to being delivered?

  • Customizer

    Can we get an update on the Germany 3 set?

  • Customizer

    Can we get an update on the Germany 3 set?

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer

    Yeah the lack of info for months is disconcerting.

  • '16


    Yeah the lack of info for months is disconcerting.

    Indeed. Would prefer to be kept in the loop rather than wonder and wonder.
    Good news or bad news.

    So, HBG. What happened to the German Set #3 that we’ve pre-ordered?
    Any response would suffice, guys, even a vague, non-informative one at this point!

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer

    Guys, they said on facebook, it would be in a few weeks. That is all I know at this time.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    Guys, they said on facebook, it would be in a few weeks. That is all I know at this time.

    Are you the official HBG emissary?

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer



    Guys, they said on facebook, it would be in a few weeks. That is all I know at this time.

    Are you the official HBG emissary?

    No lol, but I do know they use face book for their announcements on a regular basis, but people that are not on facebook may not be aware that HBG does most of their announcements on there.

    Just trying to help spread the word for those not on face book. :-)

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    No lol, but I do know they use face book for their announcements on a regular basis, but people that are not on facebook may not be aware that HBG does most of their announcements on there.

    Just trying to help spread the word for those not on face book. :-)

    Ah, I thought as much. And that is cool, I do appreciate it because I am one of those not on Facebook and don’t routinely check there.

    That said… I believe that I, and many others here, are rightly frustrated with HBGs growing lack of communication on pre-purchased products. I can appreciate you defending them John and, seemingly, taking their side every time a complaint comes up. But I feel compelled to ask if you also are not the least bit annoyed by delays and/or lack of communication. I asked if you were an ‘official emissary’ partly tongue-in-cheek and also partly serious; maybe you are privy to information most of us are not and therefore have a better understanding of these chronic delays.

    I don’t think it is unreasonable to expect that HBG would or should post product updates here on A&A.org (and this thread specifically). At the very least, one would expect they answer questions from faithful customers who have forked out pre-order money in faith of a product. In the past, A&A.org seems to have been the go-to place for communication from Doug, Will and Variable on updates, status, product development and wish lists.

    The last post from Doug (Coachofmany) was the April 14th post above. The last post from Variable was way back in February of 2015. Not sure about Will. According to their accounts, they have at least logged in and checked things as recently as yesterday though. I am sorry, but I just do not understand the lack of communication with what I can only imagine is a very strong, loyal and even foundational customer base here on A&A.org. Perhaps we should not expect the same communication here that we were used to in the past, if in fact times have changed for some reason.

    Yes, I get the email updates when they come out and they are all well and good. However, they have said nothing about the German set everyone is waiting for. For me at least, they also tend to exacerbate the impression that HBG is sort of lost in their own world of R&D. Glancing at the HBG/Global War Facebook pages yesterday only reinforced that by 500%. The Facebook pages alone are littered with over 2 months straight of highly detailed playtesting of products that aren’t yet available or that do not pertain to what supporters on A&A.org seem to be most concerned about: new national expansion and supplemental sets for A&A/GW39. Coy Facebook posts that drop a litany of exciting new items with vague timeframes do not constitute great communication. And the emails do much of the same. Teasing small expansions, grand expansions, in-development products, new one-offs and trumpeting previous products leads me to believe that HBG as a company has a form of Attention Deficit and is at the very least not focusing on what I think is important. If I was the only one who thought this, I would consider myself an outlier and adjust my expectations accordingly. But I really don’t believe my desires and hopes for HBGs products are mine alone.

    Again, I do not know their business nor do I really care to guess at why they are not answering questions. Regardless of the reasons, I would always prefer to be told the truth or facts rather than be left to wonder or be told inaccurate estimates to placate me. I am sure most others here would agree.

    I want to be someone who proudly buys from HBG and defends them wholeheartedly, because they make damn fine stuff. Fortunately or unfortunately, they are also the only name in the game, as it were, producing these types of items. So even if many of us are upset with the process, we still have to buy from them. My plea is that they simply communicate better and more regularly regarding the products that many of us here are vocal about and have committed to support. This German set was the first one that I have not preordered from HBG… specifically because I was concerned about the delays and lack of communication that was creeping up with the previous sets. I am not happy to say that it looks like my fears were correct, but it does appear that I made the right decision not to preorder. Even still, I have a lot of stake in this matter because I want to buy this product and I want HBG thrive.

    What I do not understand is how a little communication would hinder that. Everyone would be better served with it.

    Very sincerely and respectfully,


  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer



    No lol, but I do know they use face book for their announcements on a regular basis, but people that are not on facebook may not be aware that HBG does most of their announcements on there.

    Just trying to help spread the word for those not on face book. :-)

    Ah, I thought as much. And that is cool, I do appreciate it because I am one of those not on Facebook and don’t routinely check there.

    That said… I believe that I, and many others here, are rightly frustrated with HBGs growing lack of communication on pre-purchased products. I can appreciate you defending them John and, seemingly, taking their side every time a complaint comes up. But I feel compelled to ask if you also are not the least bit annoyed by delays and/or lack of communication. I asked if you were an ‘official emissary’ partly tongue-in-cheek and also partly serious; maybe you are privy to information most of us are not and therefore have a better understanding of these chronic delays.

    I don’t think it is unreasonable to expect that HBG would or should post product updates here on A&A.org (and this thread specifically). At the very least, one would expect they answer questions from faithful customers who have forked out pre-order money in faith of a product. In the past, A&A.org seems to have been the go-to place for communication from Doug, Will and Variable on updates, status, product development and wish lists.

    The last post from Doug (Coachofmany) was the April 14th post above. The last post from Variable was way back in February of 2015. Not sure about Will. According to their accounts, they have at least logged in and checked things as recently as yesterday though. I am sorry, but I just do not understand the lack of communication with what I can only imagine is a very strong, loyal and even foundational customer base here on A&A.org. Perhaps we should not expect the same communication here that we were used to in the past, if in fact times have changed for some reason.

    Yes, I get the email updates when they come out and they are all well and good. However, they have said nothing about the German set everyone is waiting for. For me at least, they also tend to exacerbate the impression that HBG is sort of lost in their own world of R&D. Glancing at the HBG/Global War Facebook pages yesterday only reinforced that by 500%. The Facebook pages alone are littered with over 2 months straight of highly detailed playtesting of products that aren’t yet available or that do not pertain to what supporters on A&A.org seem to be most concerned about: new national expansion and supplemental sets for A&A/GW39. Coy Facebook posts that drop a litany of exciting new items with vague timeframes do not constitute great communication. And the emails do much of the same. Teasing small expansions, grand expansions, in-development products, new one-offs and trumpeting previous products leads me to believe that HBG as a company has a form of Attention Deficit and is at the very least not focusing on what I think is important. If I was the only one who thought this, I would consider myself an outlier and adjust my expectations accordingly. But I really don’t believe my desires and hopes for HBGs products are mine alone.

    Again, I do not know their business nor do I really care to guess at why they are not answering questions. Regardless of the reasons, I would always prefer to be told the truth or facts rather than be left to wonder or be told inaccurate estimates to placate me. I am sure most others here would agree.

    I want to be someone who proudly buys from HBG and defends them wholeheartedly, because they make damn fine stuff. Fortunately or unfortunately, they are also the only name in the game, as it were, producing these types of items. So even if many of us are upset with the process, we still have to buy from them. My plea is that they simply communicate better and more regularly regarding the products that many of us here are vocal about and have committed to support. This German set was the first one that I have not preordered from HBG… specifically because I was concerned about the delays and lack of communication that was creeping up with the previous sets. I am not happy to say that it looks like my fears were correct, but it does appear that I made the right decision not to preorder. Even still, I have a lot of stake in this matter because I want to buy this product and I want HBG thrive.

    What I do not understand is how a little communication would hinder that. Everyone would be better served with it.

    Very sincerely and respectfully,


    LHoff, I appreciate everything you said, and whole heartedly agree that communication is very much lacking, and it is their weakness.

    I don’t defend them, when it comes to that. If you ever see someone get upset about the lack of communnication on these forums, you never see me prevent them from doing that.

    There is nothing wrong about getting disappointed or upset because of lack of communication, and believe it or not I get frustrated, but in my every day life, I own a business and have bigger things to worry about than my extracurricular activities.

    If you ever notice, I don’t get into debates, I stay clear from them.

    I come to these forums for entertainment purposes as an escape, lol.

    All I do is provide information when HBG releases it and let people know it on here, because I know some people don’t get the news, like I do.

    I appreciate everything you say and enjoy reading your comments, because I know you mean well, and so do I.

    I was told the German set was to have come out in April, so believe me I’m disappointed as anyone, especially since I have already painted my German airforce and navy, already.

    I wanted these pieces, back when I painted, earlier this year, so yes I have been frustrated, but I try to remain positive, because I have enough stress in the real world.

    So I just wanted you, or anyone else to know, voice your opinions freely. It is your forum, as much as it is mine.

    Thanks buddy for letting me know how you feel, but I’m only here to provide info, not to defend.

    Thanks, LHoff! :-)


  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer

    No worries John. Copy all. The post was not really directed at you but more as an open letter to HBG voicing my personal concerns and observations. I do hope someone reads it and others chime in if they feel the same way; it is the only way your opinions will be heard.

    In the grand scheme, there are bigger things that keep us occupied and worried in the world, but now and then we all have a little time to focus on our hobbies. This certainly falls in that category.

    Hope to hear good news or any news soon. And thanks for the response.

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