Will they come out with an A&A Pearl Harbor

  • some a&a variants i would like to see would be…

    North Africa Campaign:  War in the Desert  1940-1943  including Operation Torch
    Eastern Front 1941-1945
    Crusade in Europe:  Western Front 1944-1945
    Invasion of Japan:  Operation Downfall…(hypothetical game)
    Philippines Campaign:  ie the Battle of Leyte Gulf
    Kursk:  Largest Tank battle of the war
    The Battle of the Atlantic
    Battle of Britain
    Operation Barbarossa
    Iwo Jima/Okinawa

    Just some ideas and examples

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    Fog of war is a pain in the arse, even with 3 people doing it.  two maps, different rooms and one guy/gal referring and displaying what’s visible…

    I think they’ve WWIIed the game out.  Unless they want to release a World War II - The Aftermath with England and USA vs Russia and the Eastern Territories (Romania, Bulgaria, etc).  A sort of “What if Patton convinced Eisenhower to press the attack?” deal

  • Sponsor '17 TripleA '11 '10


    some a&a variants i would like to see would be…

    North Africa Campaign:  War in the Desert  1940-1943  including Operation Torch
    Eastern Front 1941-1945
    Crusade in Europe:  Western Front 1944-1945
    Invasion of Japan:  Operation Downfall…(hypothetical game)
    Philippines Campaign:  ie the Battle of Leyte Gulf
    Kursk:  Largest Tank battle of the war
    The Battle of the Atlantic
    Battle of Britain
    Operation Barbarossa
    Iwo Jima/Okinawa

    Just some ideas and examples

    Have you seen the games available from HBG? We cover a number of those…

  • @RJL518:

    some a&a variants i would like to see would be…

    North Africa Campaign:  War in the Desert  1940-1943  including Operation Torch
    Eastern Front 1941-1945
    Crusade in Europe:  Western Front 1944-1945
    Invasion of Japan:  Operation Downfall…(hypothetical game)
    Philippines Campaign:  ie the Battle of Leyte Gulf
    Kursk:  Largest Tank battle of the war
    The Battle of the Atlantic
    Battle of Britain
    Operation Barbarossa
    Iwo Jima/Okinawa

    Just some ideas and examples

    OMG i would love an Operation Downfall game.

  • Customizer


    I think they’ve WWIIed the game out.  Unless they want to release a World War II - The Aftermath with England and USA vs Russia and the Eastern Territories (Romania, Bulgaria, etc).  A sort of “What if Patton convinced Eisenhower to press the attack?” deal

    We tried that once. USA had beaten Japan in the Pacific and UK took Berlin. I don’t remember which one captured Rome.
    At first it was tough on the western Allies because Russia had built up a LOT of tanks and had most of them in the Eastern Europe and Balkans territories. But with US and UK having all the German and Italian factories, it was only a matter of time.
    France kept buying infantry to move up and help defend US/UK possessions. The US still had a lot of transports to ship more stuff from E USA to add to the stuff being built in W Germany and Italy. Needless to say, US and UK totally dominated the seas, no Russian presence at all (What little navy they had was sunk by Germany long ago). UK managed to land a force on Norway and push the Russians back there. Meanwhile, Russia’s closest factories were Leningrad and the Ukraine, so their lines were too long.
    On top of that, the US was also shucking a small force from the east from their factory in Japan. Russia’s territory kept shrinking until eventually Moscow was surrounded.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Well, if it were to be a codified game, there would have to be some thought as to balance.

    I could see it being balanced with the Russians starting out in prime control of Europe, but the Allies controlling both the air and sea…I could envision the Russians pushing the allies out of Europe initially with the Allies pushing back in since Russia then has to protect Norway, France, NW Europe, Denmark, Germany, S. France and the Italies against incursion.

    I would think it would be fun…

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Japan, of course, would be American territory….Maybe China would be Russian?

  • Customizer

    I was hoping we might discuss a Pearl Harbor game and thus generate some possible rules/scenarios/etc. as well as interest in it’s production.

    “Tall Paul”

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    I’m just not sure it’s all that feasible.  To be honest.  Maybe if it was a sort of Fortress America type of game, where you have preset reinforcements and America wins by out surviving Japan (America with unlimited reinforcements but finite territory)

    Something like 8 Land Zones, Japan needs all 8 to win (none of them are capitols sort of like no capitol in China)
    Japan’s limited to something like 500 IPC worth of reinforcements, and if America can kill all the Japanese and all the Japanese reinforcements, then they win.

  • Customizer

    That sounds kind of fun and interesting, but it also supposes a Japanese invasion of Hawaii which wasn’t their intent. The attack on Pearl Harbor was only an air strike against US Air Bases and the Pacific Fleet. Japan had no plans for actually invading Hawaii, at least not at that point. Still an interesting idea.

    What about a WW2 style Fortress America game? You could have Japan be the Western Invader, Germany the Eastern Invader and Italy the Southern Invader. Make it just like Fortress America where each player gets 60 units split up between Infantry, Artillery, Mech Inf, Tanks, Fighters, Tac Bombers and Bombers. America would also get Partisan reinforcements, perhaps represented by HBG Marine Infantry units, or the Marine Infantry from the old Pacific game if you have them. Heck, they could even be represented by the Light Grey Axis Minor Infantry since Partisan units in the new Fortress America game are grey. Another idea would be to use the Light Green Neutral Infantry from HBG. Even Chinese Infantry would work in a pinch.
    Perhaps the Laser Complexes could be replaced by Atom Bombs. USA gets some sort of marker to represent an Atom Bomb base each turn, placed in a US controlled city, and they get so many Atom Bomb strikes per turn, depending on how many Atom Bomb Bases they have. When Invaders capture cities with A Bomb Bases, they destroy them immediately. A low-yield Atom Bomb would be enough to destroy 1 military unit and could possibly fail, thus the roll of the dice.
    Perhaps the USA should also get AA Guns for defense. A certain number of AA guns in each city and only in cities and don’t count toward the 5 unit per territory limit. They act as normal AA guns in Global, up to 3 shots per gun or 1 shot per attacking aircraft, whichever is lower, and can be taken as casualties in defense. If you don’t like the Atom Bomb idea, perhaps AA guns could be the extra defense ability for USA. Each city starts with a certain number of AA guns, maybe 2, and each round USA gets a new AA gun to place in any city they still control. Again, AA guns would not count toward the 5 unit per territory limit.

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