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Don’t want to confuse him with different rules and different playing styles and pieces when he’s just starting out. Trying to get what will be the standard and start him off on a good footing. Sometimes you have to wait for good things but it would be nice to know what you’re waiting for.
And it was posted end of week would when info was released… So that was why I asked.
If your son is 9 I might recommend the new 1941 edition. It is by far the simplest and best introductory version to come out since the original Milton Bradley edition. Give him 2 years or so of this had he will be moving up to through 1942, anniversary and eventually… Global 1940. But for a 9 yo the new 41 is a great place to start. 1942 2nd Ed will be even more complex than the current 1942 edition which is still probably a lot for a 9 yo. If you want him to love it he has to be able to be a pro and 1941 is the best chance that he will be able to develop his own strategy and take you down in a game or two. Plus then every successive edition will always have new, more fun, complex and historical elements to it!
Just my 2 cents. Happy gaming.